Chapter 98

Lu Mo nodded, "Mine."

When he was in high school, he thought of earning money by himself. His mother Lin Shufang's monthly salary was limited. Although she had grandpa's subsidy, she could only ensure that she had no worries about food and clothing, and could not buy property at all.

But Lu Mo's greatest wish is to have a house that belongs to him and his mother.

Grandpa was really kind to him, but because of this kindness, the second room was dissatisfied. The whole family moved to grandpa's place, where they ate and drank.

But Lu Mo knew that the old man's monthly retirement salary was basically spent and was subsidized at home.

As he got older, life would definitely be difficult if he didn't have any money. Lu Mo's desire to buy a house became stronger. He used weekends and nights to wholesale small commodities and sell them in the countryside.

Before and after the Chinese New Year, I will also go to send the God of Wealth, especially in the first few days, as long as you are willing to endure hardships, you can earn 200 yuan for a dime for a God of Wealth in a few days. After the capital gradually increased, Lu Mo and his classmate He Weishao worked together big.

He used his savings for several years, a total of 5000 yuan, plus He Weishao's own 3000 yuan, to set up a material company.

This house was bought at the beginning of the year, and He Weishao contacted him for him, spending most of his savings.

Lu Mo originally planned to move in with his mother in autumn, but something happened to him. This plan can only be shelved temporarily, but Ye Qingqing can come over first, so that this girl doesn't have to worry about money all day long.

Ye Qingqing and Tie Dan looked at each other, swallowing hard, such a big house!

"This house is just like the one in the movie, so beautiful." Tie Dan was deeply moved.

It was the first time he knew that the captain was so rich, and Tie Dan secretly touched the pile of money left in his trouser pocket, which was left over from the 100 yuan that Lu Mo gave him in the morning.

I bought an egg cone for Xiaotong for one yuan, and he ate a mung bean for ten cents, leaving 98 yuan and nine cents.

Hmm... The captain is so rich, can he buy a cone occasionally in the future?

He ate half of Xiaotong's cone, it was delicious.

It was the best food he had ever eaten when he grew up.

"Lu Mo, have you picked up gold?" Ye Qingqing really couldn't figure it out, where did this guy get the money?

"Kids, don't ask, you will do experiments here in the future."

Lu Mo didn't know how to say it, so he just whetted the girl's appetite and made her feel itchy.

Ye Qingqing gritted her teeth angrily, her palms were itchy, and she pulled hard on Lu Mo's back, but this guy's back was as hard as granite, he missed the flesh, but his fingertips hurt.

"You are of stone!"

Ye Qingqing looked at her fingers distressedly, the thumbnail, which was cultivated with great difficulty, almost broke.

The corners of Lu Mo's mouth were lightly raised, and his previous indifferent face was like melting ice and snow, returning to the earth in spring, but he couldn't see it himself.

Tie Dan secretly smiled, and the captain smiled like a fox who stole a chicken. He obviously likes his sister-in-law, and the duplicity of the captain is so dishonest.

The big house is very tidy, but it is empty, there is nothing, and some doors and windows are still broken. It can be seen that many people lived here before and did not cherish this house.

Lu Mo gave Ye Qingqing the key so that she could come over to do experiments anytime.

"If you don't have enough money, ask me for it. You are not allowed to go to the mountains again!"

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes, leaned closer and asked softly, "How do you make money? Can you teach me?"

"Now your main task is to study!"

Lu Mo wouldn't say that this girl dropped a dozen students in the final exam last semester, and the most important thing now is to study, thinking about what she is doing all day long!

Ye Qingqing grimaced at his back and muttered softly, "You're more disciplined than my dad, huh!"

Tomorrow will continue, bookmark and recommend five-star praise, pack it and drop it, hahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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