Chapter 504

Ye Zhiguo was even more annoyed in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and said to the old lady: "Mom, I'll go to the hospital to pick up Yanhong and the others."

"What to pick up, she has no feet herself?"

The old lady's face turned dark immediately, and she scolded her son.

Ye Zhiguo didn't make a sound, and he didn't bother to explain. He couldn't explain clearly to his old lady. If it was only Shen Yanhong, of course he wouldn't pick it up, but with his own son Ye Hua, of course he was worried.

Ye Zhiguo went out on a motorcycle, the old lady curled her lips secretly, feeling very unhappy, her son contradicted her several times for teasing the widow, and he didn't respect her as much as before, it was all the pillow wind blown by the widow, which made his son Break away from her!

The depressed old lady stared fiercely at Ye Lan who was shrunk aside. It was Ye Lan who brought the police to the Hu's house just now.

The old lady originally wanted to scold Ye Lan to vent her anger, but thinking of the 1000 yuan on her body, she decided to hide the money first. Money is the most important thing. Seeing the old lady enter the room, Ye Lan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and planned to go back to the room, but After thinking about it, she quietly walked to the old lady's room.

The dead old woman hid so much money, all of which belonged to her, including her dowry money, and wages... all belonged to her.

Ye Lan gritted her teeth. There must be a reason for the 5000 yuan dowry gift for Lu Qingquan's resignation. It's a pity that half of the 5000 yuan has been spent, but it's better than spending all of it, and tonight the dead old woman even knocked 1000 yuan back!

If she can get the money and return it to Brother Qingquan, Brother Qingquan will definitely be obedient to her as before, Ye Lan gritted her teeth again, her eyes became firm.

The door of the old lady's room was ajar, Ye Lan took courage and quietly opened the door a little bit, through the gap, she could clearly see what was going on in the old lady's room.

Ye Lan was so nervous that she was sweating all over her body, held her breath, and stared at the old lady without blinking, for fear of missing something.

The old lady didn't expect that someone would be watching at the door. She was completely immersed in the excitement of hiding the money. She moved the bed away and even lifted a brick, revealing a dark hole. The old lady reached in and took out the money. A tightly wrapped cloth bag came out.

Ye Lan was so excited that she could hear her own heartbeat. She lived in this room for several years, but she didn't realize that the bricks behind the bed were actually movable. This dead old woman is really tricky at hiding things, no wonder her mother couldn't find them.

Shen Yanhong took advantage of the time when the old lady was shopping for vegetables, and searched this room countless times, but found nothing.

The old lady untied the cloth bag, wrapped layer after layer, at least five layers of cloth, and finally revealed the money inside. The old lady picked up the money and folded it with tonight's 1000 yuan, her fingers were a little drool , quickly counted up, his lips murmured.

Ye Lan is also counting with the old lady's fingers. The old lady's fingers are like dancing, very fast. Fortunately, she counted three times. Ye Lan can be sure, adding tonight's 1000 yuan, the old lady actually has 4000 yuan money.

Ye Lan's heart almost jumped out of her throat, the dead old woman actually has so much money!

The old lady counted again, with a satisfied face. Her greatest wish was to fill the granary with grain and the hole in the wall with banknotes.

Now this wish has basically come true, and the old lady is [-]% satisfied with her current life.

Except for Shen Yanhong's family, which made the old lady feel uncomfortable. If this family was driven away, she would be more satisfied!

The old lady wrapped the money layer by layer, put it into the hole in the wall, carefully filled in the bricks, and returned the bed to its original position.

Ye Lan didn't dare to look any more, she tiptoed up to the third floor, thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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