fake prince

Chapter 418 Shangguan

Chapter 418 Shangguan

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart, and King Qi still had to straighten his expression. He could not expose this matter, so he could only reluctantly say to Princess Qi: "There is an urgent matter ahead and I have to deal with it. You, Princess, decide on the matter in the backyard. Wait." When I'm done, I'll come to you again."

After speaking, he sent his son to the concubine's arms again, hurried out, and said to the eunuch: "Make arrangements, take the secret path!"

"Yes!" The eunuch immediately responded.

"Father hasn't asked me about my homework for the past few days." The child who had begun to be enlightened said to Princess Qi with a little grievance as he watched his father go away.

Princess Qi hurriedly coaxed: "Your father has been too busy recently. I didn't forget it on purpose. When your father finishes his work, he will gather together to ask you, so you have to study hard so that you won't be late." I was questioned by your father, and I don’t know what to ask, do you know?”

"My son knows." Her son said.

With her youngest son in her arms, the young and beautiful Princess Qi waved her hand to ask Concubine An and her concubines to leave. In the empty flower hall, looking at the front yard, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

It's fine for her husband to have a side concubine. Before she married in, she knew that as a princess, her husband couldn't have only her as a wife. No matter whether there was a day of improvement, the existence of a side concubine was doomed.

But the husband is often busy with government affairs, and because of the possibility of hurting others while sleeping, even though the husband and wife have a good relationship, they never sleep together until dawn.

I usually leave in a hurry without saying a few words.

Even if she is not indulged in love and acts generously and decently, Princess Qi will inevitably feel disappointed.

The official ship that was getting farther and farther away from the capital, and the eunuch Luo Ji who was "invited" to go down by Luo Pei's order, even after a day later, his eyes still burst into flames in the flower hall. They all jumped up, looking at this appearance, if they rushed out to fight Luo Pei in the next moment, it would not surprise the people present.

But this is obviously not possible, even if he wanted to kill Luo Pei immediately, the eunuch had to suppress his anger.

The situation is stronger than people, and being stubborn will only make things develop in the direction he doesn't want to see.

As an eunuch, there were not many acts of bravado on the surface, and more of them secretly cheating and harming others.

"On the day the prince ascends the throne, our family will gain power, and we must kill all those villains! That old man Luo Pei, our family must cut him into pieces to relieve our hatred!"

"To humiliate me in front of those people, if I can bear it, I will become a tortoise!" I hated Luo Pei even more than Su Ziji who might have destroyed his plan, or other murderers.

He glanced at the few people around him who were called by him. They were all the backbone of the team. Luo Ji twitched his lips and asked: "You know why our family called you here. Tell me, now Now is there any way to successfully complete the task?"

The left and right have nothing to say, since they follow King Qi, how can they not know Luo Ji's temperament?

Without Mr. Chu, if you ask him for advice, you may be fooling yourself. No one thinks of such a trick. Besides, they really have nothing to do. Without Mr. Chu, many things are indeed difficult to handle.

The eunuch was very dissatisfied with their attitude, and sneered: "Are you all dumb? Today you have to give an opinion, is there anything you can do?"

Seeing that they still bowed their heads and said nothing, they simply nodded at the guards casually: "You speak first."

The guard sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to say: "Elder-in-law, everything here must be reported to the lord, why not ask the lord for instructions in the report letter, and ask the lord if he should be intercepted and killed halfway after the situation changes. For good."

Isn't this the same as saying that you are incompetent?

Luo Ji was furious immediately, and slapped him across the face. In the crisp sound of slaps, he screamed: "Mr. Chu made this decision before. You didn't object at that time, but you object now. Could it be that you think our family is an eunuch and doesn't deserve it?" Command you to wait?"

There was burning pain on his face, and a trace of anger flashed in the guard's eyes. He was a high-ranking official after all, so he had never received such treatment, but he was really aggrieved and had to bear it.

From the bottom of my heart, it is unwise to attack a number one scholar, the court will definitely investigate, then maybe the prince or the eunuch will be fine, and I and others may be scapegoated.

When Chu Guyong was there before, he was helpless, but now he doesn’t want to continue, so he continued with an apologetic smile: "Now that Mr. Chu is gone, no one knows how the specific scheduling will be. What will the prince explain?"

These words seem very sincere, and they are actually good words.

It's too much monitoring, and I actually think it makes sense, but I said that just now, in front of a few people, and now I changed my words, wouldn't it make these people feel that they are easy to deceive?

As an eunuch, he already has a good face and holds grudges. Eunuch Zhao is fine, he can deal with things rationally. Luo Ji is like this, usually nothing. Once such an emergency occurs, it will show the flaws in his character.

Now, knowing that what he said was reasonable, he still sneered and pointed at this person: "Xun Sichen, since you can say this, you must have a plan in mind? Then you go and take your people with you. Go assassinate Su Ziji!"

Seeing Xun Sichen's hesitation, the eunuch said coldly, "If you don't go, I'll take you down immediately for questioning."

Several people who witnessed this scene felt sympathetic to their colleagues, and even felt righteous indignation, but facing this matter, they could only keep their mouths tighter, so as not to follow in the footsteps of their colleagues.

Xun Sichen felt a chill in his heart, wishing he could draw his sword and hack the eunuch to death. If all his people were mobilized, maybe he could get things done.

Now that the soldiers are divided, let yourself go in a small group, this is to die!

Why did I meet such a stupid superior?

But even if there were thousands of rages, the high-ranking officials crushed people to death, and at this moment, the eunuch stared at him coldly, and in the end he had no choice but to obey his orders: "Your official will obey your orders."

The speaker did not realize that when he was speaking, there were two white-haired foxes, one big and one small, lying on the roof of the cabin and eavesdropping.

Although white and conspicuous, they move extremely fast, like a gust of wind, and no one notices when they come and go.

Hearing this conversation at this time, seeing the people inside scattered, the two foxes looked at each other, and after two gusts of wind blew again, they returned to the official ship where Su Ziji was.

"Huh? Did something pass by just now?" Two soldiers were patrolling the deck, and one of them looked up, wondering.

A soldier was startled, looked around and found nothing, so he frowned: "No, are you dazzled?"

"Maybe." Thinking of the drowning in the fleet not long ago, the two looked at each other, and kept silent to talk about this kind of thing, so as not to cause bad luck.

As for the white shadow I saw, when I thought that maybe I was the only one who saw it, and then I thought about the death before, why would I want to mention it?

The two were more silent than before, and the patrol went to the opposite side, and they didn't even return to the original place.

(End of this chapter)

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