Chapter 89

He Shouxiang and Master Chang sighed together. Master Chang was more optimistic and said with a smile: "Ganoderma lucidum has a miraculous effect on the recovery after cancer surgery. This Ganoderma lucidum is even more rare. If I eat Ganoderma lucidum for many years, the old lady will definitely survive. Many cancer patients, doctors say they won't live for three to five years, and they don't all live well in the end."

He Shouxiang also smiled, and became a little happier, "Yes, the old lady is very optimistic about everything. By the way, how much will you pay for this Ganoderma lucidum?"

Master Chang raised a finger, and He Shouxiang blinked, "One hundred?"

This is too low, it is wild Chizhi anyway!

Master Chang rolled his eyes at him, "One thousand, if I can get the mother plant, I will accept all ten thousand, what a pity!"

Thinking of the Ganoderma lucidum that the bird gnawed, Master Chang's heart was broken.

He Shouxiang is satisfied now, 1000 yuan is indeed not low, if it is someone else, it can be paid up to [-] at most, but this Ganoderma lucidum is really good, it is worth the price, and their old lady always loves the poor and loves the young, so she doesn't care about this It's a few hundred dollars.

"Miss, you are lucky. It happens that our old lady is in urgent need of Ganoderma lucidum. This plant of yours looks very good, and our old lady is the most compassionate. We will accept this medicine for 1000 yuan." Master Chang said with a smile.

Ye Qingqing was dumbfounded, she didn't expect to sell so much, she thought three to five hundred would be enough!

It must be Lu Mo's face, as expected, you need to have acquaintances to handle things!

"Thank you... I will gather good medicine and sell it to you." Ye Qingqing was very grateful, but she was also very puzzled about who the old lady the master said was. It sounded like an old lady from a big family.

Moreover, it was said that the old lady urgently needs to use Ganoderma lucidum. Could it be that the old lady is in poor health?

Ye Qingqing thought about it, and suddenly guessed a possibility, Ganoderma lucidum was very popular in the previous life, because Ganoderma lucidum is especially good for postoperative recovery of cancer patients, and can also increase immunity. Could it be that this old lady is also in the same situation?

He Shouxiang ordered 1000 yuan for her, and Ye Qingqing took the money and couldn't help but ask, "Did that old lady just have an operation?"

Master Chang and He Shouxiang were very surprised. They didn't expect Ye Qingqing to be so smart. He guessed the old lady's situation with just one sentence. It seemed that he understood medical principles, and Master Chang appreciated it even more.

"Yes, I'm a little weak and need to use Ganoderma lucidum for recuperation. If you pick Ganoderma lucidum in the future, miss, you can come to our store. The price will be fair." Master Chang replied.

Ye Qingqing thought for a while, then turned around and asked Pippi in her bag to get some Dendrobium flowers out, since others are kind to her, she must return something in return, and the relationship will last forever!

She picked out the Dendrobium flowers in the bag, about forty or fifty, golden and very beautiful, both Master Chang and He Shouxiang's eyes lit up, this little girl has a lot of treasures in her hands!

"Girl, did you pick this too?" Master Chang asked excitedly.

"Picked together with Ganoderma lucidum, a piece of Dendrobium candidum grew beside the old tea tree, but there are not many flowers. Thank you very much. Here is half of it, and I will give it to the old lady." Ye Qingqing said.

"Are you really giving it away? The price of wild Dendrobium flowers is not cheap!" Master Chang asked intentionally.

Ye Qingqing smiled slightly, "It's not considered a gift, it's just a reward."

No matter how expensive dozens of dendrobium flowers are, they are only a few hundred yuan, so it is regarded as a personal favor, and I will do business with Yimintang in the future!

After the siblings left, Master Chang and He Shouxiang both heaved a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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