Chapter 736

Lu Mo found Shen Yanhong's former neighbors. Those neighbors said that the paralyzed ex-husband was in good health. He pasted cardboard boxes every day to earn money to support the family.

It is said that Shen Yanhong's ex-husband suffered from persistent high fever due to a severe cold, and Ji developed pneumonia, which disappeared within a few days.

Moreover, the ex-husband died about five or six years after Ye Mingcheng's accident, which is not a short time, but Lu Mo suspected that the cause of his ex-husband's death should be related to Ye Mingcheng.

According to the case record, when Ye Mingcheng "committed the crime", the ex-husband witnessed it with his own eyes and testified. This is also the main reason for Ye Mingcheng's heinous crime.

Committing a crime in front of someone else's husband is a heinous and heinous crime!

Maybe it was the ex-husband's conscience that found out, and he wanted to turn back later, Ye Zhiguo joined forces with Shen Yanhong to kill the ex-husband!

It is also possible that the ex-husband found out that Ye Hua was not his biological child, and wanted to take revenge on Shen Yanhong, and was murdered by Ye Zhiguo.

Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo sent the old lady back home, and walked all the way. Other houses in the alley, the yards were full of chicken, duck and fish. Today's weather is fine, and every family has put out their New Year's goods to dry. Although it's not yet New Year's Eve, But the taste of the year is full.

The old lady felt very uncomfortable. When she got home, she also took out some pieces of bacon in the house to dry. Compared with other people's houses, these pieces of meat looked very shabby.

"Tomorrow, I'll pack up my things and go back to my hometown. I'll call Weiguo and the others later and take Ye Hua away." The old lady said to herself while drying the bacon.

But Ye Qingqing knew that the old lady was talking to her.

"Don't be so anxious, take your time, I can send you back to your hometown." Ye Qingqing felt uncomfortable, "After are Xiaotong's real grandma, and I will take Xiaotong to see you in the future."

The old lady twitched her lips, looked at her deeply, lowered her head and continued drying the meat, and muttered: "It doesn't matter if you come or not, that's it, you don't have to come to see me, and I won't entertain you when you come."

For Ye Qingqing, the old lady has mixed feelings.

Ye Qingqing's eldest son ruined Ye Qingqing's family. It was indeed not human's fault, but Ye Qingqing sent the eldest son to prison. The old lady was very conflicted and didn't know how to deal with Ye Qingqing.

It's better to simply not see it, it's clear if you don't see it, so you don't get upset!

Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo were kicked out by the old lady, Ye Qingqing looked at the closed door and sighed helplessly.

"Let's go, you didn't feel sorry for her, it was Ye Zhiguo who did the wrong thing." Lu Mo comforted.

Ye Qingqing nodded, "I know, just looking at the old lady like this, after all, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Take Xiaotong to see her in the future!"

Lu Mo was very calm, and his expression didn't change a bit. The old lady looks really pitiful now, but she has a strong personality and has two sons, so she should get over it soon.

Furthermore, Ye Zhiguo has done so many bad things. As his mother, the old lady is somewhat responsible, and she is not completely innocent!

Early the next morning, while Ye Qingqing was still sleeping, she received a call from the old lady, her voice seemed hoarse than yesterday.

"I put the key under the brick at the door, and I took Ye Hua back to my hometown."

After finishing speaking, the old lady simply hung up the phone, Ye Qingqing hadn't recovered yet, there was only a beeping sound on the phone.

"what happened?"

The old lady and Gu Nianci, who came back from exercising, walked over with concern.

"The old lady Ye called, saying that she took Ye Hua back to the countryside and left me the key." Ye Qingqing didn't expect the old lady to be so fast, obviously she must not have slept much last night.

Some readers pointed out that there is something wrong with the time of death of the ex-husband. It is indeed a mistake. Thank you for the testimony, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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