Chapter 565 Confession

Ye Qingqing froze for a moment, blinked, and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

To admit or not to admit?

Will Lu Mo feel that she is too insidious if she admits it?

But if Sang Huaiyuan was to take the blame for it, Ye Qingqing would feel very sorry. How could such an upright person like Sang Huaiyuan do such shady deeds!

"How do you know about the photos?" Ye Qingqing asked back.

"There's such a big commotion in the machinery factory, how could I not know what's going on?" Lu Mo asked.

Ye Qingqing hesitated again and again, and gritted her teeth, "It's not my uncle, it''s me..."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head, not daring to look at Lu Mo, feeling very disturbed.

Lu Mo was indeed surprised, but seeing Ye Qingqing's panic-stricken appearance, his heart softened.

Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong have done so many bad things, causing this girl's family to be ruined. If it were him, he would definitely take revenge by any means.

He didn't think Ye Qingqing did anything wrong, he was just worried that this girl would go farther and farther on the road of revenge, and finally lost her way and couldn't find herself.

He hoped that Ye Qingqing's life would be simple and happy, with bright sunshine, instead of being cloudy and dangerous like it is now.

Lu Mo blamed himself a little, he was still too weak to be of much help, he had to become stronger!

"Discuss with me before doing these things in the future." Lu Mo said.

Although he doesn't like insidious means very much, it doesn't mean he can't, it's just that he prefers to be upright.

But people like Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong are indeed not worthy of being upright, but they are not worthy of Ye Qingqing's dirty hands, so let him come!

Ye Qingqing blinked, her eyes were a little wet. Lu Mo, who is so beautiful, is willing to do things that violate his principles for her, just like helping her escape from prison in her previous life and forging a fake identity.


Although Ye Qingqing agreed with her mouth, she didn't intend to let Lu Mo do this in her heart.

Lu Mo is the sun, she wants him to be brilliant forever, and she can't let Lu Mo be stained, dark, dirty, and dirty... Let her do it all!

Anyway, she is someone who has been to hell and doesn't care!

She detailed what happened that night, and said bitterly: "My mother was killed by them, not dystocia."

Lu Mo was not surprised, he had such suspicions for a long time, and during this period of time, he was also entrusted to investigate what happened 12 years ago, and he had a bit of a leader.

"Ye Zhiguo wants to kill Shen Yanhong now." Ye Qingqing said again.

Lu Mo frowned. Ye Zhiguo was ruthless and regarded human life as worthless. It's normal to miss Shen Yanhong. What he was more worried about was Ye Qingqing. Ye Zhiguo will find out that this girl has done so many things recently, and I'm afraid it will be bad for this girl. .

"Restrain yourself a bit during this time, and don't make any moves." Lu Mo urged.

Ye Qingqing nodded, she thought the same way, these days Ye Zhiguo was gloomy every day when he went home, I don't know what he was thinking, feeling more and more terrifying.

"I'll find a way for Shen Yanhong, and I won't let Ye Zhiguo succeed." Lu Mo wanted Ye Qingqing to rest assured that He Shaowei knew the hospital very well, so as long as Shen Yanhong was in the hospital, there should be no problem.

"Auntie has arranged for someone, and nothing will happen for the time being."

Lu Mo was relieved, but he felt that it would be more reliable for He Shaowei to arrange some more people.

"I have already sent someone to investigate what happened to Aunt Xu back then. I found the doctor who gave Aunt Xu a prenatal checkup. She said that everything was normal during the prenatal checkup for Aunt Xu. Under normal circumstances, dystocia is impossible." Lu Mo said.

It's really stuck, update 6000 today, I will update more tomorrow┐(′-`)┌

(End of this chapter)

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