Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 425 Under the ruthless move

Chapter 425 A ruthless move (1520 monthly pass +)

Teacher He was publicly criticized by a student. He couldn't hold back his face. His face was ashen, and he scolded: "Ye Qingqing, you are lawless in my class. There are no rules. Hurry up and let Zhou Meng go!"

At this time, Zhou Meng was still trampled under by Ye Qingqing, so humble that she fell into the mud.

Zhou Yimeng couldn't stop struggling, trying to get rid of Ye Qingqing's feet, but no matter how hard she struggled, Ye Qingqing's feet were like a jack, trampling her to death.

"I'm helping Teacher He find the real culprit. Zhou Yimeng threw Tangyuanyuan's homework. Teacher He, you can't wrong a student who is doing homework seriously!"

Ye Qingqing looked at Teacher He mockingly, why can't a scumbag be respected by the teacher?

This person surnamed He condemned Tang Yuanyuan from the very beginning, and did not listen to Tang Yuanyuan's explanation at all. The most annoying thing was that in the third year of high school in the previous life, Teacher He humiliated Tang Yuanyuan to the utmost, and did not treat her at all. Treat it like a student.

Even before the college entrance examination, Teacher He told Tang Yuanyuan to give up the college entrance examination, saying that she would not be able to pass the college entrance examination anyway, so she asked her gender to take the college entrance examination, so as not to affect the enrollment rate of her class!

Poor Tang Yuanyuan was always inferior and cowardly. Although she really wanted to take the college entrance examination, she was threatened by Teacher He, so Tang Yuanyuan had to agree to give up the college entrance examination. When she died, this girl was still regretting that she could not take the college entrance examination.

"What's the real murderer? You're talking nonsense. Hurry up and let Zhou Meng go and go back to your own class!" Teacher He became furious and cursed.

Tang Yuanyuan was terrified, trembling, and looked at Ye Qingqing beggingly, she was worried that Ye Qingqing would be implicated by herself, anyway, she was used to it, so let the teacher punish her!

Ye Qingqing looked at her reassuringly, and ignored Teacher He. Time was limited, so she had to get Zhou Yimeng to confess quickly.

We must come up with a ruthless move!

"Tell me, where did you throw your homework? Don't say that I took off your clothes and let you run naked in school!"

Ye Qingqing grabbed Zhou Yimeng's collar and pulled it down hard, revealing a small piece of spring light. The male students hurriedly lowered their heads, and some even turned around, but a few sneaked a few glances from time to time. Face excited and expectant.

Zhou Yimeng's face turned pale, Ye Qingqing's strength in her hands was getting stronger and stronger, her clothes were being pulled down more and more, and if she pulled down again, she would really be seen all over!

"You won't say it? It seems that you really want people to see it, just like your slutty mother..."

Ye Qingqing used the most vicious words to insult Zhou Yimeng, this bitch from junior high school to senior year, for six years, Tang Yuanyuan lived under the shadow of this bitch, she wished to cut this bitch into pieces!

"Go and call Mr. Du over here, there is no law, how can this be reasonable..."

Teacher He was so angry that he asked the students to go upstairs to find Teacher Du.

Zhou Yimeng couldn't help trembling, she had dealt with Tang Yuanyuan in the same way before, when she saw Tang Yuanyuan knelt at her feet and begged for mercy, she was very proud and very happy.

But now, it was herself who was stepped on.

She finally tasted the taste of glutinous rice balls in the past, despair, pain, fear, abyss...

It's all coming!

The sound of cloth being torn was heard, Ye Qingqing added some strength, Zhou Meng was wearing an ordinary T-shirt, it was about to be torn by Ye Qingqing, and the bra inside could be vaguely seen.

Zhou Yimeng's nerves were finally broken, and she cried and begged for mercy, "I said... I threw it in the women's toilet!"

"Why did you do the homework of throwing glutinous rice balls?" Ye Qingqing didn't let go.

"I... I just want her to be punished by the teacher... I have thrown it before..."

Zhou Meng was defeated and recruited all of them, crying with tears and snot.

(End of this chapter)

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