Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 501 Only 1 yuan, do you want love?

Chapter 501 Only 1000 yuan, do you want love?

The old lady rolled her eyes at Ye Qingqing, her face turned even darker, she didn't know about credit, she only recognized money!

"No, who dares to say it!" The old lady roared, looking around with triangular eyes, if it wasn't for Ye Qingqing's good performance just now, the big iron spoon would have passed by long ago.

A prodigal girl who is stupid to get out and not to get in, and the money in her pocket is still withdrawn?

The brain is locked in the door!

All the other spectators trembled. They really didn't dare to say that the old lady Ye even defeated Hu Laosan completely. How dare they provoke them? Let Ye Hu's two dogs bite the dog!

Xu Yuetuan and Hu Laosan were still beating each other. Hu Laosan was at a disadvantage for a while because of his guilty conscience and his knees were still hurting. Xu Yuetuan scratched his face and body several times. I can't even care about money.

Ye Qingqing was very troubled by the old lady's greed for money. Stealing has its own principles, and of course it must be reasonable to steal money. Since she said it was 1000 yuan, she only took 1000 yuan, and never took a cent more.

But the money is in the hands of the old lady, so she can't grab it by force!

What a sad old lady!

Ye Qingqing had an idea, got an idea, and continued to lobby, "Grandma, you took an extra 1000 yuan. If someone reports it, Dad will be punished in the factory. He will no longer be a cadre. If you don't believe me, ask Dad."

Although the old lady is greedy for money, she cares more about her son's future. Now she can only use this to blackmail the old lady!

Sure enough... the old lady looked hesitant, half-believing in Ye Qingqing's words.

Ye Zhiguo, who had watched the show for a long time, walked over with his waist in a fake manner. Of course he knew that the old lady took too much 1000 yuan, and he actually didn't want to take any money. provoke.

"Mom, return the money to the Hu family!"

Ye Zhiguo persuaded him patiently, but the old lady gave him a gouged look. The son is more useless than a prodigal girl. The prodigal girl still keeps 1000 yuan, but the son doesn't keep a penny, so stupid!

However, Ye Zhiguo's performance made the old lady believe in Ye Qingqing's words. She thought that Ye Zhiguo was afraid of being punished, so she didn't dare to ask for money, so she said: "1000 yuan is compensation for Qingqing's damage, give them 1000 yuan Just fine!"

Ye Qingqing heaved a sigh of relief, and shouted at Xu Yuetuan who was still beating her: "Repay you 1000 yuan, do you want it!"

Xu Yuetuan was stunned, quickly let go of Hu Laosan, and rushed over to get the money. The old lady subconsciously withdrew her hand, feeling distressed.

1000 yuan!

"You ruined my house like this, you lose money!" Seeing the mess on the ground, Xu Yuetuan was very distressed. The furniture is actually not worth much, but if you buy a new one, it will definitely cost a lot of money.

Ye Qingqing sneered, "Your husband sent someone to kill me, I just messed up so little, you should thank the Bodhisattvas!"

Xu Yuetuan was annoyed, seeing the hoe in Ye Qingqing's hand and the big iron spoon in the old lady's hand, her heart trembled, she didn't dare to say any more, her eyes looked at the money in the old lady's hand, and she stretched out her hand involuntarily.

"I don't want you to lose money, just return my family's 2000 yuan!" Xu Yuetuan had an idea.

2000 yuan is enough for her and her children to live for half a year. If the furniture is broken, it will be broken. At worst, go to the factory to get a few cardboard boxes, and it will be able to deal with it for a while.

"Bah, it's only 1000 yuan, if you don't want it, just drop it!"

The old lady's hands were a little saliva, she quickly counted out ten pieces of money, and handed them to Xu Yuetuan, her triangular eyes were gouged out fiercely, and the big iron spoon in the other hand was shining coldly.

It's a bit late today, I will update the fifth update first, and there will be four updates, I wish you a happy Queen's Day!

(End of this chapter)

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