fake prince

Chapter 1204

Chapter 1204

April is the lunar calendar. There was a drizzle at noon, and it was over in a blink of an eye.

On the contrary, the air is fresh, the trees and flowers on both sides of the strait, and the vast expanse of fields, are also getting greener, making traveling along the canal not boring.

It has only been repaired, and the water surface of the canal is still relatively wide. At this time, the sky is overcast, and the drums and music are played softly, and the ships are lined up and moving slowly.

There are thirteen ships in this fleet, except for the three large ships in the center, there are ten guards around them.

Among them, on the boat behind, there were two officials standing on the deck with their arms folded and looking out. They not only observed the sides, but also turned their heads to look behind every now and then.

The soldiers on the ten ships lined up, and they did not slack off when they left Beijing. They stood on both sides of the official cabin with sabers, and there were many armors among the banners, looking very solemn and majestic.

There were people flocking from front to back, left, and right. This was the formation of Taisun traveling, which seemed not uncommon.

The boat moved slowly, and it was only about fifteen miles into the canal. Seeing the sunset began to set, the day was almost over, and the border of the capital had not yet been reached. This is not the time to be on guard.

The two were relatively silent, not talking, just thinking.

This fraud case in the examination room was shocking, but the aftermath was not over, and the grandson immediately went out of Beijing to inspect the grain depot.
A relatively young official, whose surname is Jiang and whose name is Shen, is only in his twenties this year. He has sculpted eyebrows and phoenix eyes, and still has a bookish look. The official uniform is from the sixth rank. He is definitely very young among civil servants. After all, he can pass the exam in his early 20s Jinshi, and then awarded from the sixth rank, generally only the top few of the first and second grades can have such opportunities and treatment.

Jiang Shen was indeed No.6 in the last palace examination.

Although he is not a first class, but his family background is not bad, and he basically has no shortcomings, so he can do everything well. It has only been a long time since he has been from the seventh rank, and he has become a sixth rank, which is not too slow.

But the two lucky ones who immediately got the emperor's attention after the exam and were sent as imperial envoys were incomparable.

Standing with Jiang Shen is Cao Zhi, one of the disciples of the teacher. He is more than thirty years old and has a fifth-rank official position.

A fifth-rank Beijing official is not considered low.

"Brother Cao, I don't understand. The fleet is not slow, why is it only traveling fifteen miles today?" Jiang Shen was a little worried and couldn't say it out, but just asked casually.

Cao Zhi was also thinking about it, staring at the nearby warships, frowning, even though he was a grandson, the protection seemed to be a bit more, and thinking about it made people tremble, and then he smiled: "The rules are like this when you travel, especially on the water. It is better to slow down, not only to be safe, but also to allow time to respond along the way."

Seeing that Jiang Shen was under the same teacher's door, he had something to say, and he would not hide it, so he dialed: "Furthermore, in officialdom, the nobleman must sit behind and someone in front will scout, so as not to step on the quagmire." .”

"Did Fang Xiyu go first?" Jiang Shen asked.

Cao Zhi nodded absently: "Yes, it's been five days."

"Brother Cao, I don't understand." Jiang Shen has only been in the officialdom for a few years, and he has been in the Imperial Academy before, without much intrigue.

He had already sensed something, but he still asked, "Is the trip of the two of you a secret investigation? Why does everyone seem to know about it?"

"Not only do we know where they went, but also how many days they went, and even where they went. Everyone knows, so what kind of secret investigation is it?"

Cao Zhi stroked his short beard, looked at the big ship in front of him, and said for a long time, "This is how officialdom is."

Is this the officialdom?
Seeing that Jiang Shen was thinking, Cao Zhi sighed: "It may not be a blessing to check this matter, just these two people, how to deal with it."

"You have to remember that this trip with the grandson was ordered by the Ministry of Rites. We are just the officials who were ordered to follow. No matter how we find out, it has nothing to do with us."

"Just get the guard of honor done, don't make trouble in this area, even if it's not credit, it's hard work, and you don't need to worry about other things, and you can't care about them."

"It's not easy for us to be famous, and it's even more difficult to be an official. Although we can't shirk our errands, we must keep this in mind. Before we left, our teacher also told us."

"I understand." Jiang Shen said emphatically, he is just young, not stupid, among other things, in the past, everyone scrambled to be the first in this kind of errand, but now there is no one to answer, and the Ministry of Rites has to appoint someone to know that it is wrong up.

Not to mention, the protection of the ten ships and the armored soldiers everywhere seem to be taken seriously, but thinking of the faint rumors in the capital, isn't it frightening?
Who dares to get involved in this kind of royal strife?
Both of them were talking hesitantly, with their respective worries in their hearts, and the sky was getting darker and darker, so naturally no one noticed that someone was swimming silently under the water.

This person was dressed in gray clothes, like a big nimble fish, he quickly swam to the bottom of the three big ships in the middle, and finally reached the dark place under the middle, only knocking on the bottom of the ship three times.

In a moment, a rope was hanging down the side of the boat.

The gray-clothed man who came out of the water grabbed the rope and immediately climbed up. The whole process was swift and silent.

As soon as he went up, he was led to a cabin, and he saw two personal soldiers standing in front of the cabin on both sides of the cabin, with their hands on their waists and knives, their eyes fixed, they were killing each other, the man in gray couldn't help but tremble, and he heard someone talking inside, and there was another Reporting, the sound of people suddenly disappeared, and after a while, I heard the calm voice order: "Let him in!"


The man in gray agreed, stepped into the cabin, and felt the temperature rise as soon as he entered the cabin. Compared with the outside, it was much higher!
Swimming all the way, my body felt a little chilly, so I came in, and the chill immediately disappeared.

Did you burn charcoal, or did you do something?
The gray-clothed man was puzzled, after all, he didn't see the charcoal basin in the cabin, but he didn't dare to look around casually. He saw that although it was in the cabin, the layout was elegant, and the floor was all covered with red pine panels, without any dust. The screens are carved with insects, fish, flowers and birds, and the layout is extremely elegant. One person is browsing at will in front of a wooden frame.

This wooden frame is covered with an embroidered dragon burden, and a sword stands on it, shining in the dark—this is the so-called "Shangfang Sword".

"It's Mr. Wen."

The gray-clothed man didn't dare to look any further, so he hurriedly bowed to the person in the middle: "Your Highness, this is Class A No. [-] letter."

Saying so, he took out a small oilcloth bag from his arms, which was not only wrapped in oilcloth, but also wrapped in multiple layers, and sealed with wax, so that even after soaking in water for so long, no water would enter inside.

Wen Xunpeng took the oilcloth bag from the gray-clothed man, opened it, and found that it was not wet inside, and the sealing wax with the seal was also there, so he handed it to Su Ziji.

"You go back first." Su Ziji said without looking at it immediately.


When the man in gray retreated, the cabin was a cabin after all, no matter how well repaired it was, the candles had been lit just now, so it was a bit dark and gloomy.

"My lord, the emperor actually sent six hundred guards. He really values ​​you!" After they left, Wen Xunpeng turned his gaze away from Shangfang Sword and smiled, as if deeply moved.

Su Ziji couldn't help but sighed, "Exactly!"

The emperor had quite a few imperial guards, but the Qi guards were undoubtedly the highly trusted old guards. Sending so many people, it sounds like they are protecting themselves, so why not monitor them?
In other words, as long as the emperor gives an order, the hundreds of guards in my area will not be able to stop them at all, so they will be taken down immediately.

Su Ziji didn't take it seriously, but just smiled slyly: "But, I'm afraid it will be more beneficial to me, as expected, man is not as good as God."

Saying that, without explaining, Su Ziji tore open the seal, and when he took it out to look, it turned out to be Xie Hongdao's information.

(End of this chapter)

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