Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 64 Lu Mo's Distress

Chapter 64 Lu Mo's Distress

Ye Qingqing refused to let Lin Shufang see the wound on her neck, "It's really fine, I got out of the medicine this morning."

The two wounds were actually quite serious. Xu Yuetuan, a stinky bitch, doesn't like hygiene and her nails are very dirty. Yesterday she was just a little late in disinfecting. When she woke up this morning, the wound was inflamed and filled with pus. It hurt so much .

She didn't want the Lu family to see the wound, so she draped her hair on purpose, but Lu Mo still found out.

Lin Shufang said angrily: "Let me see quickly, the girl's skin is tender, it would be bad if it leaves scars!"

Seeing that Ye Qingqing was still dodging, Lin Shufang simply held her down, lifted her long hair, revealing two wounds that were still seeping yellow water, Lin Shufang was so distressed.

"Who scratched it? Why did you do it so cruelly... Your parents don't care..."

Lin Shufang was very dissatisfied with Ye Zhiguo and his wife. She usually looked at Qingqing girl as a baby, and she was satisfied with everything, but something happened, and the two of them seemed to be dead.

Moreover, she also can't understand Ye Zhiguo and his wife's way of educating Ye Qingqing. They only let the children enjoy and have fun, and never care about their studies. Fortunately, Qingqing girl didn't lose her temper. Just useless.

Lu Mo frowned. Just now, he didn't look so powerful from a distance, but from a close distance, he felt a little stuffy, and he was even more dissatisfied with Ye Zhiguo.

Ye Qingqing said nonchalantly: "I didn't suffer, I beat up that whole family."

Lin Shufang found Lu Mo's ointment from the cabinet. It is a special trauma medicine prepared by the hospital. It cannot be bought outside. She squeezed out the light green ointment and gently applied it to the wound. She smiled, "Who is it? Huh? You can't fight for no reason, girls are like each other, and others will gossip."

" comfortable, like ice cubes."

Ye Qingqing couldn't help praising the ointment, it was much better than hers, and she roughly explained what happened yesterday, "It's a poor family in our alley, whose son and daughter bully Xiaotong every day.

Yesterday I went back to see them making Xiaotong act like a puppy and beating Xiaotong. I was so angry that I beat up those children, and then their mother came to find fault. I got into a fight with that shrew, and I beat her up ! "

Ye Qingqing couldn't hold back, and glanced at Lu Mo, but this guy had no expression on his face, he couldn't see any joy or anger, and he didn't know what he was thinking?

Lu Mo's heart is actually not as calm as it appears on the surface. He is thinking whether he should also be trained by Ye Tong, and he can't always let his sister protect him, right?

Although he was thinking about the problem, he still couldn't hide the movement around him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone's sneaky eyes. He wanted to ask for praise, but he was worried that he would be criticized...

The corners of Lu Mo's lips twitched quickly, and a smile flashed in his eyes. Just now, Ye Qingqing's appearance was very similar to a puppy he had raised before, and he had such an expression when he did something wrong. Touch your head.

My palms are a little itchy...

Lu Mo shrank his hands, his face was hot, um, you have to be reserved... You can't be easily disturbed by this little girl.

Lin Shufang was very angry, angry with Xu Yuetuan's family, and even more angry with Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong. The child was bullied, and she didn't know where to start, which made Qingqing girl and Xiaotong feel wronged.

"Where's your dad? Is he at home, why don't you care about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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