fake prince

Chapter 1262

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hall became tense.

The officials all trembled, and the fifth and sixth ranks in the corner couldn't help straightening their necks and looked in front of the throne.

Even Liang Yuyin trembled and raised his head in astonishment, but he stood at the end and couldn't see the expressions of the people in front.

The emperor who was sitting on the dragon chair saw the censor who came out and asked:

"Who is going to play?"

"There is a play by Liu Xin, the imperial censor of the Chendu Chayuan."

Following Zheng Wei's system, the Metropolitan Procuratorate was divided into Censor Zhongqing (the third rank), Yushi Dafu (the fourth rank), Qiandu Yushi (the fifth rank), and supervisory censors (the sixth rank), who were in charge of correcting and impeaching hundreds of divisions and serving as eyes and ears The minister of discipline.

"Liu Xin." The emperor said gently: "What do you want to play, who do you want to impeach?"

In normal times, the old emperor is the lord of the world, and he would never be flustered by a little censor who jumped out.

But now something big has happened.

The secret that has been related for many years was spread out, and everyone knew about it. The emperor looked at Liu Xin who stepped out, and his heart skipped a beat.

He wanted to be inaccurate, but at this time, without any reason, even the emperor who said nothing, had no way to forbid him to speak in front of the ministers.

The old emperor had no expression on his face, he just stared at him, he couldn't tell whether it was anger or joy, this gaze falling on anyone was enough to make people tremble.

Liu Xin is a slightly fat official in his thirties. At this time, he raised his eyes and met the old emperor's eyes. Naturally, he also saw the old emperor's expression, and his heart skipped a beat. Without the slightest fear, he poked his neck and said loudly: "I am the censor of Qiandu, and I have the responsibility of impeaching the capital's morals."

"I heard rumors yesterday that the prince died strangely 20 years ago. The prince did not commit suicide, but someone wanted the prince's heart!"

"And now, this person is even more interested in the grandson's heart!"

"Such rumors are really frenzied. The slander has been rebellious and rebellious since ancient times, and there is no such thing as it!"


Although most of the officials had heard about it, but these words were actually said by Liu Xin in public, even if it was a rumour, it still made people tremble.

The expressions of all the ministers standing in the court hall, including the elder standing in front, changed drastically, and the people behind even disregarded the discipline of the court and whispered to each other.


Zhao Xu didn't say a word, he just glanced at the officials with stern eyes, and then at the emperor.

Hearing the scolding, although many people didn't dare to raise their heads, even the elders just lowered their eyes after raising them, but most of them still secretly booed the emperor's expression.

The courtiers are also eager to know the truth!

Monarchs and ministers, the imperial court, and the mandate of heaven are, in essence, what people think.

If the emperor really did such inhumane things, it would shake the foundation of Dazheng.

Why didn't the old emperor understand this truth?
If this matter is exposed, even the most loyal people will hesitate and waver.

How can such an emperor convince the public?

Even for such an emperor with real power, when he is very old, it is already a bit difficult to maintain the current rule. If there are more such excuses, it is like pulling out the teeth of an old tiger!

The old emperor was startled and angry, staring at Liu Xin.

Things have come to this point, there is no retreat.

Liu Xin met the emperor's gaze, gritted his teeth and continued, "Such rumors are really deadly. I ask the third division to investigate and bring these disorderly officials and thieves to justice!"

These words cut gold and cut iron, and there was a sound on the ground. The emperor's brain buzzed, and blood immediately rushed to his face, his face was ashen, and he was furious: "How can such dirty news be discussed in the court?"

"This is not a trivial matter. It not only slanders the emperor, but also attacks the artifacts of the dynasty. It cannot be lenient or careless. Please issue an order from the emperor to let the third division investigate and bring these rebellious officials and thieves to justice."

Liu Xin immediately spoke loudly, and suddenly, the whole hall became silent, even a needle could be heard.

It's just that the silence didn't last long, and a servant of the official department came out of the queue.

"My minister agrees."

Immediately afterwards, another third-rank officer came out of the queue.

"My minister agrees."

The clans that were able to go to court also stood up one by one after being silent.

"My minister agrees."

"My minister agrees."

One after another, many people stood up and expressed their support for Liu Xin's request, hoping to order a strict investigation into the matter.

Even Liang Yuyin, who was at the end of the line, stood up when [-]% of the officials stood up and kowtowed to the top. Although he didn't speak, the meaning of this group of kowtowing officials was very clear.

"It seems that this is actually united as one?" The emperor's face was ashen, with no expression on his face, he suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, then quickly put away his smile, turned to the cabinet and asked, "What about you?"

Just as the old emperor questioned like this, pain flashed across the faces of the cabinet ministers headed by Zhao Xu. The emperor was so out of order.

Originally, in this situation, he would never press the question, but now he has lost his measure.

The minister didn't dare to think about it, but he had to think about it.

Zhao Xu stood up with difficulty, bowed, and actually supported Liu Xin's proposal.

"The old minister also seconded!"

"The minister also agrees!"


After Zhao Xu, Qian Wei, Cui Zhaoquan, Xie Zhi and others all stood up.

This is almost the members of the entire cabinet, and the members of the entire cabinet support Liu Xin's proposal.

Where have the officials seen such a formation?

In the past, in many major events, although the relationship between the cabinets seemed to be okay, in fact, due to different political ambitions, it was very rare that they could be twisted together!
And now they saw with their own eyes that the cabinet ministers all stood up and supported the investigation of this matter.

No matter how dull a person is, he should feel that there is something important hidden in it.

Among the officials who can come to participate in the early court, who is really slow?

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

"This is a big deal."

"You...you..." The old emperor sat on it, his whole body seemed to be frozen, cold from the outside to the inside.

The cold made his body tremble slightly.

It was extremely cold, and more anger spewed out.

This is a big palace!

Whether it's the clan or the cabinet ministers, all of them have been favored by the emperor, and they are all twisted into a rope, and they are forcing themselves into the palace!

This kind of situation was never encountered by the old emperor before, even when he ordered the execution of the prince and the prince's mansion, he had never encountered such a thing.

Is it because they are old that these people have become so bold and reckless?
The old emperor only felt a sweetness in his throat, and a blackness in front of his eyes.

His two hands firmly grasped the handle of the dragon chair, and he pressed it down with a sweet taste in his throat.

For a moment, the emperor's eyes flashed with a sinister light, and he even wanted to summon his own army to kill all these rebellious officials and thieves.

But 20 years of political experience tells me that once this happens, I will really become a "people's thief and only husband". At that time, as long as someone raises his arms and supports the clan, the palace may change hands immediately.

Thinking of this, the emperor clenched his teeth tightly, spit out the anger in his heart, and said slowly: "These rumors are not handled by the imperial court, why are you making such a noise, it is very unseemly, but since you want to Check, where is the Imperial City Division? Find out the case immediately!"

"Your majesty..." Liu Xin spoke again when he heard that the emperor wanted to hand over the matter to the Imperial City Secretary for investigation.

The old emperor stared coldly, seeing that Zhao Xu wanted to speak again, and said directly: "I've made up my mind, so I'll do it like this—retire!"

After speaking, he went out without thinking.

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