Chapter 83 Lu Mo's Phone

She still ate small wontons in the morning, Shen Yanhong seemed in a good mood, she took the initiative to talk to Ye Qingqing, and even pretended to care a few words.

"Bather, be careful not to touch the wound with water, it will become inflamed."

Ye Qingqing listened to the nausea, but ignored it, carried the water and went to the bathroom by herself, she didn't take a shower last night, her body was sticky, it was very uncomfortable, even if the wound was inflamed, she didn't care, otherwise she would be smelly when she went out, and it would suffocate people to death up.

After taking a shower and eating wontons, Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong got ready to go to work.

"Dad, give me some money, I'll go buy clothes for Xiaotong." Ye Qingqing reached out and asked Ye Zhiguo for money.

Shen Yanhong rushed to say: "I'll make clothes for Xiaotong tonight, the cloth is all finished."

This stinky girl's monthly pocket money is 50 yuan, while Lan'er and Xiaohua only have 20 yuan!

Ye Zhiguo didn't really want to give it, but he had to be a loving father. After thinking about it, he took out five yuan, "Your Aunt Shen will make it at night, so we won't buy it. You can buy ice cream for five yuan."

"I want it too, Dad!" Ye Hua yelled, his pocket money for this month was almost used up, and there was still half a month left!

Ye Qingqing gave him a hard look, Ye Hua shuddered and didn't dare to shout anymore.

"Ask your mom to go. Dad belongs to me and Xiaotong. It's only natural to give us money. Why should I give you money!" Ye Qingqing shouted at Ye Zhiguo again: "Don't give them pocket money, if you want to give it, you have to give it to Aunt Shen Give!"

Ye Zhiguo didn't take it seriously, he just thought it was the little girl who was jealous, "Okay, okay, let Aunt Shen give it to you."

The more Ye Qingqing plays childish temper like this, the happier Ye Zhiguo is, so it's easy to deal with it!

Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong went to work, Ye Qingqing took five yuan, and flirted with Ye Lan's sister and brother, very embarrassing, Ye Lan was calm on the surface, but her teeth were itching with hatred in her heart.

Ye Hua ate resentfully. His breakfast was extremely rich. There were a lot of shrimps in the wontons. For the leftovers from last night, Shen Yanhong felt sorry for her son and asked the cafeteria buyer to buy two catties of prawns.

Ye Qingqing was delighted to see it, the prawns were hairy, and people with injuries or chronic diseases were not allowed to eat prawns, Ye Hua's back injury was still not healed, Shen Yanhong desperately tried to nourish her son.

Hmph... the more you make up, the better!

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes, and decided to go back and buy a rooster again, the rooster is more fat, in fact, the big goose is better, but if the hair is too much, it will be difficult to poison people to death.

"Look at how thin you are, eat more good ones!"

Ye Qingqing looked at Ye Hua with a smile, laughing so badly that his back hurt more and more, but the shrimp still had to be eaten, if he didn't eat it now, the idiot would fight him again later.

The phone rang, Ye Lan's eyes lit up, and she went to answer it first, but she was extremely disappointed, it wasn't Lu Qingquan, but Ye Qingqing.

"Qingqing, call me."

Ye Qingqing was about to go out, but she turned back, her expression was not very good, she also thought it was Lu Qingquan calling, except for this guy, no one would call her early in the morning.

"I'm Lu Mo."

Ye Qingqing picked out her ears, thinking she heard it wrong, did this big ice cube miss her so much that she couldn't sleep last night?

"What's the matter? I'll go to your place at noon." Ye Qingqing smiled sweetly, feeling better all of a sudden.

"You go to Yimin Pharmacy to find He Shouxiang, and he will buy your Ganoderma lucidum." Lu Mo said.

There are good and bad pharmacies now, and young Ye Qing Ji Xiao doesn't know the rules, so he is afraid he will be cheated. Yimintang is the largest pharmacy in Pingjiang City, and has a very good reputation, and He Shouxiang is his friend's father. He is the manager of Yimintang, so he will definitely give Fair price.

Today the lock screen locks [-] characters, and it’s only coming out now, hahahaha, hurry up and update, it’s still the third shift, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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