Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 570 Miraculously survived again

Chapter 570 Miraculously survived again

Ye Lan ate the noodles leisurely, spent more than half an hour, and walked back slowly. Anyway, Ye Hua was there, so why was she in such a hurry to go back, but when she walked downstairs to the inpatient department, Ye Zhiguo was gone, but the motorcycle But still stopped.

Did it go up?

Ye Lan couldn't understand more and more, since she would go up sooner or later, why didn't she go up in the first place, she couldn't figure out Ye Zhiguo's mind even more.

Stepping upstairs without stopping, Ye Lan found that Shen Yanhong in the ward was gone, the bed was empty, and Ye Hua was not there, but the thermos cup and other toiletries were there.

"Oh, you're back. Your mother suddenly had a stomachache, so she was sent for emergency treatment. It's a crime..." the warm-hearted aunt shouted.

"Why did you have a were fine just now..." Ye Lan couldn't believe it, when she went to eat noodles, Shen Yanhong was talking and laughing with Ye Hua!

"Who knows, suddenly he was rolling on the bed in pain, your brother was frightened, went out and called your dad, you should go and have a look!"

Ye Lan quickened her pace and ran to the emergency room. Ye Zhiguo and Ye Hua were both there. Ye Hua was crying and Ye Zhiguo was comforting him. Seeing her coming, Ye Zhiguo just glanced at her and said nothing.

The doctor came out with a very displeased expression, "What did you feed the patient? The patient is weak now, and even a little bacteria will kill her. You must pay attention to your diet, how can you eat indiscriminately..."

"It's not messy, it's chicken soup stewed at home, doctor, how is my mother?" Ye Lan hurriedly explained.

The doctor frowned, "Is the chicken soup fresh? The patient suffered from food poisoning. Fortunately, he was rescued in time, otherwise..."

Even the doctor admired Shen Yanhong's tenacious vitality, she survived all this tossing, if it was someone else, she must have gone to the morgue to lie down long ago.

Ye Lan didn't know how to answer, she didn't know if the chicken soup was fresh or not, the old woman always likes to eat overnight dishes, maybe the soup is also overnight!

Ye Zhiguo said: "The chicken soup has been stored in the refrigerator overnight, but it has been reheated."

"There are more bacteria in the refrigerator than in the toilet. In the future, the patient can only eat fresh and nutritious food. Otherwise, there will be another time, and I can't guarantee that I will be able to save it again!"

The doctor reprimanded Ye Zhiguo. What he hates the most is this kind of person who doesn't know how to settle accounts. He is reluctant to throw away a little bit of food. To go to the hospital, you have to spend a lot of money, enough to buy a lot of fresh and nutritious food!

Ye Zhiguo obediently agreed, but he was very regretful in his heart, that bitch didn't die after planting so much rhubarb.

Shen Yanhong was pushed out, and she became lifeless again just like the previous few days, but her mind was clear.

When she saw Ye Zhiguo who rushed over soon, Shen Yanhong knew that she was being plotted against. Ye Zhiguo, a wolf-hearted beast, even used his own son to put her to death!

If the nurse who came to round the ward just now found out that something was wrong with her and sent her to the rescue, maybe she would have reported to the underworld by now.

Ye Zhiguo didn't succeed this time, he will definitely have another time, Shen Yanhong seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, her blood was cold.

She can't sit still, she has to find someone to help!

What happened in the hospital, Ye Qingqing knew the next day, she didn't need to guess, she knew that Ye Zhiguo must have done it, but fortunately there was a nurse who said hello to look after her, Shen Yanhong survived the catastrophe.

This is very good, Shen Yanhong is scared out of her wits this time, she will definitely let go.

Continue to write, dear friends, I can’t wait to go to bed first, I have to reorganize my thoughts in the past few days, and it is estimated that I will be stuck for a few days, forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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