Chapter 589 Severe Lu Mo

"What did you say?"

Lu Mo was checking Ye Qingqing's homework. Ye Qingqing spoke very fast, with a low pitch. Lu Mo didn't hear clearly, only heard the word "job".

Ye Qingqing smiled and shook her head, "It's nothing, I have to do my homework!"

Anyway, she felt that in Lu Mo's heart, she was the most important, so don't ask!

Lu Mo glanced at her suspiciously, always feeling that the girl seemed to be asking something very important just now, but he was so focused on checking his homework that he didn't hear it.

"Really nothing?"

"Well, it's nothing, anyway, I like you, and you like me, that's right!"

Ye Qingqing said solemnly, Lu Mo's face became hot, this girl was very strange, and she would suddenly say love words at any time, as if she was hiding in her pocket, although she was a little embarrassed, but now Lu Mo began to feel that , Listening to this girl talk about love every day, in fact, it feels pretty good.

Hmm... It would be even better if this girl could be more reserved outside!

"Do your homework quickly. I explained the wrong question last week. It is the same question type. I will explain it again this time. If you make a mistake again next time, you will be fined to stand for an hour!"

Lu Mo restrained his smile and became very serious.

He had to take the college entrance examination in less than a year, and he had to be strict, otherwise how could this girl get into the medical university!

Ye Qingqing wrinkled her nose and muttered a few words in a low voice. Every time she did her homework, Lu Mo didn't show affection at all. No less.

She also made three mistakes on the same type of topic last time, and Lu Mo mercilessly punished her to squat for an hour, her legs almost broke, but this guy is not soft-hearted at all, even Lin Shufang and Grandpa Lu pleaded. useless.

However, Ye Qingqing graciously forgave Lu Mo for rubbing her legs behind her!

"What are you muttering about? Don't think I can't hear you. I will check in half an hour. I must finish my math homework. Not only must the speed be guaranteed, but the quality must also be guaranteed."

Lu Mo got up, reprimanded him with a straight face, turned and left the room with a smile in his eyes,

There's no need to look back, he knows that this girl must be making faces at him right now!

Lu Mo turned his head abruptly, perfectly catching Ye Qingqing's tongue before he could retract it, "It's been 1 minute, and there are 29 minutes left, if you can't finish it, go squat!"

Ye Qingqing was so frightened that she quickly lowered her head and did her homework honestly, not daring to delay for a second.

Even if she can enjoy Lu Mo's personal massage service, she doesn't want to squat!

I don't want to squat for 1 minute!

That taste is so special, my mother is ecstasy!

Lu Mo turned around again, the corners of his lips raised, and went to the yard to do some exercise. Well, I was delayed for a few minutes just now, so let's go check it out a few minutes later!

"Captain, the cakes made by Yuanyuan are delicious, would you like a piece?"

Tie Dan's loud voice was heard from afar, he was pushing the cart with one hand, and eating a piece of lavender snack with the other, Tang Yuanyuan followed him and walked slowly over.

"Eat it, you walked back? Why don't you ride a bike?"

Lu Mo found it strange that the bus station was not too close to home, and it took more than ten minutes to walk. Tie Dan had been there for so long, so it could be seen that he and Tang Yuanyuan walked back.

"I was talking to Yuanyuan, and I forgot to ride the bike, hehe!"

Tie Dan smiled honestly, and Tang Yuanyuan next to her blushed, feeling a little embarrassed.

Lu Mo glanced at the two of them, one black and one white, one tall and one short, one stupid and one obedient, and they looked quite seductive.

Update the fifth update first, and the third update.

(End of this chapter)

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