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Chapter 481 Taking the teacher's pulse

Chapter 481 Taking the teacher's pulse

Teacher Du's health is not good, and it is better in summer. When autumn or spring begins, he will often cough dryly.

When Ye Qingqing heard Teacher Du's cough, she thought about it, and planned to take Teacher Du's pulse to see what caused the cough. It's not a problem if you always cough like this.

Teacher Du was eating, and it was specially sent by his wife. Steamed stinky mandarin oranges with honey is a local folk remedy for coughs. After a variety of processes, it is made into sweet and sour orange cakes, and drinking tea has the effect of relieving cough and moistening lungs.

When autumn comes, Mrs. Du's wife will steam a bowl of tangerine with honey every day, and let Mrs. Du eat it, hoping that his cough will be better, but the effect is the same, not much better. Mrs. Du's cough lasts for a year. worse than a year.

Ye Qingqing didn't know that Teacher Du in her previous life suffered from a serious lung disease and died young when she was only in her 40s, not a few months after Ye Qingqing's death.

"Sit down first, you have made great progress this time, and you will definitely do what the teacher promised you... Cough cough... I will go to Teacher He in the afternoon to talk about class transfer...cough cough..."

When Teacher Du saw Ye Qingqing, he put down the bowl in his hand, very relieved, but his cough made him speak intermittently.

"You can't be proud. If you maintain this room for improvement, even key undergraduate courses will be fine...cough cough..."

Teacher Du suddenly intensified his coughing, his face was red from coughing, he quickly covered his mouth with his hands, turned his back, coughing like a little old man.

Ye Qingqing hurriedly stepped forward to pat him on the back, and frowned. Teacher Du's cough was worse than she thought, and it happened every year. It was either a lung problem or a trachea problem.

"Teacher Du, let me take your pulse!" Ye Qingqing begged.

Recently, she is studying internal medicine in the medical classics, and there are a few cases of coughing, such as Teacher Du, which is very similar to a medical case in the medical classics, but she has to take the pulse to be sure.

Teacher Du looked at her in surprise, taking a pulse?

Did he hear it right?

There was only 10 minutes of recess between classes. Ye Qingqing had no time to explain, so she simply grabbed Teacher Du's hand and started to measure it decently. She recently conducted experiments on the old lady, Lu Mo and others, and the old lady even introduced to her I have benefited a lot from the advice of a famous old Chinese doctor.

Teacher Du wanted to break free, but she was afraid of hurting Ye Qingqing's self-esteem, so she let her go, but she didn't believe that Ye Qingqing could really measure the pulse.

Ye Qingqing is not very proficient in pulse measurement, but she has recently made several consultations with the old Chinese doctor introduced by the old lady, and most of the contacts are cough patients, which can be regarded as a little experience.

After testing for a long time, Ye Qingqing had a rough idea. The source of Teacher Du's illness was in the lungs, and it was a root cause accumulated since childhood. The illness has not been treated well, and it has become more and more serious as time goes by.

"Did Teacher Du suffer from whooping cough when he was a child?" Ye Qingqing asked carefully.

Teacher Du, who didn't take it seriously at first, was taken aback, but this girl was right. He did suffer from whooping cough when he was a child, and because it was not cured, the root cause of the cough remained.

Seeing his surprised expression, Ye Qingqing knew that she had guessed right, so she said: "Ms. Du, because the whooping cough was not cured when I was a child, it will recur every year in the autumn and spring, and you have not systematically taken care of your body. It's going to get worse."

(End of this chapter)

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