Chapter 716 Doubt

Ye Qingqing went to the kitchen to serve the meal, sat opposite Ye Zhiguo, lowered her head and ate slowly, but she couldn't taste the taste, it tasted like chewing wax.

Because Ye Zhiguo lost his job, the standard of the Ye family's dining table dropped several levels one after another, the minced meat was no longer visible, and the number of dishes was cut in half, so there were only two dishes in total.

A plate of fried vegetables and a plate of fried tofu.

The oil star is no longer visible, but more salt has been added.

The old lady who is diligent and frugal manages the house, and directly lives her life as the standard of the 70s and [-]s, with less oil and more salt. It is estimated that after a period of time, it will become thin when she is free, and dry when she is busy!

"Zhiguo, I think you should go to the factory manager to beg for mercy? Buy more things. The factory manager used to be so kind to you, so he was always a little sympathetic. This time, he is probably out of anger. You should say something nice to the factory manager. Maybe I can go back to work!"

The old lady tried to persuade.

These days, she is very worried. If the eldest son has no income, he will not be able to compare with the second and third children. The second and third children have land and land, at least they don’t have to worry about eating and drinking. They all want money, if there is no income, they will have to wait to die!

"Understood, I will definitely go back to work, don't worry about it!"

Ye Zhiguo's tone was very impatient.

I knew that my old lady would keep nagging, so he didn't want to come back these three days, and lived in the guest house to make himself quiet and quiet.

In the past three days, Ye Zhiguo has thought a lot, and he will definitely not give up on his work easily.

The factory manager shouldn't try to get rid of him easily. Tomorrow he will go to the factory manager's house and have a good chat with the factory manager about the affairs he did in the past. If the factory manager disagrees with him going back to work, he will talk to the factory manager's wife.

Ye Zhiguo is still very confident. The factory manager has always been afraid of internal affairs. As long as he brings up those things, the factory manager will never refuse!

Ye Zhiguo wasn't too worried about work matters. What he couldn't figure out was why he suddenly went berserk?

He is definitely not crazy, there is no doubt about it!

But in those two days, his behavior was indeed crazy, and his mood was obviously very wrong. Ye Zhiguo thought about it, in fact, in those two days, he already had brows when he went to work!

The mood is very impetuous, the slightest thing will be impetuous, and especially want to fight!

Ye Zhiguo frowned tightly, he was very confident in his body, and there would definitely be no problems, so——

He should have been tricked!

Ye Zhiguo quickly guessed the reason, and the suspicion fell on Ye Qingqing.

The old lady definitely won't harm him, Ye Hua doesn't need to, the only remaining suspect is Ye Qingqing!

The most important thing is that Ye Qingqing is very strange during this time, especially his attitude towards him, which is completely different from before!

Ye Zhiguo couldn't help looking at Ye Qingqing, trying to see something.

Ye Qingqing felt Ye Zhiguo's probing eyes, her heart was beating extremely fast, she pretended to be calm, and ate slowly, like a normal person, but she didn't even taste what was in her mouth.

Ye Zhiguo looked at it for a while, but didn't notice anything unusual, so he looked away and continued to think about things.

Ye Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to eat with a wooden face.

But from Ye Zhiguo's tone just now, it seems that he is sure that he can go back to work, why should he?

The old lady spoke again, "Did you go to the factory manager? Buy more things, don't be afraid to spend money!"

"No need to buy anything!"

Ye Zhiguo sneered, with cruelty in his eyes, "I used to get so many things from me, so I'm not afraid of dying!"

Ye Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, it sounded like she was going to trouble the factory manager!

(End of this chapter)

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