Chapter 710

Ye Zhiguo didn't come home until dark, and the old lady thought he was temporarily on the night shift, so she wasn't too worried, because it had happened in the past.

But in the past, if he was on night shift temporarily, Ye Zhiguo would call home to inform him, but the old lady didn't wait for Ye Zhiguo's call until after [-] o'clock in the evening, so she couldn't help but feel worried.

"What's the matter with your father? Is he on the night shift? Go to Zhaodi's house and ask!"

In fact, Ye Qingqing already knew from Zhao Di that Ye Zhiguo had been fired, so she was in a good mood!

It is estimated that Ye Zhiguo had no face to go home, so he ran to hide somewhere!

But she still pretended to go out for a while, and then went home and told the old lady about Ye Zhiguo's dismissal.

The old lady was scared out of her wits, "Your father was fired? Did Zhaodi talk nonsense? How could your father be fired... Absolutely impossible..."

"Zhaodi said that my father is insane. He beat up the leader yesterday and the factory manager today. It would be strange if the factory manager didn't fire him!"

The old lady couldn't believe it even more. She couldn't understand the eldest son very well. He was very sensible since he was a child.

In the past, she was a woman who took care of three sons, orphans and widows, and the village would inevitably be bullied.

There is no man in the family to support her, no matter how powerful she is, she still suffers sometimes, so the old lady often tells her three sons that they would rather suffer a small loss outside than cause trouble.

The old lady remembered very clearly that Ye Zhiguo once had a conflict with the son of the village chief. The son of the village chief had a bad temper and beat him. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Later, the village head felt sorry and gave the old lady too much work points.

The eldest son is so tolerant, how could he beat the leader and the factory director?

The old lady didn't believe it at all.

"It must be Zhaodi talking nonsense...impossible..."

The old lady said it was impossible, but her expression was still anxious, and she actually believed it in her heart.

The eldest son has been very strange recently, he even beat Shen Yanhong away in front of him, his temper is getting worse and worse, maybe he will really beat the leader and factory director!


Now that the job is gone, where will I earn money to support my family in the future?

The more the old lady thought about it, the more anxious she became, and she turned around in a hurry, but it's a pity that Ye Zhiguo is not in front of her now, otherwise she must ask her eldest son, what happened?

Don't live a good life, but you have to do everything you want to die!

Ye Zhiguo didn't come home until midnight.

Didn't call back either.

The old lady was so sleepy that she had to go back to her room to sleep.

The next morning, Ye Zhiguo still didn't come back, only one night later, the old lady seemed to be more than ten years old, her back became more hunched, and the creases on her face became deeper.

Although she was not in the mood, the old lady still had to go to the vegetable market to pick up vegetable leaves, otherwise the chicken at home would have nothing to eat.

Fortunately, raising so many chickens can save a lot of money during the Chinese New Year, otherwise the little money she earned from pasting paper boxes would not be enough to buy New Year's goods!

The old lady with a vegetable basket walked slowly, not as energetic as usual, she lowered her head and thought about things.

I didn't notice that there were several neighbors in front of me, and one of them was Zhaodi's mother.

"Do you know that Ye Zhiguo was fired and is now a vagrant!" Zhaodi's mother gossiped with excitement.

"Did the fact that he likes men come to light?" Others had a lot of associations.

There are four more

(End of this chapter)

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