Chapter 75

"Dendrobium flower? This is a good thing, Qingqing, where did you get it?"

Yue Hongxia dashed over, her eyes gleaming, she worked in the pharmacy of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, although she didn't understand medicine, she knew the preciousness of the Dendrobium flower from what she had heard and seen in the hospital.

Especially the wild ones are good things that even money can't buy.

Ye Qingqing blocked Yue Hongxia's outstretched hand by one side, rolled up the handkerchief, stuffed it into Lin Shufang's hand, and winked at her. Lin Shufang understood, and picked up the handkerchief.

If it's an ordinary thing, it's okay to give it to Yue Hongxia. In the past, this sister-in-law took advantage of a lot. She is not a small-minded person, but these dendrobium flowers were picked back by Qingqing girl after untold hardships. No wonder this girl fell hard. She's grown up, what a silly girl!

These dendrobium flowers are Qingqing's heart for her son, how can Lin Shufang let Yue Hongxia spoil them, she must keep them well!

"I picked them on the mountain." Ye Qingqing turned around and answered Yue Hongxia's question.

She picked a lot of dendrobium flowers, but less than one-fifth of them were taken out. It was not because she was reluctant to give them to Lu Mo, but because there was a selfish person like Yue Hongxia in the Lu family, and she was worried that Lin Shufang would not be able to keep the dendrobium flowers.

Take out some to test first, if Lin Shufang can hold on, she will take out the rest.

Besides, Dendrobium has been transplanted into the space, and it will definitely not be missing in the future.

"Plucked on the mountain? Dendrobium only grows on cliffs, even big men dare not pick it, Qingqing, don't lie to me!" Yue Hongxia didn't believe it at all.

She had heard from the old doctor in the hospital that wild Dendrobium only grows on cliffs, and the people who pick them are all trained local mountain people, and tragedy often happens. A little girl like Ye Qingqing, how can she get up? cliff?

Hmph... Could it be that someone picked it outside, so they deliberately got some dendrobium flowers, pretending that they picked it by themselves!

"I lied to Second Aunt to get money, didn't you see that my hands are worn out!" Ye Qingqing stretched out her bloody hand angrily, only at this moment did she feel the burning pain.

The ten fingers are connected to the heart, the nails on the tips of the fingers are all worn out, and it hurts deeply.

An unspeakable feeling welled up in Lu Mo's heart, and he couldn't tell what it was like, moved?Distressed?Still annoyed?

Or maybe both, how could this silly girl be so bold, dare to climb the cliff, just in case...

Lu Mo didn't dare to think that if Ye Qingqing fell, he would definitely spend the rest of his life in regret.

Tie Dan whispered in his ear: "Captain, my sister-in-law is so kind to you. If my future wife can be half as good as my sister-in-law, I will be content!"

This time, Lu Mo didn't reprimand Tie Dan's title again. He looked at the embarrassed Ye Qingqing, and there was pity in his eyes that he didn't know, but he was still angry.

Angry this girl is too messy!

Go back and talk about this girl!

Lin Shufang kept the dendrobium flowers in her own room, and planned to make a few flowers every day to make soup, but she still didn't agree with Ye Qingqing's messiness.

"You are not allowed to pick in the future, what if you fall off, you are so bold, look at your injuries, does it hurt?"

Lin Shufang was very distressed, her face, neck, hands, and feet were all wounded, she went back to her room and got some ointment to apply on Ye Qingqing, when she touched the wound, Ye Qingqing took a hissing breath.

"It's pain that makes your memory grow. In the future, we'll see if you dare to act recklessly. You dare to climb cliffs. I think you've got a lot of guts!" Lin Shufang reprimanded ramblingly.

Ye Qingqing went in one ear and out the other, her face wrinkled up in pain, like a little squirrel.

Lu Mo looked over by accident, but saw that the girl's face was crowded and deformed, her eyebrows, nose and mouth were all grown together, she was angry and funny, and her eyes were softer.

(End of this chapter)

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