Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 733 Don't Be Greedy

Chapter 733 Don't Be Greedy

The old lady felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, her whole body was chilling.

Many things were not taken seriously at first, but once things broke out, when I think about it carefully, I can't stand scrutiny at all. The more I think about it, the more terrifying and chilling I become.

"He is for this house?" The old lady looked at the house and smiled wryly.

These days, she got to know the people in the alley well, and she also knew how valuable the house under Ye Qingqing's name was. The neighbors were all envious, saying that her son married a good wife, so much for nothing A bungalow.

The old lady really didn't understand Ye Zhiguo's thinking. No matter how good other people's things are, they belong to others. What's there to covet?

Eat the food and vegetables grown by yourself, and spend the money you earn, so that you can live a solid life and sleep peacefully.

Since she was a child, she has taught her three sons not to want anything that is not her own, even if it is gold and silver, and even if she eats bran and swallowed vegetables, she will never envy other people's meat.

The second and third children are very good, honest and responsible, and will not do bad things. The old lady is very relieved, but she never expected that the eldest son who made her the most proud in the past took her words as a deaf ear and did all kinds of bad things!

孽 孽!

"Not only this house, but also others. Qingqing's father's family is a capitalist." Lu Mo didn't go into too much detail, but the old lady understood.

The capitalists in the big cities were much richer than the landlords in their hometown, and they were even more unlucky at that time, but they returned the property later, which should be a lot, which is why the eldest son became greedy.


The most feared thing in life is greed!

Coveting things that don't belong to you will often not end well in the end. The old lady has lived a long life and has seen too many people who have no good results because of greed!

She didn't expect her own son to be in trouble now because of greed!

"I want to visit Zhiguo, can I?" the old lady begged.

Lu Mo hesitated for a while, then agreed.

In the afternoon, Lu Mo and Ye Qingqing took the old lady to the detention center. Ye Zhiguo hadn't been convicted yet, so he could only stay in the detention center. Fang Yanming had already greeted him, and soon saw Ye Zhiguo.

It's just that I haven't seen him for one night. Ye Zhiguo looks very different, his beard is unshaven, his hair is disheveled, and his hair is shiny. He looks not only sloppy, but also gloomy.

Ye Zhiguo was wearing heavy handcuffs and shackles as he walked. When he saw the old lady, a trace of shame flashed in his eyes, but it was only a flash, and he soon regained his composure.


The old lady shed tears before she spoke, and wept through the iron railing.

She never thought that one day she would meet her eldest son under such circumstances.

Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo didn't go there, and after a distance, Ye Zhiguo glanced at Ye Qingqing, his eyes were very gloomy, Ye Qingqing raised his head, with a sneer on his lips, showing no fear.

Ye Zhiguo lowered his head and didn't look at her again. The old lady was babbling, but Ye Zhiguo didn't say a word, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

"Zhiguo, why do you do this? You have a stable salary, and it would be great for us to marry a daughter-in-law and live in peace...Why do you want to kill people..." The old lady couldn't understand.

The eldest son earns a lot of money a month, and his job is still stable. If he finds a daughter-in-law who can live a stable life in his hometown and has a few grandchildren, his life will definitely be better than now. Why should he covet other people's things?

Boss is confused!

(End of this chapter)

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