Chapter 66

"Is it the money left by your mother?" Lu Mo asked.

After removing all the impossibilities, there is only one possibility left, which Xu Yali left behind.

Although it was strange that Xu Yali had so much money, there might be another reason!

Ye Qingqing nodded, "My mother left me a lot of money, as well as the house I live in now, and my name is written in the house book, but I can't use the money now, I can't use it until I'm 20 years old. "

Lin Shufang was taken aback, then went to close the door, and said angrily: "You girl is really careless, what if people hear you? You must be cautious, don't talk about it outside in the future!"

"I know, so I'm only talking here, I won't tell others!" Ye Qingqing acted like a baby.

She knew that Lin Shufang and Lu Mo could be trusted, that's why she said it, and at the same time, she wanted them to be on guard against Ye Zhiguo.

Lin Shufang was very pleased with these words, and nodded affectionately on Ye Qingqing's forehead, "Ah Mo and I will definitely not harm you, others will not be able to protect you, so you still have to be careful in the future, does your father know about this?"

"You know, my account is not with my father, he is in the factory, and I have a separate account."

Lu Mo frowned. Although he didn't deal with Ye Zhiguo much, he had met him a few times. He didn't like this man. Now that Ye Qingqing had said it, he didn't like Ye Zhiguo even more.

It is obvious that Ye Zhiguo has bad intentions for his daughter, and wants to raise this girl, that is to say, kill her!

Fortunately, this girl is not that stupid, and finally realized something was wrong.

"Where is your account book?" Lu Mo asked.

Ye Qingqing frowned distressedly, shook her head and said, "It's taken by my dad, I haven't seen it for a long time."

Although Lin Shufang had some doubts about Ye Zhiguo's intentions, she still didn't dare to think too badly. She felt that people's hearts would not be so sinister, after all, she was a daughter!

"It's okay for your father to keep it, but it's useless for your child to take it."

Lu Mo glanced at your mother and said, "Mom, I want to eat sour plum soup."

Lin Shufang was overjoyed, "I'll cook now, cook more."

After Lin Shufang left, Lu Mo said coldly, "Find a way to get the household registration book back."

Ye Qingqing was stunned for a moment, realizing that this guy was caring about her, she couldn't help but smile, and leaned in front of Lu Mo, face to face, less than three centimeters away, and could even feel the other person's breathing.

The sweet girlish fragrance penetrated into his nose, Lu Mo's heart beat faster, he turned his head, his expression became more numb, and said in a cold voice: "You think too much, it's just from the standpoint of ordinary friends."

Ye Qingqing saw that the man's words were wrong, she giggled, and asked deliberately: "Can you teach me how to get it? I can't even find it. What if my dad wants to sell me to an old and ugly man for money?" , I have no place to cry!"

The corner of Lu Mo's mouth twitched, what a showman!

No matter how stupid Ye Zhiguo is, he wouldn't be so cold-hearted, after all, he is his own daughter!


"You will be safe within three years, see if there is a safe at home."

Ye Qingqing's eyes lit up, that's right...why didn't she think of a safe!

There is a safe in the study. Although Ye Zhiguo doesn't like to read books, he often goes to the study, probably to see the safe.

"But I don't know the password, so I can't open it." Ye Qingqing was extremely frustrated, and her mouth dropped.

"Use a spare key, usually hidden in a bookcase or under a table." Lu Mo reminded.

It is estimated that there are not many valuable things in Ye Zhiguo's safe, and the spare key is definitely not hidden too deep. If he can stand up and go to Ye's house, he can easily find it, but now... he can only rely on This girl is herself.

Thanks to jly69 for the 2600 reward, thanks to 2017****5951 for the 500 reward, thank you to all those who support me, happy new year, pig???? things are going well, how about it^3^

(End of this chapter)

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