Chapter 619

Papa Tang's expression was very angry, and he gritted his teeth, "Yes, I was pushed down the mountain."

"Who is it, Dad?"

Tang Yuanyuan asked angrily, "Is it Yuwuwei?"

Papa Tang already knew that his wife married Yu Wuwei after he disappeared and gave birth to a son. He didn't suspect Yu Wuwei at first, but now, it is obvious that Yu Wuwei is the mastermind behind the scenes.

"The person who pushed me down the mountain was your mother."

Papa Tang's words shocked everyone.

"Wen Sumei? How could it be her?" Ye Qingqing couldn't believe it.

She has always thought it should be Yu Wuwei. Wen Sumei is Papa Tang's wife after all, and she also gave birth to Papa Tang's child. How could she be a husband and wife for a day?

"It's her!"

Papa Tang slowly talked about what happened eight years ago. After hearing this, everyone was very angry.

Eight years ago, Papa Tang suddenly lost his sense of taste. From being a top cook in a big restaurant, Papa Tang became very disappointed.

Wen Sumei has been comforting him and asking for medicine for him everywhere. Papa Tang is very moved and feels that it is his good fortune to marry such a good wife as Wen Sumei.

One day, Wen Sumei told Papa Tang that there was a kind of herbal medicine in the northwest that had a miraculous effect on Papa Tang's illness. Papa Tang believed it and went to the northwest with Wen Sumei overnight.

"Wen Sumei lied to you to go to the mountain, and then took advantage of your unpreparedness to push you off the cliff." Ye Qingqing concluded.

Papa Tang nodded, "That's it. Fortunately, Aunt Gu saved me, but these eight years have been muddled, like a dream."

"Bastard, I'm going to kill her..." Tang Yuanyuan yelled angrily, her eyes were bloodshot.

From then on, Wen Sumei was no longer her mother.

But the enemy!

"You're impulsive again, fighting these beasts, can you do it? The law will punish them!"

Ye Qingqing stared, Papa Tang is an important witness and the victim, he can report the case and accuse Wen Sumei of murdering her husband!

"There are still five flavors, he must be the mastermind, you are dead, the biggest beneficiary is him!"

Ye Qingqing looked at Papa Tang sympathetically.

Living in his house, sleeping with his wife, abusing his daughter, and taking his career away.

Who else could be more tragic than Papa Tang?

Lu Mo has always been calm, and reminded: "Even if Yu Wuwei is the mastermind, there is no evidence at present, unless Wen Sumei is willing to accuse him, so Wen Sumei should be accused first."

"Yes, let them bite dogs!" Ye Qingqing was very excited.

What I like most is watching wild dogs bite dogs!

"I have a friend at the Public Security Bureau, I can help you get in touch!" Lu Mo also sympathized with Tang's father, and Tang Yuanyuan is Qingqing's good friend, so he naturally had to help.

Papa Tang thanked him gratefully, and he looked at Grandma Gu who had been sitting silently, feeling even more grateful.

Gu Grandma is his reincarnated benefactor!

"I'm going back to the northwest, so I'll come over and talk to you." Grandma Gu said with a smile.

If it wasn't for the treatment of Papa Tang, she would never return to Pingjiang in this life.

Now that Papa Tang is cured and has found her relatives again, she can return to the Northwest with peace of mind.

In that remote mountain village, spend the rest of her life quietly!

"Auntie, from now on I will be your son and Yuanyuan will be your granddaughter. Let Yuanyuan and I take care of you!"

Father Tang is in a hurry. Grandma Gu has no children and no relatives in the northwest, and she is getting old. Who will take care of her when she goes there?

One more!

(End of this chapter)

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