Chapter 690 A Letter

Thinking of Lu Mo's words, Ye Qingqing's anxiety became more and more intense, and she always felt like the calm before the storm.

In the past few days, Ye Qingqing tried to avoid contact with Ye Zhiguo, and stayed in the room when she was at home.


She didn't provoke Ye Zhiguo, but Ye Zhiguo was unwilling to let her go.

During this period of time, Ye Qingqing's rebellion made Ye Zhiguo very dissatisfied.

The originally obedient chess piece in his hand has become restless now, Ye Zhiguo is of course not reconciled.

He must find a way to make the chess pieces obedient.

One day after school, Ye Qingqing discovered that there was a young man in the house.

He has a handsome appearance, wears gold-rimmed glasses, and has a shy smile, which makes it easy for young girls to like him.

Of course Ye Qingqing was not included.

"Qingqing, this is the tutor that Dad found for you. It's called Ouyang Jing. Your big brother Ouyang graduated from a famous university. If you don't understand anything, just ask him!"

Ye Zhiguo introduced with a smile.

Seeing Ye Qingqing's flowery beauty, Ouyang Jing's eyes lit up. He was a little reluctant at first, but now he is willing.

Such a beautiful girl, even if there is no benefit, he is willing!


Ye Qingqing interrupted Ouyang Jing with a displeased expression, "I don't know you well, don't call me Qingqing."

She yelled at Ye Zhiguo again: "I said I don't want a tutor, Lu Mo will tutor me in my studies, let him go quickly!"

"Lu Mo is in another place now, how can I help you study? You are about to take the final exam. Let your brother Ouyang strengthen your training, and your grades will definitely improve!"

Ye Zhiguo's tone could not be refused.

Ouyang Jing is his carefully arranged pawn, success or failure depends on one move, this girl can't help messing around!

"Lu Mo will be back soon. Anyway, I don't want a tutor, so don't let him enter my room!"

Ye Qingqing glared at Ouyang Jing fiercely, ran back to her room, and locked it behind her.

What the hell is Ye Zhiguo doing?

Wei Yugang was found first, and now Ouyang Jing is found, special!

But why hasn't Lu Mo come back?

I have been to Harbin for several days!


Ha Shi

Lu Mo and a middle-aged woman were sitting face to face in a very quiet coffee shop.

The middle-aged woman has a very elegant temperament, her eyes are slightly red, and she looks like she has just cried.

"Ms. Xue, you know that Jin Haibo didn't die in an accident, why don't you want to avenge him?" Lu Mo asked patiently.

The reason why he stayed in Harbin for so many days was because Jin Haibo's wife, Ms. Xue, was unwilling to talk about the past. Lu Mo tried to persuade him every day, and Ms. Xue finally agreed to have a good chat with him.

It was precisely because of Ms. Xue's hesitation that Lu Mo called Ye Qingqing on purpose to tell her to be careful of Ye Zhiguo.

After 11 years, Ms. Xue still has lingering fears about Ye Zhiguo, which shows how vicious Ye Zhiguo's methods are!

Ms. Xue wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and sighed, "Ye Zhiguo is not that easy to deal with!"

People as powerful as Jin Haibo were tricked by Ye Zhiguo, and Ms. Xue had no confidence in Lu Mo at all.

"But if this poisonous snake is not removed, you and your son will never dare to return to Pingjiang. Are you willing?"

Lu Mo's words made Ms. Xue's complexion change drastically. After a long silence, she finally said slowly: "I hope you can really do it, come with me!"

Ms. Xue got up and took Lu Mo back to her current home.

He took out a yellowed envelope from the box and handed it to Lu Mo, "I have kept this letter for 11 years, now I will give it to you!"

What was written in the letter, continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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