fake prince

Chapter 1219

Chapter 1219
Linjiang Building

The Linjiang Tower is divided into three floors, and the top floor is naturally only for high-ranking officials to enter. The space is paneled and paved, most of the screens have been removed, carved pillars are carved with insects, fish, flowers and birds, candles are lit brightly, and tables of banquets are lined up. .

Su Ziji went up, but without taking his seat, he stood at the window and looked out. The moonlight was as clear as washing, and the fishing lights on the river were dotted. Thoughts, make it overwhelming!"

"It's just that today we recall the past, and I'm afraid that tomorrow, future generations will recall us."

"The son said on the river: the dead are like husbands, and they will never give up day and night"

"That's true!"

Chen Ziang in the Tang Dynasty wrote "Taiwan Song of Dengyouzhou", and there is a poem saying

The ancients are not seen before, and the comers are not seen later.

Thinking of the leisure of heaven and earth, but sullenly!
It is also the ancient of the present, but when later generations read this poem, Chen Ziang has already become an ancient.

Su Ziji was very emotional. In a blink of an eye, he saw the head of the eunuch who came up first. Knowing that the drug test was over, he couldn't help sighing. As a grandson, he didn't even have "freedom to eat and drink".

"Let's have a banquet!"

Su Ziji attended the banquet, accompanied by Xu Zhifu and Zhang Dai, and the eunuch poured wine from the jug. Xu Zhifu persuaded the wine with a smile, and said: "The grandson lamented the past and the present, and human nature, but because life is short, it is necessary to use meritorious deeds." survive in the world."

"We, the courtiers, should be vigilant and encouraged with this, and ask ourselves every day, have we ever failed the emperor's grace, have we ever failed the court?"

"Well said, come, let's drink together."

After drinking for three rounds, Su Ziji pushed the cup away and refused to drink, Xu Zhifu got up and said, "Grandfather, the granary is related to the national vein and the people's livelihood, so I can't be careless for a moment."

"Hearing about Taisun's inspection, I feel much more stable in my heart, and I can't wait to see through it. I wish you could come to our place right away!"

"I'm just a courtier, and my talent and virtue are shallow. Although I want to do my best for you, it's useless. I can only present the records of transporting grain to the warehouse over the years. I hope it can give the grandson the overall situation and check for omissions."

Saying this, he patted, and immediately someone bowed his head not far away, holding a plate in his hand with several books on it, and handed it to Xu Zhifu.

Xu Zhifu personally walked up to Su Ziji and handed these books to Su Ziji.

"The original file has also been transcribed, just waiting for His Highness to verify."

After saying this, one-third of the officials present changed their expressions slightly and were a little restless. Some people were even more surprised and shocked. , the whole scene immediately fell silent.

"Very good!" After witnessing all this, Su Ziji took it over calmly, and flipped through it. After flipping through, he didn't comment, but suddenly looked at Zhang Dai, who was sitting on the side, who had been silent all the time.

This deputy imperial envoy had been a little cold since he went ashore. He should salute as he should, but he was not enthusiastic, and he didn't even drink too much.

Su Ziji said, "Show these volumes to the deputy imperial envoy."

The eunuch took it immediately and handed it to Zhang Dai not far away.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, showing the indifference of the relationship.

Sitting so close, it's fine if there is no interaction with each other. Listen to what the grandson calls Zhang Dai, deputy imperial envoy, tsk!

It's no problem to call it that way, Zhang Dai is indeed a deputy imperial envoy.But such a formula, but it also appears that there is really no relationship between the two of them outside of official business.

This is actually quite in line with Zhang Dai's personality all along. Everyone suppressed their doubts and only looked at Zhang Dai who had already received the brochure.

After Zhang Dai took it, he looked through it carefully. For some reason, as he was looking through it, he couldn't suppress his grief and indignation, and even his eyes turned red.

These are all materials that I couldn't get before. Looking at it now, I still struggle to remember the useful content in my heart, but I can hardly suppress my grief and indignation.

"How harsh the world treats me!"

Zhang Dai was a clean and honest official, and he never bowed his head to evil people and evil deeds all his life. He had gone through many times of wind and rain, and how many times of swords and swords.

But maybe it was the fishy sweetness in his throat that made this kind of usual ridicule and indifference, but it was really hard for him to bear it any longer.

After reading the brochure, Zhang Dai put it on the case, got up straight away, saluted Su Ziji, and said in a hoarse voice: "Grandson, I don't eat banquets all my life, I just came here to pick up the driver, now the investigation is important, the matter Fan Duo, since I have taken over, I beg your pardon to leave first!"

As he said that, he wanted to leave the banquet just like that.

"Wait a minute!" Su Ziji was sitting with a smile on his face, but his expression changed when he saw this, and he stopped him coldly.

Zhang Dai didn't seem to be surprised that the grandson would get angry, turned around, and bowed to Su Ziji: "What else does the grandson teach?"

"Of course I have something to teach you!" Su Ziji said coldly, he didn't even call him "Gu", obviously he was really upset.

Jiang Shen and Cao Zhi were also sitting nearby, and they were the civil servants leading the team on the ship. They were the attendants of the imperial envoy. magistrate.

After sitting down, he has always been polite and unobtrusive.

I thought there would be no problems with this reception banquet, and even if there were any problems, they would only appear after investigation. No one thought that the local officials did not give them any problems, but instead there was an internal quarrel between the imperial envoy and the deputy imperial envoy?
Both of them were shocked, no matter how dull they are, they can feel that the atmosphere is not right, not to mention that the two of them are not dull, this atmosphere...is not right!

The two of you won't fight on the spot, will you?

Although they thought the grandson was a noble person and would not do such a thing, many people knew what Zhang Dai had done before, and they really had no confidence in Zhang Dai.

I could only hear Taisun saying with a blank face: "You said that the inspection of the grain depot is important, it is a big matter, let's not talk about my identity, just talk about the imperial envoy, I am the official imperial envoy, for the sake of the overall situation, when everything is under my overall planning, you Investigate the case first, what kind of rule is this?"

It's the overall situation and rules again.

To be honest, Zhang Dai recognized it very much at first, and he usually complained about it a lot, but when Taisun mentioned it, he immediately thought of what Xu Zhifu said to him before, and couldn't help but glance at Xu Zhifu, seeing that his face was smug With a strange look, his heart suddenly trembled, and he was already suspicious.

The grandson was granted the title of Riqian, and Zhang Dai did not suspect that the grandson was also involved in the granary case, but he was afraid that the grandson would form a party, so a large number of officials took refuge in him.

In Zhang Dai's heart, whoever seeks refuge, those thieves and corrupt officials will naturally form cliques for personal gain and seek protection.

"Overall, rules?"

"Could it be the general situation and rules of this kind of city fox and social mouse?"

Zhang Dai felt sad and indignant, but the grandson scolded him for questioning, so he couldn't help but answer, he nodded again and again, only heard the sound of "Dongdong", and said: "Of course His Highness the grandson is the main one, but I also obeyed the order to assist the grandson to investigate the case first The grandson just sits on the banner, and the minister will definitely investigate and find out, if there is anything wrong, the grandson can just tell the minister to do it!"

Saying that, he bowed to Su Ziji, got up, and staggered away.

(End of this chapter)

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