Chapter 742 Trial

Lu Mo found out what Ye Zhiguo was thinking, and felt a little heavy in his heart. Zheng Ruijie had a successful precedent of helping his client pretend to be mentally ill and escape punishment before.

After seeing Fang Yanming, Lu Mo's heart became heavier.

"Zheng Ruijie has already found out that Ye Zhiguo was expelled from Qianjin Machinery Factory because he beat the factory manager and his immediate boss twice. The employees of the machinery factory said that Ye Zhiguo is likely to be mentally ill, and he has violent tendencies." Fang Yan Ming said.

Lu Mo frowned even tighter.

If Zheng Ruijie played up the rhetoric of the workers in the machinery factory, Ye Zhiguo didn't even need to pretend to be mentally ill!

"It's a bit difficult now, I'll think of a way." Fang Yanming comforted.

Lu Mo nodded, he will also think of a way, and will never let Ye Zhiguo's scheme succeed.

At first, he thought that as long as the evidence was collected, Ye Zhiguo could be brought to justice, but it turned out that the procedure for handling the case was so complicated. Lu Mo was very annoyed. He knew that he should have collected more evidence.

Ye Qingqing would not let Ye Zhiguo tear herself apart so early, and let Ye Zhiguo show more flaws for a while longer.

Lu Mo didn't tell Ye Qingqing the progress of the case, fearing that she would be worried. Time passed day by day, and the Chinese New Year was getting closer.

Because Ye Zhiguo was implicated in several lives, and Sang Huaiyuan supervised him from time to time, the police and the court attached great importance to it. The first trial was held a few years ago, just a few days before the Chinese New Year, and the trial was open.

Ye Qingqing, the old lady, and Sang Huaiyuan's family all went. Ye Qingqing is not only the plaintiff, but also a key witness, and must be present.

The old lady didn't come, but Ye Zhiguo's two younger brothers came. Their appearance was somewhat similar to Ye Zhiguo's, but with the same appearance, Ye Zhiguo looked sinister and cunning, but his two younger brothers were honest and honest.

In the past few days, the two younger brothers have been running around, hiring a lawyer for Ye Zhiguo, and they don't even care about the Chinese New Year.

Ye Zhiguo, who was wearing a prison uniform, was led by the bailiff and appeared at the door of the trial court. Ye Qingqing looked over, his eyes met, and he shot a ray of hatred.

Ye Zhiguo is in the same mood as Ye Qingqing now, he must wish to kill her!

Ye Qingqing was not afraid, held his head up and sneered, his eyes were even more contemptuous, Ye Zhiguo's expression became colder, his eyes became more gloomy, and when he saw Ye Qingqing and Sang Huaiyuan together, his eyes became even colder.

Because Ye Zhiguo finally figured it out, Sang Huaiyuan was actually one of the participants in the erotic photos incident that day.

This Sang man teamed up with the little bitch and stabbed him severely!

It was the first time for the old lady and Gu Nianci to see Ye Zhiguo himself, and they were both taken aback by his cold eyes. Gu Nianci bowed her head and kept reciting Buddha's name, while the old lady looked solemn.

She lowered her head and whispered to Sang Huaiyuan: "This man is insidious and cunning, he must not let the tiger go back to the mountain, otherwise the young girl will be in danger."

Sang Huaiyuan nodded solemnly, he already knew from Lu Mo that the case was not going well, and thanks to his identity, otherwise Ye Zhiguo would not have been tried so soon!

The court was about to start soon, and Ye Qingqing sat in the plaintiff's seat. There was no public prosecution in this case, but Ye Qingqing filed a lawsuit, suing Ye Zhiguo for murdering Xu Yali and her, framing Ye Mingcheng, and intending to seize property.

The court started, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn. Niu Xiaoya presented a series of evidence to testify against Ye Zhiguo's subjective murder.

(End of this chapter)

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