fake prince

Chapter 294 Guilty

Chapter 294 Guilty

The two imperial envoys with the constitution in their hands rushed forward and refused to listen to persuasion. How could Qian Zhidong, who is the "aunt", stop them from interfering in the military affairs of the Southwest?

In this way, when the imperial envoy arrived in the southwest, Qian Zhidong would be blamed for all wrongdoings, big or small.

After reading the whole article, even people like the two imperial envoys felt that there was basically nothing wrong with it, but this taste was totally wrong.

"According to what is written in his booklet, our family and Mr. Cui not only have no merit, but also committed the crime of negligence and rash advance!"

Cui Zhaoquan sneered: "It's more than that? I'm afraid that man will take the credit for the surrender of the cottage. After all, if he handed over the book like this, the imperial court has preconceived ideas. Who would believe that such a great achievement was made by you and me?"

In the eyes of most people, he is a civil servant with a little bit of martial arts, while Supervisor Zhao is an eunuch. Compared with a general like Qian Zhidong, the latter is more credible, and this carefully considered Excerpts are even more convincing!

Thinking of how difficult it was for the two of them in Hungry Wolf Ridge, fearing that they would die if the city collapsed, and finally made a contribution with great difficulty.

"However, this reminded me." Cui Zhaoquan stood up, turned around in the tent, and sneered: "Now that the Southwest Village has surrendered, although it is still in the process of finishing, I handed over the papers and returned to the emperor one day earlier Don't worry, it's time for us to go up!"

"That's the truth!" Superintendent Zhao said sharply: "Our family has an express channel, ten days, ten days is guaranteed to have the emperor's will to reply!"

Cui Zhaoquan doesn't care about Supervisor Zhao's hidden trick at the moment. After all, the other party has the express communication channel in his hands. This matter has long been guessed. Otherwise, how did the edict to confer the title of the cottage master and Mu Sang before? of?

"Then write the notebook immediately!"

"Come on! Prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone!"

Following Cui Zhaoquan's order, a soldier immediately tidied up a clean table and prepared the best pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Cui Zhaoquan looked at Supervisor Zhao and said, "I'll write first. If Eunuch Zhao thinks it's inappropriate, Amend it again?"

"It's up to Mr. Cui." Superintendent Zhao did not stop this time, and nodded happily.

At any rate, Cui Zhaoquan was also born as a Jinshi, and he was talented in literature. He laid out the paper, thought for a while, and wrote a notebook with a brush.

In this book, first of all, it is a meritorious service for the two of them, and then Qian Zhidong's crimes are written.

Deliberately cowardly fighting during the attack caused the two imperial envoys to be deeply surrounded. Not only did they fail to rescue them, but they retreated and prevented others from coming to rescue them.

Handsome and domineering, Qian Zhidong regarded the Southwest as his back garden, publicly connived the soldiers to kill a hundred households who followed the imperial envoy to the southwest, and even tried to assassinate the imperial envoy, so as to kill people and cover up the matter.

He also mentioned that Qian Zhidong had occupied the Southwest for more than two years, and he even indulged several cavalry teams in collusion with the Shanzhai. The cavalry sold not only food, but also weapons of the Dazheng Army. In the Southwest, only Qian Zhidong commanded the Southwest Army. No other army, this matter, even if it is not Qian Zhidong's subjective treason, at least it is a crime of connivance.

There are so many things, Cui Zhaoquan didn't leave anything that Qian Zhidong could blame.

Not only that, when writing, Cui Zhaoquan thought of Qin Fengliang's schadenfreude just now, felt disgusted, and added several crimes to him by the way, sincerely wrote: "I think that the southwest is flat, whether it is Qian Zhidong or Qin Fengliang, Living in the Southwest for a long time and entrenched for a long time is not a blessing for the court, so another general should be sent to town."

Before the ink was dry, Superintendent Zhao picked it up, looked at it once, and then looked at Cui Zhaoquan with a faint admiration.

"It's said that literati write like knives, killing people without blood, our family has seen it today." He thought to himself.

But after reading the whole article, I can't find Su Ziji's name. As the chief eunuch, Supervisor Zhao is also greedy for merit, but he doesn't point to his military merits to get promoted and get rich. After all, he is already the chief eunuch. Not going anywhere, and a rootless person like him can't be knighted, so naturally he is not so greedy for merit.

Coupled with Su Ziji's status, he must report to the emperor carefully in private after he returns. Some things have been completely concealed, and he will not be able to explain them clearly at that time.

Therefore, Superintendent Zhao looked at Cui Zhaoquan with a half-smile, and reminded: "The credit for confiscating the cottage, it's fine if you don't give it to Su Ziji, and the credit for rescuing our family and Mr. Cui can't be erased. Say yes?"

"Otherwise, when people ask, how did our family and Master Cui break out of the siege, are we going to pass the credit to the damn old man?"

"I forgot, so I'll add it to him." Cui Zhaoquan froze, then said lightly.

Superintendent Zhao looked at his behavior and didn't care whether he really forgot or pretended to forget, he just watched from the sidelines.

Cui Zhaoquan had no choice but to write another copy. This copy added Su Ziji's credit. Although it was very creditable, it only wrote three points, and it also concealed Su Ziji's contribution to subdue the cottage. Supervisor Zhao After reading it, I didn't say anything.

In the final analysis, the holy will is not yet clear, and if you can help last time, you will be able to return most of the favors. At this time, if you want to help again, Supervisor Zhao feels that the time has come.

No matter how much, if you feel that you are secretly leaning towards Su Ziji, you will be in trouble.

After reading it, Superintendent Zhao ordered sharply: "Sun Baihu, use the channel immediately to send this booklet back to the capital. I want to see how Qian Zhidong dies!"

Not far from the military camp, Mu Sang and his servants were put under house arrest in a large tent. Although access was not restricted, every time they went out, there would be many people following them. Under such circumstances, it was almost impossible to contact people in private.

After he went out a few times, he stopped thinking about it and stayed honestly in the tent.

At this time, there was a sound of hawks singing in the sky, and some hawks circled a few times over the barracks, and flew away again.

The servant stopped carefully, and before he stopped, Mu Sang asked urgently, "Eagle Ming, what message did you convey?"

Mu Sang and the servant looked at each other, and they both knew that it was Sang Nu who was passing the news through the eagle. This code word was very simple, but sometimes it was enough.

"Information, capital city, fast transmission." The servant immediately said a code word.

"It seems that there is a book that was sent back to the capital." Mu Sang said in a low voice with some regret, "It's because this channel is related to alchemists. Although you can try to attack and learn the content, the loss outweighs the gain."

"My lord, I think the imperial envoy sent the book back this time. It may not be for the sake of the cottage. Before, Qian Zhidong's people killed people in public. This really made us see a joke. I am afraid that this book is for this!"

Speaking of what happened at the banquet, the servant couldn't help but gloated.

So what if they had to surrender?

A hundred households did not die in their hands, but died in the hands of the Southwest Army's own people. Qian Zhidong is afraid that he will be in great trouble.

Mu Sang shook his head instead, frowning: "Qian Zhidong is capable, selfish, and has the power to execute his selfishness. He is out of luck, and it may not be beneficial to us."

"The next Southwest admiral is afraid that it will be even more disadvantageous to us because he does not have the power to carry out his selfish intentions."

(End of this chapter)

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