Chapter 436 Brother Mo (1800 Monthly Pass+)

Ye Qingqing tremblingly followed back to Lu's house, Lin Shufang was preparing lunch in the kitchen, asked a few questions about the registration situation, and stopped asking.

"Tie Dan went to watch TV."

Lu Mo paid Tie Dan away, only him and Ye Qingqing were left in the room, and the air froze suddenly.

Ye Qingqing felt guilty, she knew that she was a little too aggressive today, but she really couldn't help it, when she saw Zhou Yimeng, she thought of Tang Yuanyuan's misery in her previous life, and she burst into anger, wishing she could kill Zhou Yimeng!

"Don't stand there, even if you want to teach me a lesson, sit down!"

Ye Qingqing moved a chair and placed it next to Lu Mo flatteringly. After walking so much today, she couldn't stand anymore.

Seeing this girl's cautious appearance, Lu Mo's heart softened, but soon hardened again.

This girl is very dangerous now, her actions are too extreme. Now it is a society ruled by law. It is not the kindness and enmity in martial arts novels. Killing a person in ten steps and never staying behind. It is impossible to do it in the current society, and the country will not allow it to exist. .

Lu Mo couldn't figure out, why did Ye Qingqing have such a heavy hostility?

This girl grew up and became sensible overnight, but she also became full of hostility overnight, which is very bad.

He didn't want Ye Qingqing to become a lunatic whose heart and eyes were blinded by hatred. Such Ye Qingqing would not be happy at all, only hatred was left in his heart!

"Do you know where I went wrong?" Lu Mo asked in a deep voice.

Ye Qingqing nodded, "You shouldn't hit someone in front of the teacher!"

Lu Mo suddenly became angry and raised his voice, "You mean you can fight if the teacher is not around?"

Ye Qingqing took a sneak peek, and hurriedly changed her words, "You can't take the initiative to bully others. Today I drew my sword to help when I saw injustice, and I didn't bully anyone."

Lu Mo glared at her, "If you take the initiative to bully others, will I help you plead in front of the principal?"

Ye Qingqing smiled flatteringly, "Thank you Brother Mo..."

Lu Mo's heart fluttered, and he sternly shouted: "Be serious!"

Ye Qingqing hurriedly shut her mouth, and stood upright and obediently, with her head hooked to listen, no, she was waiting to be scolded.

"Pull off people's clothes, poke blind eyes, you are very majestic today!"

"I'm just trying to scare Zhou Meng, I won't do it. I'm calling it a way to treat another person. She has bullied Tang Yuanyuan like this before." Ye Qingqing was not convinced.

Why should a person like Zhou Yimeng be polite to her?

There is no need to talk about humanitarianism when dealing with such sluts who are born with bad water, because they are not human at all!

"It's really wrong for Zhou Meng to bully Tang Yuanyuan, but if you use the same method to deal with Zhou Meng, won't you be the same as Zhou Meng? Don't you want hatred to dominate your life?" Lu Mo asked.

Ye Qingqing froze for a moment, understood Lu Mo's worry, and hurriedly said: "No, I have a strong mind, so I definitely won't get mental illness."

Lu Mo helplessly supported his forehead.

Except for Tiedan, he once again experienced the helplessness of a chicken talking to a duck.

Not on a channel at all!

Of course he knew that this girl would not suffer from mental illness, she had no heart at all, how could she be depressed!

What he was worried about was that this girl would act extreme, have a dark personality, and do things to achieve her goals by unscrupulous means.

"Today's Monday Dream, you can have a better way to deal with it. Why do you have to take the most undesirable one? If I'm not here today, wouldn't you be expelled from school!"

Lu Mo said earnestly, hoping to break it a little bit straighter, it will definitely not be able to break it all at once, let's break it slowly in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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