Chapter 578

When she came home in the evening, Ye Zhiguo had already left work, and Ye Hua was there too. Seeing Ye Qingqing, she couldn't help but shrink her neck, not daring to vent her anger.

"Zhiguo, go take that half-life and let her go home, I have something to ask her!" The old lady suppressed her anger.

She analyzed it for a day today, and felt that Ye Lan was the most suspected. Among the three members of the family, Half-Life was the most tricky, and this little bastard must have stolen the money.

Ye Qingqing hurriedly said: "I'll go, Dad has worked hard all day, let him rest!"

Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong must not be allowed to be alone.

The old lady was very relieved. Apart from not being able to do housework and spending money to prodigal, the eldest granddaughter is actually quite sensible.

"Qingqing wants to study, let me go!" Ye Zhiguo stood up.

That bitch is probably going to be discharged from the hospital soon, he has to deal with it sooner, I just hate that bitch is more careful, even don't eat the food delivered by home, Ye Zhiguo can't find a better way for a while, it really can't, he can only make Shen Yanhong commit suicide illusion.

What happened to this bitch was shameless, and she only said to the public that she couldn't stand gossip and wanted to die!

"What's the important thing about studying at the girl's house? Is it possible that you still can't pass the exam, so let Qingqing go. You rest at home, and your eyes are red. Tomorrow, I will buy bone stew and make up for it!"

The old lady stopped Ye Zhiguo. She thought that Ye Qingqing only needed to get a high school diploma. The old lady had no hope for such a difficult thing as taking the university entrance exam.

Ye Qingqing was afraid that Ye Zhiguo would insist on going to the hospital, so he took a few bites of food, and then rode away. Ye Zhiguo had no choice but to stay, and his mood became worse and worse.

"Mom, did the hospital say when you'll be discharged?"

"Let's stay for another week. I see that Sao has improved a lot. I agreed with the doctor to leave the hospital in three days."

Ye Zhiguo's heart moved, and he said, "I was on the night shift that day, and I'm free during the day, so I'll go through the discharge procedures!"

Ye Zhiguo had a cold light in his eyes on the day he was discharged from the hospital.

Shen Yanhong recovered pretty well, with some blood on her face, but this time her vitality was hurt, and it may take several years to recover.

"Ye Lan, Lu Qingquan is waiting for you at home." Ye Qingqing shouted.

This bitch is very tricky, if the old lady is looking for it, she will definitely not go home honestly.

"What is Lu Qingquan going to do at this time? Could it be to discuss the date of marriage?" Shen Yanhong became happy. Although she felt cold towards Ye Lan, she still hoped that her daughter would have a good life, so she urged Ye Lan to go home quickly.

Ye Lan also thought that Lu Qingquan was really looking for her, and that she was here to discuss important matters of marriage, so she left in a hurry.

Ye Qingqing was too lazy to stay and take care of Shen Yanhong, and was about to leave, so she wouldn't take care of the enemy who killed her father!

"That... Lu Qingquan came alone, or with his mother?" Shen Yanhong couldn't help asking.

Ye Qingqing sneered, "Lu Qingquan is having a good time outside, how can he remember Half-Life, grandma is looking for it, I'm going back to watch a good show, you stay alone!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left. The old lady lost 4000 yuan, which would definitely make Ye Lan's life worse than death. How could she miss such a wonderful show!

Shen Yanhong's face turned pale all of a sudden, and she wanted to ask more clearly, but Ye Qingqing ran faster than a rabbit, and her body was worse than Half-Life, how could she catch up.

Ye Qingqing rode to the house in one breath, and before entering the courtyard, she heard Ye Lan's cries and begging for mercy, and couldn't help but feel refreshed.

There are two more changes, I will write them out, and my train of thought will gradually become smoother, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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