Chapter 573

Ye Qingqing hurried home, the old lady was still busy in the kitchen, Ye Zhiguo hadn't gotten off work yet, Ye Hua was doing homework in her room, he was very honest recently, it seemed more pleasing to the eye.

"Grandma, let me help you choose dishes."

Ye Qingqing took the initiative to go to the kitchen to help the old lady choose celery. The old lady was very disgusted, "No need, go do your homework, the more you help, the more busy you will be!"

The old lady wanted to train Ye Qingqing well before, she was full of confidence at first, but in the end she found that she was delusional, and she lived almost her whole life, and she never met anyone more stupid than Ye Qingqing.

Washing the dishes and throwing the plates, only one or two pounds of vegetables are left in the choice of vegetables, garlic and shallots, monosodium glutamate and sugar, soy sauce and vinegar cannot be distinguished...

For the sake of her old heart, the old lady finally gave up on training Ye Qingqing to be a culinary master, and strictly forbid Ye Qingqing to enter the kitchen.

Ye Qingqing didn't move, looked at the old lady, and then chose it by herself, it still looked good, the old lady followed her, quickly picked out the yellow leaves, and prepared to make dried celery at night.

The hospital spent too much money, so the old lady naturally had to cut down on food, and planned to eat meat twice a month, and tofu and vegetables at other times.

If you eat big fish and meat, you will get sick, but vegetables and tofu will keep you safe!

"Grandma, let me ask you something, were you at home the day my mother gave birth to Xiao Tong?" Ye Qingqing asked pretendingly.

The old lady paused her hands, and said angrily, "Yes, why are you asking this?"

Mention the dead well, bad luck!

"Didn't Sao Widow say that my mother died strangely that day? I just want to ask."

"Listen to her farting. Your mother is bleeding out due to dystocia. A woman has to cross the gate of hell to give birth. Your mother can't pass it. It's her fate!" Although the old lady was cursing, her expression was a little sad.

Even if she didn't like Xu Yali any more, it was a human life after all, and it was for the Ye family to give birth to a son. The old lady always felt sorry for her ex-daughter-in-law.

The most important thing is that with Shen Yanhong as a comparison, the old lady thinks that Xu Yali is actually pretty good. Even if she doesn't like to talk to her, she should be given a lot of points. She will only give more, and never skimp.

What a pity to die so young!

The old lady sighed, and her action of picking celery slowed down, her triangular eyes drooped, and her energy was listless.

"I remember my mother went to the hospital at night, why didn't my father go to the hospital earlier?" Ye Qingqing asked.

The old lady gave her a gouged look, "Your mother only activates it at night, why send her to the hospital so early?"

She seemed to have thought of something, sighed again, and said to herself: "If I knew your mother would have dystocia, it would be better to send it to the hospital earlier, maybe nothing will happen, alas, it's strange to say, just I've never seen Bi your mother can't help tossing, just started it, it won't work, bleeding..."

The old lady stopped, didn't say any more, and waved Ye Qingqing away, "Go, go, everyone is dead, your mother must have been reincarnated into a wealthy family to become a rich lady, why do you always bring up the past!"

"Grandma, don't you dislike my mother? Why do you still want my mother to be Miss Qianjin?" Ye Qingqing asked intentionally.

The old lady gouged out her eyes again and cursed: "No matter how much you don't like it, you can't curse the dead. The dead are the worst. Besides, although your mother is a bit more delicate, she is much better than the widow, but unfortunately her life is too thin, alas!"

Ye Qingqing left the kitchen in disappointment. It seemed that Ye Zhiguo was so strict that he even hid it from the old lady. However, the old lady mentioned one thing, her mother would die if she went to the hospital.

Even if it's a dystocia, it shouldn't be so fast, right?

What did Ye Zhiguo do to his mother?

Update six updates first, and two updates to come!

(End of this chapter)

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