Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 77 The Worried Lu Mo

Chapter 77 The Worried Lu Mo

Yue Hongxia didn't take a hair out of her hair, so she was willing to buy some cakes and fruits for her father, but if she spent a lot of money on tonics, she would never take the money.

"There are no wild ones in the hospital... Dendrobium can't heal your legs even if you eat it. In fact, it doesn't matter whether Lu Mo eats it or not..." Yue Hongxia didn't give up.

Actually giving it to her father is just an excuse, she wants to make it for herself, recently she always feels unwell, can't sleep well at night, and her period is not regular, probably because menopause is coming, she wants to eat something For things to take care of and take care of, Dendrobium is the best.

Lin Shufang's complexion became very ugly, but she has a gentle personality, and she never swears, she just feels aggrieved.

Just as Ye Qingqing was about to confront her, Old Master Lu said, "Shufang, go get Qingqing girl something to eat."

Lin Shufang patted herself angrily, "Oh, my brain is muddled, I'm going to cook noodles for Qingqing."

"Don't be so troublesome, just reheat the leftovers." Ye Qingqing was really hungry, she wanted to eat more than noodles, and she couldn't get enough of noodles.

"Okay, I'll make loofah egg soup, and the braised pork ribs and steamed pork with preserved vegetables from last night."

Lin Shufang trotted to the kitchen. Mr. Lu looked at his second son and his wife, and said in a deep voice, "Second son, go to the study with your wife. I have something to say to you."

After calling Lu Jiangang and his wife away, only Ye Qingqing, Lu Mo, Tie Dan and Ye Tong were left in the living room.

Tie Dan rolled his eyes and took Ye Tong's hand, "Let's go play marbles."

"it is good!"

Ye Tong was already quiet, and obediently followed Tie Dan to play with glass beads. Every time he could easily beat Brother Tie Dan, Ye Tong felt a sense of accomplishment.

Lu Mo secretly scolded Tie Dan for his lack of wink, but he didn't show it on his face. With his usual ice face, his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

bang bang bang...

Like a little train running.

My palms were sweating a little, and my breathing didn't seem to be smooth.

Lu Mo secretly scolded himself for being worthless, just a little girl, why is he so nervous?

After coughing a few times, Lu Mo calmed down, and looked at Ye Qingqing, her hair was tied up, and the wounds on her neck and face were covered with green ointment, which was as funny as a painted face.

Lu Mo felt that Ye Qingqing was cuter than ever before.

In the past, I only thought that this girl was unruly, playful and unreasonable, but now she seems to have grown up overnight, so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

Maybe what Tie Dan said is right, the girl has really grown up with eighteen changes in the female college!

"Don't go to the mountains in the future." Lu Mo didn't know what to say, and thought for a long time before holding back such a dry sentence.

He had seen wild dendrobium growing on the cliff before when he was performing missions. It was not difficult for him, but he was a specially trained special soldier, and Ye Qingqing was just a little girl. How could she have the courage to climb so deep? the cliff?

In case of stepping down...

Lu Mo's throat tightened, he didn't dare to think about it any more, and became even more annoyed.

"It doesn't matter if my legs eat Dendrobium or not, if you fall..."

"Bah, bah, bah... you can't say something nice..."

Ye Qingqing interrupted him angrily. Her legs are still weak. When she climbed back from the cliff, she looked down again. She was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground and killed her. I dare not climb down any more.

"Don't be so sentimental. I didn't pick the dendrobium just for you. The dendrobium is just by the way." Ye Qingqing was eager to share the joy of getting a baby with others. She approached Lu Mo and took out the moss-covered dendrobium from her bag. Ganoderma lucidum.

Thank you jly69, evenqing90, etc. for the rewards, and thank you all the babies who support me. I don’t know the release time yet. I have to wait for the editor’s notice. Today is still the third update, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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