Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 73 Space Medicine Garden

Chapter 73 Space Medicine Garden (addition)

Ye Qingqing glanced down, her eyes darkened, her head became dizzy for a while, her legs became weak, and she almost didn't fall off.

"I'll fall to my death."

Ye Qingqing took a few steps back subconsciously. She has a slight fear of heights, but she can't stand standing on the edge of a cliff, let alone climbing down. She will 100% fall to her death, without a doubt.

"I can't bear this bit of suffering, and I deserve it if I fall to my death!" Pippi taunted.

The difficulties encountered in the future are more serious than the next. If they dare not climb such a small cliff, it is impossible for the Xu family's medical skills to flourish, and the space will eventually collapse.

And it... will disappear with the space!

Ye Qingqing gritted her teeth, braved up, walked to the edge of the cliff, restrained her fear and looked down, cold sweat broke out uncontrollably, her legs were shaking.

Pippi took out the rope from the space and threw it at Ye Qingqing's feet, "Hurry up!"

Ye Qingqing raised his wrist to look at his watch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and it took an hour and a half to go down the mountain, so there was no time to hesitate.

She tied one end of the rope to the big pine tree on the edge of the cliff, and the other end to her waist. That's what those rock climbers on TV do. Don't dare to step down.

Pippi snorted, "Xiaotong's heart!"

Ye Qingqing shuddered, before her eyes appeared Lu Qingquan and Ye Lan, a pair of dogs and men in their previous lives, with a complacent look, hatred in their eyes, and courage, they closed their eyes and climbed down.

Ten fingers pinched tightly on the cracks in the cliff, and their nails were all broken, but Ye Qingqing could no longer feel the pain.

Compared with the pain, she is more afraid of stepping on the air. If it is hung here, it will be ineffective every day. It is estimated that it will be blown into dried bacon by the wind, and no one will find out.

The old tea tree looked close at hand, but when it climbed up, it was far away in the sky. I don’t know how long it took, and finally climbed to the side of the tea tree. The roots of the pine were covered with rotten leaves and moss, and a large mushroom grew on it, densely packed of.

The largest one is as big as a child's washbasin, and the smaller one is as big as the mouth of a soup bowl. Ye Qingqing counted it, there are twelve large and small ones, and there are many small ganoderma lucidum around it.

"Which plant?"

"As long as you don't pick the largest mother plant, you can pick others at will," Pippi said.

Ye Qingqing picked a medium-sized one, a few circles bigger than her palm. Pippi taught her how to pick it, and picked one with ease. It weighed two catties, and it was heavy, so it should be able to sell a lot. money.

"Pluck the mother body and the big ones by their roots, and move them into the space medicine garden."

Ye Qingqing's eyes lit up, "Is there a medicine garden in the space? Is it a year inside and a day outside?"

"It's a good idea, but as long as you earn more energy, you can shorten the growth years of medicinal materials." Pippi explained.

Ye Qingqing's smile is like a flower, and it's good to be able to speed up, so it seems that she can cultivate immortality in the future, and maybe she will live forever!

Pippi scoffed, daydreaming!

At most, it can only prolong life, live decades longer than ordinary people, how can it be so miraculous.

Ye Qingqing dug out a dozen Ganoderma lucidum, rooted and soiled, and Pipi moved it into the space. As he expected, the space was supplied with the spiritual energy of the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, and the medicine garden opened several square meters.

Ye Qingqing also put the Ganoderma lucidum that was going to be sold into the space for safekeeping, but unfortunately she can't go in yet, she wiped off her sweat and was about to go home, but she caught some yellow spots out of the corner of her eye.

Let's continue tomorrow, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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