fake prince

Chapter 1310

Chapter 1310

Magical Army Qianhu Huo Lianqi!

The emperor fell into deep thought, and in a trance, he seemed to see the sick and broken Taizu.

Even the great ancestor who owned the world and swept the world, looked more and more haggard under the faint flickering candle shadow, took the emperor's hand, and said faintly: "Prince, I don't care how you got the prince, but there is a sentence that must be told to you." .”

"In the 400th year of Wei Dynasty, the world lost virtue and collapsed. All the heroes of the world rose together, each with their own luck, and competed for the real dragon!"

"This is actually the same as mortal sons fighting for the heir apparent."

At that time, he was the emperor of the prince, so he was enlightened and realized. It turns out that the destiny is not predestined, but the struggle of the common people?
Destiny can be won, but what about lifespan?

Taizu didn't know what the prince was thinking, he shook hands and gasped: "Originally, everyone depends on their own abilities, even a Qianlong like me, as thin as a hair, can compete for the destiny, and it's still perfect."

"But I know that my foundation is shallow and I started late. If I want to fight for the world, I have to find another way!"

"That's why I introduced the demon luck, and I was able to get out quickly!"

"But because of this, the world of my Ji family is not pure, and it was fine when it was at its peak. If it declines, I'm afraid that it will be backlashed by demon luck immediately, and it will turn against customers."

"Even opening this head will bring disaster to the future dynasties, and I will be punished by heaven!"

"That's why I won the world, and I didn't hesitate to kill myself. I immediately killed the monster clan, wiped out the Shence Army, and erased the records, so that my descendants will not follow suit!"

"Of course we can't go all the way!"

"When you become the emperor, you need to further eradicate the evil spirits of the monster clan. If you have descendants who emulate the old skills, those who borrow the luck of the monster will be punished."

"This is the most important point, and it must not be neglected, otherwise, I will not be at ease in the blessed land!"

When the candle flame flickered, the emperor's eyes flicked, but he hadn't woken up yet.

The Shence Army swept the world back then, ranking first among all the armies. Among them, Huo Lianqi, a thousand households, bravely won the three armies, and was invincible before the battle.

But... Isn't this person already killed by Taizu?

Why are you still alive and colluding with King Qi?
"King Qi, you have disappointed me so much!"

The anger just now was just the subconscious anger of the father, but now, a thunderous anger, as the truth is revealed, is difficult to calm down.

How much did I and Taizu pay to prevent the Shence Army from reappearing?

With the help of the Yaozu's luck, they would naturally not have no countermeasures. The Taizu even preferred to fight back and die, and died early before finishing the Shence Army.

And the influence of the Yaozu is not just the Shence Army. I don’t know how many heroes and officials have been implicated. He has been cleaning up everywhere for 20 years, peeling off cocoons, and even bears a lot of notoriety.

In the end, this unfilial son actually wanted to rebuild the Shence Army?

The emperor grabbed the quilt with his hands, his face expressionless.

That's right, the world has been peaceful for 30 years, who would dare to rebel at this time?

The only ones who dare to rebel are the Shence Army.

"King Qi, I know you're not smart, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid. Clan education, first of all, is to cut off from demons, but you pretend to be smart."

"You have committed other things, I can tolerate you, but this matter is the imperial edict of the Taizu, how can I forgive you?"

The emperor suddenly thought that he was going to give the sword to kill King Qi, and his heart ached.

I cherish the prince very much, but knowing that my salary is very small, it is only a transition, so I feel unwilling.

Taizu passed away, and Yuyu was only 11 years old. The foundation of Dazheng was just established, and it was really vacillating.

There are also hidden dangers of the monster race, which cannot be controlled by a non-Master.

Killing the prince himself to seize luck is really for the sake of the country.

Even so, the emperor couldn't face up to the prince, so he could only transfer his feelings to the second son and indulge him more.

The prince was restrained from reading and learning from a young age, but the king of Qi was crazy about playing, often climbing up and down, playing hide-and-seek, and catching grasshoppers. He still remembers it vividly... At this moment, I want to kill him?
The emperor looked sad and happy, he was stunned and did not speak.

"No, I am the emperor now, and I have the right to make the final decision."

"Taizu's will is to sever the demon luck, to sever it, it doesn't have to be killed!"

The emperor's eyes brightened and dimmed again.

"King Qi, even if I spare you, you must be deposed as a commoner and imprisoned!"

"Prisoner, don't I know that this is no different from the living dead!"

"But I, there is no way!"

The emperor's face was gloomy, his teeth were clenched tightly, he no longer had a faint dislike for Ma Shunde who brought the news, but suddenly felt that his face was hideous, and he almost wanted to ask someone to drag this servant out and stick him to death.

But this matter, he can think in his heart, but he can't do it.

At least, he couldn't order Ma Shunde to be dragged out to be shot at this moment.

If you do this, you will not only reveal what you are really worried about, but also reveal the things you are worried about for the world to see.

Moreover, there is also a degree of illegality. If Ma Shunde is killed, who would dare to sue him in the future?

It's really no big deal to kill a servant, but it can't be done at this moment, even after the matter is settled, Ma Shunde can be dragged out and killed with a stick without even looking for a reason.

Now, at this moment, it cannot.

And if you do, you may be alarmed.

What if the alarmed Shence Army couldn't be wiped out by him?

It's about the Shence Army, so you can't be too careful.

"Forget it, I will be patient!"

The emperor signaled Zhao Bingzhong to help him up, and Zhao Bingzhong hurriedly did it carefully, and put a thick pillow behind the emperor.

Only then did the emperor sit there again, looking at the kneeling man on the ground.

"Ma Shunde..." He paused, and then said: "Investigate immediately, you have done it before, and now you have done it for me."

This is to allow Ma Shunde to ask for instructions just now, and let Ma Shunde continue to investigate this matter.

"Yes, slaves obey!"

But Ma Shunde couldn't feel the slightest joy, let alone the feeling of the rest of his life, he almost turned pale and retreated in response.

Watching Ma Shunde recede, the emperor's eyes were still cold, with a deep light, like the violence of a fierce beast before death, with a sense of awe.

This gaze was caught by Zhao Tianzhong. Zhao Tianzhong's heart suddenly jumped, but he only took one look and immediately lowered his head.

The emperor looked towards him at the next moment, and seeing Zhao Tizhong standing obediently not far away with his hands down, without even raising his eyelids, the emperor panted slightly, and the violence in his eyes eased a little.

Don't worry, don't worry, at least I still have a few people I need.

Zhao Tianzhong, an old slave, made use of it. At first, he thought that the time had passed, and he was always suspected of being a little bit connected, but now, he had to use it.

Even if the ministers outside are not allowed to use them, there are still these old slaves in their hands, as well as the Secretary of the Imperial City, and the guards.

No one can turn this day over.

Even the Shence Army is the same.

Yes, as long as anyone knows the true history and achievements of the Shence Army, it is impossible not to know the horror of the Shence Army.

Even Taizu paid a huge price to clean up the Shence Army.

But now and then.

Back then, the Shence Army had tens of thousands of armored soldiers, and hundreds of generals and officials were implicated in them.

But now, there are only a hundred people, and no officials respond.

The only thing to worry about is that he is old, and the person who colludes with the Shence Army is his own son.

This is really a great irony.

"Is it to deceive me that I am old?"

(End of this chapter)

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