Chapter 752 Confession

Zheng Ruijie's repeated questioning made Ye Zhiguo's mind even more confused, and he couldn't calm down to think. The only thing he cared about was not wanting to hurt the old lady.

"It has nothing to do with my mother, she doesn't know anything, I was in the room with Xu Yali, my mother didn't know what we were doing in there, and I didn't feed her medicine, I just hung her up... Do you know about gravity... …you idiot……"

Ye Zhiguo was forgetful, with a hint of complacency on his face, showing contempt for Zheng Ruijie.

Although he hasn't even graduated from junior high school, he still knows the force of gravity, and his brain is smarter than many cultural people.

What's so great about Zheng Ruijie?

If he can go to college, he must be better than Zheng Ruijie!

Zheng Ruijie heaved a sigh of relief, and finally completed the task of that damn girl.

He can spend the New Year with his wife and children!

Sadness flashed across Zheng Ruijie's face. After this incident, his lawyer's license would definitely be lost, and he had to find another job!


After fighting the lawsuit for half his life, he didn't expect that in the end, he would end up with his license revoked!

Everyone in the court froze, and time seemed to stand still. Everyone looked at Ye Zhiguo and Zheng Ruijie in disbelief, wondering what kind of drama these two people were singing about?

But one thing is certain, Ye Zhiguo has pleaded guilty in court.

Deliberately murdering Xu Yali, this crime can never be escaped!

He even hanged his wife who was pregnant with his own son upside down, deliberately delaying the delivery time, even at the risk of his own son being suffocated to death.

All feel the same.

Looking at Ye Zhiguo was like looking at a poisonous snake.

No, this man is more vicious than a poisonous snake!

At least poisonous snakes will not kill their own children, nor will they murder their partners!

How dare you talk about gravity?

If Newton knew about this bastard and used the force of gravity he discovered to harm people, the coffin board would not be able to hold it down!

The stagnant atmosphere in the courtroom made Ye Zhiguo wake up quickly, and he was in a trance.

What did he say just now?

Did he seem to say something he shouldn't have said?

What did it say?

Ye Zhiguo looked around, everyone looked at him with disgust, including the judge and the bailiff.

He realized that something was wrong, and recalled what he had said before, how could he admit in court that he killed Xu Yali?

Isn't this self-defeating?

Zheng Ruijie's voice broke the silence of the courtroom, "Your Honor, my client has committed a heinous crime, is perverted and cold-blooded, and the means of harming others are outrageous. I implore the judge to severely punish my client!"


Everyone gasped, and all looked at Zheng Ruijie, who was just and awe-inspiring.

Could it be that this guy who has always been indifferent to human affairs has been illuminated by the Buddha's light?

How come it looks more pleasing to the eye?

"You took my money but hurt me, I'll kill you!"

Ye Zhiguo finally understood that it was Zheng Ruijie who was harming him.

Taking his money, but defending that damn girl Ye Qingqing, how could he bear it!

Ye Zhiguo's face was grim, and he wanted to rush out of the dock to kill Zheng Ruijie. He was full of murderous intent. Although the bailiff had restrained Ye Zhiguo, Zheng Ruijie was still so scared that he backed away.

"Your Honor, Ye Zhiguo is perverted and cruel, and has killed so many people. If he is not brought to justice, it will be difficult for the common people!"

Ye Zhiguo has been offended, he must not be released again, he must be shot!

He must never be allowed to come out alive to harm him!

There are two more

(End of this chapter)

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