fake prince

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

"Brothers, the provincial exam is only a few days away, and the school is on vacation. See you in the autumn." Su Ziji bowed calmly, glanced at it, and sighed inwardly, this reading club, he will not hold it up.

Saved half a year of hard study, it is not considered outstanding, if save two or three years of hard study, a large number of scholars in his own mansion won the election, it would be shocking, and it might alarm the court.

"This is a blessing and a curse." The white-eyed wolf is afraid that the more he progresses, the more jealous he will be, Su Ziji will never feed them again.

"Ding Ruili didn't come either."

In June and July, for Su Ziji, he was immersed in his studies. In these two months, Ding Ruili seemed to be a stranger, and he never showed up again.

Su Ziji wanted to inquire about the situation, but the invitation he sent to Ding Ruili was ignored, so he had to give up for the time being.

After all, it is coming to Qiu Wei now, so it is important to focus on Qiu Wei first, and it will not be too late to talk about other things after the provincial examination is over.

"See you in Qiu Wei." Everyone said one after another, the weather in August has turned from hot to cool, and Qiu Wei is just around the corner.

Many people feel that they have made great progress and are full of hope.

"Case chief, Professor Zheng asked you to see him." Someone said.

"I'll go right away." Su Ziji nodded and wanted to go, the man smiled embarrassedly: "I heard that the chief of the case is interested in the martial arts, this is my ancestor's experience, it is useless now, It was sent to the chief case."

Seeing Su Ziji's refusal, the man became anxious: "I am slow in reading, and the desk has given me a lot of help in the past few months. I can't repay this kindness in case. I must not refuse, otherwise, I will not I saw you face to face."

"Then I'll take it." Seeing the thin booklet, Su Ziji's heart moved, and he took it.

Sure enough, there are still people who are grateful. This Cen Shan has a beard on his face, his facial features look very well-proportioned, and he always smiles. He looks unremarkable, but he doesn't want to give gifts like this today.

The thin booklet seemed to have only about ten pages, but after a little reading, it was generally clear, but the key point was the code word, and outsiders couldn't understand what it meant, no wonder Cen Shan felt it was useless.

Su Ziji stroked it, and only heard a "buzz", and half a piece of red sandalwood ingot floated on the manuscript.

"Discover Cen's Martial Arts, do you want to learn this skill?"


"Cen's martial arts has been learned, and the similar Su-style boxing has been found, should it be merged?"


"Merge into Fenghuoshan Forest and gain a variety of weapon comprehension!"

"Fenghuo Forest Level 3, 1125/3000"

Originally Su-style boxing reached level 6, but now it has become level 3. Su Ziji is not surprised but happy. This shows that the newly acquired martial arts has a high gold content and has more potential. Zhang Huabo of the dynasty, no wonder there is this inheritance.

Thinking in his heart, he kept walking and turned to Zheng Lixuan.

Seeing Zheng Lixuan sending a person out from the study, he frowned slightly upon closer inspection, this person had a white face and no beard, he hurriedly stopped, and said with a long bow: "Hello, professor!"

"It's Ziji here!" Zheng Lixuan smiled and didn't introduce him. The white-faced man took a deep look, and saw that the young man in front of him seemed to have lost some weight due to studying hard. His eyes were quiet and deep, and he really looked like a lonely pine .

The man looked at it, as if he wanted to see Su Ziji clearly and keep it in his heart, and he said after a long time: "Sure enough, he is young and talented."

These words were sharp and his voice was different from others, Su Ziji was even more surprised, but the man stopped greeting Su Ziji after saying that and turned away.

Zheng Lixuan laughed and said to Su Ziji: "Let's talk inside."

The two entered the study room, where the lecturers of the prefectural school had their offices. This was three rooms connected to each other. There were high volumes of papers piled up everywhere on the bookshelves, and the room was filled with the smell of ink.

Zheng Lixuan sat down and said, "You have made great progress these days, and we all see it."

Su Ziji bowed hurriedly and said, "It's all thanks to the teachers' teaching that the students can make some progress, but the more they learn, the more profound they feel, and sometimes they feel a little downcast."

After Zheng Lixuan heard this, he had to ponder, and his tone was sincere: "The provincial exam is just around the corner. Originally, I called you here because I was afraid that you would be a little arrogant because of your great progress recently. Now it seems that my worries are for nothing."

Su Ziji has made such great progress, and he is still neither arrogant nor impetuous, and he reviews his homework step by step. This calmness makes Zheng Lixuan even more satisfied.

He is a professor of Chengfu School, not only from Su Ziji, he came here earlier, but he did receive orders because of Su Ziji's matter, and he had more correspondence with the above.

"Ziji, with your current talents and studies, as long as there are no accidents, you will surely win the exam. Therefore, remember, you must try to be as stable as possible this time, and don't be impatient when you encounter problems."

Zheng Lixuan warned Su Ziji because some people get flustered when they encounter such an exam in Qiuwei, which makes them unable to display their talents and learning.

Su Ziji was very grateful for this kindness, and lowered his eyes.


In the past few months, it can be said that all the family studies of all the students in the government school have basically been collected. Finally, the Four Books and Five Classics have reached level 12, while classical poetry, pavilion style, and ink painting have all been upgraded to level 5, which makes the charm and intelligence both upgraded. to 15.

It's just that a problem has been discovered, that is, even if the low-concentration skills reach the fifth level, when their quality reaches 15, they can no longer continue to improve their quality.

"You can't swipe points infinitely!"

Su Ziji thought to himself, but replied respectfully: "Students understand that before and after the last government examination, there were new talents who were overjoyed, but many things happened, some were disfigured, some had their legs broken, ruining their prospects for a lifetime. "

"Students must study behind closed doors these days, and do not go out to cause trouble."

Speak with heart, listener is more heart, Zheng Lixuan's heart moved, his face was ugly, and when Su Ziji left, he immediately ordered his servants: "Let the guard in black, be more vigilant."

A teacher who has a good relationship with Zheng Lixuan didn't notice the whisper, and came over and asked: "Master Zheng, although Su Ziji is of ordinary background, he is talented in learning and talent. I see that you really like him, why don't you accept a disciple?" ?”

In fact, this is also the place where other lecturers are muttering.

The lecturers of government schools are actually the same nature as teachers, not real teachers.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zheng Lixuan valued and appreciated Su Ziji very much, but until the approach of autumn, Zheng Lixuan still showed no sign of accepting Su Ziji as his disciple.

Could it be that Su Ziji will be accepted after he wins the exam?

Although this is more secure, but also because it is more secure, Su Ziji's future is more than half determined by then, even if he accepts an apprentice, it is far less kind than being a scholar, supporting and helping him.

When Zheng Lixuan was asked by the lecturer, he was in a daze, and then smiled bitterly. How could this be something he didn't think about?

Looking at it in the past few months, Su Ziji really shines everywhere. Seeing that his figure has become more and more elegant, his demeanor has become more free and easy, and he has gradually taken on the appearance of a heavenly man, which makes people heartbroken. If Su Ziji is just an ordinary student, even if he is from a humble background, He must also be accepted as a disciple.

However, Su Ziji had doubts about his blood, and the superiors allowed Su Ziji to continue the imperial examination without directly blocking him, which surprised him. How could he dare to ask for trouble and accept him as a disciple without authorization?

Facing the puzzlement of his colleagues, Zheng Lixuan could only shake his head, and sighed in front of the book window.

There is no fate, why?

(End of this chapter)

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