Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 684 Angry Rice Balls

Chapter 684 Angry Rice Balls

Wen Sumei's face changed drastically, her eyes flickered, and she shouted loudly: "What are you farting in my house, get out!"

Ye Qingqing already had doubts about Yu Moli's background, and she just tried to test it out on purpose. Wen Sumei's suspicious behavior showed that there was definitely something wrong with Yu Moli's background.

If it is really what she guessed, this woman is too shameless!

Even more shameless than Shen Yanhong!

Spending her husband's money, living in her husband's house, but having an affair with a wild man behind her back and having a daughter, and even killing her husband!

She is simply the contemporary Pan Jinlian!

Do not!

Even Pan Jinlian can't compare to her!

"Why are you guilty? Did I hit the spot? Yu Moli is the bastard born between you and Yu Wuwei!"

Ye Qingqing's words made Wen Sumei even more flustered and Tang Yuanyuan even more angry.

She never doubted Yu Moli's life experience.

Even if Wen Sumei treats Yu Moli hundreds of times better than she treats her.

She just felt sad and uncomfortable, but she never doubted it!

Yu Moli is two years younger than her, and Wen Sumei was still Papa Tang's wife when she was born.

And at least on the surface, Wen Sumei and Papa Tang are still a loving couple.

Wen Sumei, how could she!

"Get out, get out of here, it's nonsense!"

Of course Wen Sumei would not admit it, but the panic on her face showed that she was guilty in her heart at this time, and even the exaggerated roar made people feel that she was only strong on the outside, and a bluff.

"It turns out that you had an affair with Yu Wuwei, are you worthy of Dad?"

Tang Yuanyuan gritted her teeth and questioned Wen Sumei angrily.

The eldest daughter, who used to be cowardly and timid, not only became bolder and bolder, but now dared to question her. Wen Sumei was surprised at first, but soon became angry.

"Why did you talk to me, your skin is itchy, isn't it!"

Wen Sumei slapped her without thinking, but Ye Qingqing stopped her.

"Yuanyuan is right, an unruly woman like you is not worthy of being Yuanyuan's mother!"

Ye Qingqing pushed hard, and Wen Sumei retreated again and again, but fortunately the cabinet blocked it, otherwise she would have fallen to the ground like Yu Moli.

"The house belongs to my father, and the surname will always be Tang. You are the ones who should get out!"

Tang Yuanyuan yelled at Wen Sumei and Yu Moli.

Yu Moli got up from the ground, grabbed a bench, and threw it at Tangyuanyuan.

"Fatty, your father is dead, rotten to ashes, and now my father is raising you, yet you dare to push me, let my father teach you at night!"

Ye Qingqing originally wanted to go up to help, but Tang Yuanyuan rushed over with a whiz, taught her kung fu with iron eggs, and snatched the bench from Yu Moli's hand.

He knocked Yu Moli to the ground again, and then rode up, grabbing Yu Moli's long hair with one hand, and swinging the small bench with the other.

"Your father just died. If you dare to curse my father, I will kill you first, you ugly monster, you bastard..."

Tang's father is Tang Yuanyuan's bottom line. It's okay for her to be humiliated and beaten, but no one can scold her father!

Otherwise she will go all out!

After swinging a few benches, Yu Moli suddenly turned into a pig's head, and even spit out two big teeth.

"You're crazy, let go!"

Wen Sumei was terrified, and went forward to grab the glutinous rice balls, trying to save Yu Moli.

"Come again and I'll smash her temple. I'm still underage, so I don't have to pay for my life!"

Tang Yuanyuan stared at Wen Sumei with red eyes.

In fact, she even wanted to throw the bench in her hand at this vicious woman!

(End of this chapter)

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