Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 80 A lot of money

Chapter 80 A lot of money

Lin Shufang sighed deeply again, knowing a son is better than a mother, it's not that Lu Mo doesn't like Qingqing girl, he's just feeling inferior.

Lu Mo has a very strong self-esteem since he was a child, and he is a perfectionist. He must do everything to the extreme, otherwise he will repeat it over and over again until he reaches his standard.

Therefore, the damage to Lu Mo's mind from the disability of his legs was far greater than his physical trauma.

Even his own body is not perfect, Lu Mo has lost the courage to pursue love, afraid that he will not be able to give Qingqing girl happiness, so he rejects Qingqing girl.

Alas...God is really blind, why do you let these two children suffer like this?

Lin Shufang wiped the corners of her eyes and was about to go to the kitchen to clean up. Lu Mo came out with an extra passbook in her hand.

"I will withdraw 1000 yuan tomorrow, and the password is your birthday."

Lin Shufang took the passbook in a daze. She never cared about her son's salary, but Lu Mo would hand in 1000 yuan every month, but she didn't want to use it. She saved it all and spent it on her retirement salary.

Lu Mo's salary was 1000 yuan, so there shouldn't be too much left. Lin Shufang didn't look at the passbook, and said, "Mom has money, you can keep it yourself!"

"Use mine!"

Lu Mo didn't accept the passbook, so of course he had to give the girl the money.

As for why, he didn't know, he had to give it anyway!

"Okay, okay, use yours, you kid, damn it's yours, you still distinguish it so clearly."

Lin Shufang laughed and cursed a few words, then opened the booklet, and was shocked, "Why so much money... Moer... What did you do?"

She was afraid that her eyes would be dazzled, so she counted three times, and she was sure that there was more than 5 in the passbook. She had never seen such a large deposit in her life!

But with such a small salary, how could Lu Mo save so much money?

Wouldn't it be something illegal?

Lin Shufang's face became more and more ugly, and she looked at her son worriedly, for fear that he would do something bad, Lu Mo was very helpless, that's why he didn't want his mother to know too much about him.

"Reasonable and legal, remember to withdraw money tomorrow."

Lin Shufang believed in her son. Since Lu Mo said that it was reasonable and legal, the money must be innocent. She felt at ease immediately, "Okay, I'll pick it up tomorrow. What do you want to buy?"

She thought that Lu Mo took the money to buy something.

"Pull some light-colored cloth to make clothes for Ye Tong." Lu Mo urged.

Lin Shufang was stunned for a moment, then smiled again, "Don't worry, I have cloth at home, and I planned to make it for Xiaotong tomorrow, and besides, it doesn't cost 1000 yuan to pull the cloth, can I still take the money?"

Lu Mo replied in a muffled voice: "Take it, Ye Qingqing is short of money!"

After finishing speaking, he retreated back to the room, otherwise his mother would definitely be chattering again.

Lin Shufang was stunned for a long time, and her eyes narrowed when she smiled. She knew that her son liked Qingqing girls. Her mouth was very hard, but she remembered it firmly in her heart.

"Mom will pick it up tomorrow. Girl Qingqing is a big girl, she really can't be short of money, or Mo'er, you are so thoughtful, Mom didn't even think about it..."

Lin Shufang chanted a long string, and Lu Mo in the room shook his head helplessly, but the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and the voice of a certain girl appeared in his mind——

"Lu Mo, are you raising a daughter-in-law?"

Lu Mo's heart tightened, and the temperature on his face was getting higher and higher, as if he had a fever.

What a shameless little girl!

She's even a brazen brat!

Lu Mo smiled and shook his head, there was a little more tenderness in his eyes, but he didn't know it.

Thanks to jly69 and book friend 2017****8286 for the reward, thank you for the enthusiastic baby who added the book list to me, thank you for the friends who voted for collection, thank you, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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