Chapter 93

Lu Mo pushed hard a few times, took a few steps back, and finally got away from the girl's fragrance. Lu Mo breathed a sigh of relief, but there was regret in his heart.

He secretly scolded himself for being worthless, and was distracted by a little girl one after another. The determination that he was usually proud of was defeated in front of Ye Qingqing.

Ye Qingqing glanced at Lu Mo, her face was flushed, probably because she was shy, she wanted to come forward to tease a few more words, but after thinking about it, forget it, it has to be done step by step, boil the frog in warm water, you can't kill Lu Mo all at once. Mo was scared away.

Lu Mo calmed down and regained his icy face, but he was very happy in his heart. 1000 yuan is not a small number, it can make this girl rich for a long time.

He also noticed the new clothes on Ye Tong's body. They were brand new, brand new from head to toe. Ye Tong also looked much prettier. As long as he didn't speak, no one would think that such a clean and beautiful child would have intellectual problems.

"Qingqing, come here as soon as you come, why do you buy vegetables? You are not allowed to buy them in the future."

Lin Shufang came out a long time ago, and saw Ye Qingqing snuggling up to her son and whispering, she and Tiedanmao didn't dare to come out in the corner, and forced themselves not to make a sound.

It's a pity that you have to wait for Qingqing to finish college before you can get married. It will take several years before you have a grandson. Lin Shufang is very sorry, but no matter what, you still have to let Qingqing go to college. She can't be too selfish. Neglect their studies.

"Aunt Fang, I made a small fortune, and I put the vegetables in the kitchen!"

Ye Qingqing went to the kitchen with a smile, flying briskly like a lark, Lin Shufang smiled and shook her head, looking at her son meaningfully.

Lu Mo's face became hot when he saw it, he turned his head, pushed the wheelchair by himself, and said in a muffled voice, "I'm going back to my room."

"Captain, I push you!" Tie Dan ran over.

Ye Tong stepped forward and grabbed him, "Eggy, play with catching bugs."

Tie Danhan smiled and corrected, "It's Tie Dan, not Dan Dan."

"Eggy." Ye Tong lives in his own world, the first time he recognizes something, he thinks it is, and will not change again.

He looked at Lu Mo again, and called out with a sweet smile, "Brother-in-law!"

Lin Shufang was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, and patted Ye Tong lovingly, "You're so smart, Auntie will cook you delicious food, and I'll teach you how to count later."

Ye Tong was very happy, but still remembered his grasshopper, and stretched out his hand to grab the iron egg. Lu Mo said, "Take him to play for a while."


Tie Dan grinned, he actually likes to catch grasshoppers, and he can talk to Ye Tong too.

"Here's the money."

Lu Mo stopped him, took out 100 yuan, and handed it to Tie Dan.

Tie Dan didn't refuse, and accepted it happily, and smiled at Ye Tong: "Buy ice cream and eat it, you half and I half."

"it is good!"

Ye Tong was so happy that his eyes narrowed, he dragged Tie Dan out and ran out, and Pippi followed behind in a daze.

The corners of Lu Mo's lips rose, and he pushed the wheelchair into the house by himself. Ye Qingqing came out of the kitchen, trotted forward and grabbed the wheelchair, "I'll push it!"

Lin Shufang intentionally left space for the young couple, so she went to the kitchen by herself, and was even more relieved to see the vegetables Ye Qingqing bought. She originally thought about going to buy some sauced beef for the old man in the afternoon, and some beef tendon for Lu Mo to eat. But the girl bought them all back, so sweet!

Ye Qingqing pushed Lu Mo into the room, and happily took out 1000 yuan from the bag. The 100 yuan had already been dismantled, and there were still nine hundred yuan left. He said happily, "I made money, a lot of money!"

(End of this chapter)

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