fake prince

Chapter 1273 Congratulations For You

Chapter 1273 Congratulations For You

"It's a boost, and it's also a variable, but it's all under control."

In the cabin, Su Ziji, who was leaning on the chair, opened his eyes, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

Because it was raining outside but there was no wind, the cabin was very stuffy even though the windows were open.

But just after he woke up, he could feel a gust of wind blowing from outside.

The cool breeze was blowing, and Su Ziji's head, which was not drowsy, became more sober.

The scene just now was not a dream.

Is this the skill of Lord Long?
Allow yourself to witness a young dragon in flight?

Thinking back to that scene, the young dragon was flying and making wind and rain, but all the water gods came to worship without knowing their intentions.

"No matter what their intentions are, worshiping the young dragon at this juncture is to add wind and rain to the young dragon."

"But it's difficult to control the fire for the first time. If you are weak, you will lose your balance if you are too strong."

"Those water gods may not all have malicious intentions, but the leading water god must have different ambitions."

"During the dragon walk, add moisture and strength to the baby dragon. Once the moisture is too strong, although it is powerful, it may not be able to control it."

When walking a dragon, the dragon cannot control the clouds and rain, what will happen?

Once the wind and rain are too heavy, it should not be a disaster but it becomes a disaster, there are thousands of miles of swamps and thousands of miles of floods, and countless lives are carried by the dragon, the dragon may fail.

At the same time, will the dragon lose his way because of this?
"It seems that the stories in some of the scriptures I have read are not without reality."

Although they are basically stories imagined by human beings themselves, there is indeed a certain truth about the loss of control of power that leads to disasters and punishment.

There is no need for a higher existence to judge. Once the balance is lost, causing disaster, and the existence of authority will face a problem, that is, losing the way.

"The same is true whether it is a monarch or an official."

"Three years without changing my father's (old) way, in fact, not only in terms of position, but also adding a bit of power every day, and it also calms down the impulsive self who has just taken power."

"Authority is like a dragon. The wind, rain, thunder and thunder are powerful, but they also have the danger of losing their way."

Thinking about this, Su Ziji felt more and more that practice and politics are the same thing. He stood up, turned inside, and read a few scriptures he picked up at random. The stories inside were indeed similar to those in Su Ziji's memory.

He even suspects that the person who first wrote this kind of storybook, or actually saw this scene with his own eyes, spread the story and attracted the imitation of the latecomers.

Throwing down the storybook, Su Ziji told the people outside: "Bring water, I just need to wash up."

Someone outside responded immediately, and the servants of Taisun's mansion who followed after a while filed in, bringing in water basins, towels and other things.

Su Ziji washed his face and wiped it with a towel. After being blown by the wind, he felt a little better.

That kind of comfort seems to be not only due to such trivial things, but more likely to come from the final result seen in the "dream".

Has Xinglong been successful?

Su Ziji showed a slight smile, and the people in Taisun's Mansion who witnessed this scene were slightly stunned.

Taisun, it seems that something has changed?

At this time, someone came in and reported: "Grandson, the prefect of Nanxing County, Chaike, pays homage to me."

In fact, Chai Kejing was still a bit worried just now, did he figure it out soon after he went back?

You came back very quickly, did you just go back and write the list?

It is not a bad thing for officials to be keen on fame and fame. If the water waves are not smooth, everything will be sad. Su Ziji nodded: "Let him wait in the hall."

"Yes." The person who came to report immediately conveyed the order.

Su Ziji himself was not in a hurry to go out, he straightened his clothes and hair crown, and walked into the hall for receiving officials again.

Chai Kejing had been waiting here for a while, and his whole body was tense. Looking from his back, he even looked like a standing bamboo pole.

But when he heard footsteps, he turned around and saw the Empress Dowager walking in, the bamboo pole bent down, bowed to Su Ziji again, and kowtowed.

"Chen Chai Kejing, I have met His Royal Highness."

"Get up and answer." Su Ziji waved his hand, seeing Chai Kejing slowly getting up, he asked slowly: "Is the list out?"

Chai Kejing was covered in sweat at first, but when he arrived in the hall, except for the small windows, it was not very ventilated, and it was raining and windless outside, so he only waited for a while, and even his forehead was covered with hot sweat. Seeing the grandson walk in, it seemed to bring coolness.

It was sweltering at first, but now it is breezy.

Hearing Taisun's question, he subconsciously looked over and was slightly taken aback.

It was only a few hours since he saw Taisun last time.

The last time I saw Taisun, he was indeed depressed and heavy, or it was because of this that he was numb to everyone?
Otherwise, why is there such a big difference between the grandson he saw not long ago and the grandson he saw now?
Originally, it seemed that the grandson was just handsome. Although his whole body was heart-wrenching, all the high-ranking people often possessed such a temperament, or they might be different, but those who can last for a long time must have their own unique advantages.

After all, if it is not the only word, it is only when there are competitors, and it can only be selected when it shines.

If you use candlelight to describe it, the original Taisun is indeed very bright, and you can't help but look at it.

But at this moment, the grandson seems to have changed a lot. Even if he doesn't pay attention to his appearance and identity, just relying on his calm but powerful aura like a river can make people feel uneasy in the first place.

Although they are both heart-wrenching, the subtle difference was captured by Chae Kejing at once.

Chai Kejing didn't understand why this change came about, so when he asked Taisun, thoughtfully, he replied: "The minister has finished writing the list."

"It's just that the minister's talents are a little shallow. I'm afraid there are many careless omissions. If there are mistakes in the affairs of the county, it's still a trivial matter. If you miss the big grandson's affairs, the minister deserves death."

"That's why I'm so sincere and fearful, I respectfully invite you to take a look."

What he said is relatively in place, and his attitude is even higher than before, and Yu Lan is not overstepping the grandson's words.

Su Ziji's jaw was on his head, and his smile was more genuine. He didn't delay, and took a look at it. Not only did he have his name, but he also had a general crime behind it.

After lingering for a while, he thought about it, and asked: "Do you know Wu Zhizhong, can you tell me specifically what's wrong with him?"

Chai Kejing hurriedly bowed and replied: "Grandson, the first point is that the minister was newly transferred not long ago, and his acquaintance Wu Zhizhong is the biggest official in Nanxing County. The granary is in his hands through the channel of the county, nothing else , the last grain collection, he personally got 270 three taels of silver."

"It's well-documented."

As he said, he handed over a letter respectfully, and seeing Su Ziji read the letter and drank tea without speaking, Chai Kejing said again: "The most important thing is that this person is not only indifferent to your errand, but more importantly, , it seems that there is not a small series.”

"Oh?" Su Ziji looked at the letter casually, and after a while he said, "With whom?"

Chai Kejing: "With Xu Shangyi, the magistrate of Jielu County, Han Chengyi, the lieutenant of Nantong County, and the boss from above—Pei Dengke"

Nothing else, this Pei Dengke, the former governor, the third-rank official of the frontier, remembered the fox's report, Su Ziji immediately felt the sincerity, glanced at Chai Kejing, got up and took two steps, looked at the water from the window, and said for a long time He wrote: "Originally, the list was read in Nanxing County alone. I am very pleased that you are submitting it now, and I am also relieved for you."

"I've also read your resume. You may feel that you are unlucky, but your indiscretion is also an important reason-this list has already explained it."

Hearing these words, Chai Kejing couldn't help being startled, as if cold water was being poured down, his heart went cold for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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