fake prince

Chapter 1248 Sanskrit Seems A Little Flattering

Chapter 1248 Sanskrit Seems A Little Flattering
When Su Ziji went out, he saw the guards coming to welcome him, and the monk respectfully sent him out of the small temple, watched the distinguished guests walk away, and then turned back.

"Master Dafan, is it okay to agree to such a condition?" A middle-aged monk clasped his hands together and asked, "This seems to be contrary to our plan."

There are naturally rules and regulations in the teaching of Sanskrit, and the rules are to demote all gods and honor Brahma alone.

Specifically, as I just said, in this piece of middle land, the imperial court called it Dragon Qi, and the emperor called it a real dragon, so the dragon was reduced to a snake, and the Dapeng solar eclipse five hundred dragons.

Such a subtle influence naturally stepped on the human court ten thousand feet.

Not only that, this piece of land respects the sky, so the original boundary area (Sanskrit) is translated into heaven, and the gods and men are translated into heavenly women and sons of heaven, and the emperor is trampled into the mud again.

In the future, Vatican is accumulating public opinion and preparing to revolt.

Now that the revision is agreed, the strategy of "destroying the country first destroys its name" has failed.

Even if the old monk is one of the three giants, he cannot be arbitrary.

"Alas." The old monk sighed deeply: "If we want to implement this strategy, we must subtly influence the people to build up the foundation of the people so that the court will not be vigilant. Once the court is serious, it will be difficult to implement."

"More importantly, this world is special. Even if you teach the Dharma to millions of people, don't look at the god's appearance, but only the faith in this world, and there is no trace of Brahma power to enter."

"That's why we have to open the gap."

"Does it have to be this person? He is the grandson, not the emperor." The middle-aged monk was still puzzled.

"If we don't have Brahma power, the upper level will never be able to occupy it, and can only affect the middle and lower levels."

"Besides, the Supreme Brahma Land is not very attractive to the emperor and emperors and generals. This is also different from other places."

"So, grandson may not be the only opportunity, but it is the biggest opportunity in recent years."

The old monk was full of wrinkles, and his heart was very restless. After a long time, he said: "If you want to ask about the great harm, Wei Shizu's "On the Destiny and Blessed Land" is the greatest harm. It will cut off my way!"

The middle-aged monk was speechless, and he put his hands together after a while: "Oh, the calamity is so great, how can this article be published and spread?"

No one heard what the old monk and the middle-aged monk said.

The guests who came before, after the nobleman entered, stayed honestly at a distance, and did not dare to come forward at all. It was not until Taisun and his party left that these pilgrims went back and chatted with the monk to inquire about the matter just now.

The attitude of the monk is very normal, and he is very respectful to the nobles who have already left. The person who has been staring at the grandson also mixed in with these few people for a few words. Seeing that the monk is obviously the way he should welcome distinguished guests, he knows that he is here. When he got any useful information, he left the small temple.

"It seems that Taisun is really bored on the boat, wandering around?" The man went to the shore, looked at the imperial envoy ship parked in the distance, and muttered.

"Grandfather, do you want to eat?"

At this moment, seeing the Taisun on the large imperial envoy ship and the official in charge of meals on the ship, they immediately came over to inquire.

There were not many incidents of nobles being assassinated in ancient and modern times, but there were quite a few accidents at the entrance. The kitchen team was brought over by Su Ziji from the Prince's Mansion. There were three drug tests during the process, and it was specially in line with Su Ziji's taste.

"No need for now, let's talk about it later." Su Ziji was not hungry at the moment: "The meal can be lighter."

"Yes." The magistrate had already got the answer he wanted, and immediately retreated.

"Cao Qing, please stop." Seeing that Cao Zhi was about to leave, Su Ziji stretched out his hand and asked, "I'm a little confused."

Su Ziji is the emperor, and Cao Zhi is the fifth rank, so he can be called Qing, so there is no problem in calling him like this.

"What doubts does the grandson have?" Cao Zhi turned his head and said respectfully.

Su Ziji noticed a subtle change in Cao Zhi's attitude, and frowned at this moment: "Visiting today, I found that the Buddhist religion seems a bit... flattering, why?"

According to his understanding, even if he is a grandson, it seems that he is not qualified to use the core strategy of the Brahma Sect. This attitude is very wrong.

Cao Zhi didn't find this strange, and said, "You are a grandson, and it is normal for you to pay respect in the Buddhist religion?"

"If you don't, you're treason."

"But..." That's what he said, but Su Ziji still felt that something was wrong, so he pondered, and seeing Cao Zhi looked a little more serious, he said, "However, the Buddhist religion is a heretic, so grandchildren should not get too close."

This is a bit persuasive.

"Oh?" Su Ziji felt that something was wrong, and he felt as if he had overlooked something, so he asked carefully, "Vaticanism is a heretic, please tell me more about it."


Cao Zhi raised his head to look at Su Ziji, opened his eyes wide, and after a meeting, he suddenly understood that the grandson was the number one scholar. According to the imperial system, it was compiled and compiled by the Imperial Academy, and then naturally taught by officials, but the grandson had a special status. Directly manage one side, and then return to Beijing to confer the title of Duke, acting king, and grandson.

Unexpectedly, no one knew that although Taisun's knowledge was excellent, one piece was missing.

"This is the prime minister's fault!" Cao Zhi was silent, no wonder he was a little surprised, the grandson seemed to be a little close to the Buddhist religion, although not to a great extent, it was still a little surprising.

Immediately said: "Just now, Taisun said in the temple that all dynasties in China respected heaven, regarded heaven as the father of the emperor, and ruled the world in the name of the son of heaven-everyone sees people's words and actions according to heaven, and they dare not be self-absorbed- —It’s really the theory of the ultimate way.”

"But there is Tao, and there must be virtue. What is virtue, and grace is virtue."

"With Tao but no virtue, all things do not grow, and the people do not attach themselves."

"Wei Shizu's "Fate and Blessed Land" discusses its zeal, and it is the first chapter of the Hanlin teaching, which is used to worship people's hearts."

"Wait, Wei Shizu's "On the Destiny and Blessed Land"?" Su Ziji was stunned, Cao Zhi had already understood, and said politely: "The important event of the country lies in the sacrifice and the army. This article is about the righteous sacrifice."

"Grandsun Conghui is beyond the reach of the minister. After the minister recites it, the grandson will understand it by himself."

With that said, Cao Zhi cleared his mouth.

"Heaven's mandate to the court is due to vitality. Although the nature is thick and thin, and the number of Zuo is different, but the master is ordered by the sky, no matter how thick or thin, the vitality will be born in the emperor's hometown to shelter his soul..."

"The mortals and ministers, who receive posthumous titles and become ghosts and gods, must know that a decree descends, bestowing a sliver of destiny vitality, which can change the fate of the yang world, and can also change the number of ghosts and gods. People's masters, generals, and Taoism worship gods. Shit, why don't you feel confident..."

"It's just that people and ministers are destined by the dragon's qi and heaven, and they must return to the emperor's hometown. Although they are devout, they cannot be reincarnated elsewhere. Why, loyal ministers don't serve two masters. How can humans and ghosts have both? Only God's will and human beings are self-dedicated..."

"It's not just that the law can't add to the emperor's hometown, it can't add to the yang world, it only controls the blessings of the dark."

"It's just that the vitality is limited, and if you abuse it, you are suspected of ruining the family. Therefore, those who are the masters of the people should continue to strengthen themselves, increase their vitality, and prolong the country and win the family of heaven. Those who are ministers should be loyal to the master and diligent in the king's affairs. Also use vitality to impress the king's family, this is the same law."

This article is not long, but Su Zi’s Four Books and Five Classics has reached the 18th level. Hearing it, he was struck by a thunderbolt.

"So it is."

The important matter of the country lies in the sacrifice and the army, why sacrifice, minus the worship of ghosts and gods, in fact, it is spiritual civilization, or the mainstream thinking.

Sacrifice, respect, and closeness.

Therefore, the imperial courts of all dynasties worshiped the Tianxi (the heaven, earth, sun, moon, mountains, rivers, loyal ministers and filial sons), which is the core idea of ​​the imperial court.

Since ancient times, the scholar-bureaucrat class has never fallen ideologically, which is inseparable from this set.

The core of the core is the gift.

(End of this chapter)

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