fake prince

Chapter 431

Chapter 431

When some personal soldiers came to ask him to go in, Zhang Sui didn't tidy up his appearance, and just went in in such a state of embarrassment.

"My lord!" As soon as he saw Luo Pei, he knelt down on the ground, his eyes were red: "My lord will almost never see you again, you have to be the master of my lord, Master Su!"

"What's the matter with you?" Luo Pei was just getting up, and just came back from meeting the county magistrate, and was about to have breakfast, when he heard that Zhang Sui came back, he still described it as a mess and wounded, although he was mentally prepared, but There is still a difference between listening to the description of the soldier and seeing it with his own eyes. When I saw it, I was shocked.

This person is the guide he ordered to go to Shun'an Mansion with Su Ziji, he is like this, so something happened to Su Ziji, right?

"Get up and answer!"

"Yes!" Zhang Sui didn't need to pretend, he could sell miserably, wiped his eyes, and talked about what happened to them when they stayed overnight in the hotel.

"...It's also my fault that the lowly officials mistakenly regard jackals as companions. I didn't expect them to be high-grade bodyguards and personal soldiers. They obviously have official status and enjoy national wealth, but they are insane. They failed the emperor's grace and did more vicious things than bandits. !"

Zhang Sui said angrily, embellishing what had been reported truthfully.

Among them, there was a clerk in the front lobby who was busy at that time, but a fight broke out suddenly, and the soldier from Su Zi accidentally killed the clerk by mistake in the confusion.

This matter was also placed on the heads of Xun Sichen and his group.

"At that time, Xun Sichen threw a cup as a sign, and suddenly launched an attack. Everyone seemed to have lost their humanity. They killed everyone they saw, and even the workers in the hotel were killed. If it weren't for the other guys running fast, and It was not the main target to be killed at the time, and I was afraid that many innocent people would be implicated."

"But even so, the low-ranking officers and several soldiers who escorted Mr. Su to Shun'an Mansion were also injured, the tables and chairs in the front hall of the hotel were destroyed, and the hotel owner and the staff were scared and disappeared."

"This is not only a reckless act, knowingly breaking the law, assassinating the imperial court observer, but also disturbing and hurting the people, and discrediting the imperial court!"

"My lord, those dead bodies are still in the hotel. If you don't believe me, you can send someone to look at them!"

Speaking of this point, sending someone over to finish it is a must, and even if it's just one person's rhetoric now, Luo Pei still believed it immediately.

The soldiers he sent were all members of the imperial envoy, and it was impossible for Su Ziji to buy them all, let alone a man as a witness.

Not to mention, the eunuch Luo Ji grabbed and bit Su Ziji when Chu Guyong accidentally fell into the water and died that day, which is enough to see the madness of the eunuch Luo Ji.

I thought that as a high-grade military officer and bodyguard, even if the background is different, but the matter of traveling with him has passed the clear path, Xun Sichen can only protect Su Ziji and has no courage to harm Su Ziji.

Who knew, but he underestimated the courage of these people and overestimated the brains of these people.

What is the difference between being an official and murdering an observer, and rebellion?

When Luo Pei first listened to it, he actually suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, otherwise how could he hear such absurd content?

But after listening to it, you will know that this matter can be found out as soon as you check it. Zhang Sui's lying is completely meaningless.

"It's ridiculous, it's crazy!" Luo Pei slapped the table angrily, his face was ashen, his lips even trembled slightly, but the scolding was not directed at Zhang Sui.

Originally, it was not a big deal for people from Prince Qi’s Mansion to go with the imperial envoy ship. There were some merchant ships on the farther tail. It was not easy to travel far. He wanted to ask for protection along the way, even if the two sides were behind the ring Relationship, on the surface, an official can't do too much, always give it a convenience.

But who knew that these people could be so bold?

"Dare to attack the observers, disregarding human life, it is simply lawless and lawless, come here!"

"My lord!" Immediately, several personal soldiers rushed in, knelt on the ground and listened to the orders quietly. In an instant, the boat hall was filled with a murderous aura.

Zhang Sui was stunned, suddenly sober, with cold sweat dripping out, and felt that he was a little impulsive. Although he couldn't hide this matter, telling it by himself and finding out by the imperial envoy himself were completely different.

Just thinking about it, Luo Pei had already yelled coldly: "Go, use my imperial envoy to guard against me, and detain Luo Ji's boat! This official wants to impeach him, and he cannot be let down until the emperor makes a decree to convict him." Get away!"

"Yes!" Following the order of the imperial envoy, several fast boats immediately surrounded the boat, and the soldiers rushed up one after another. The people who were going to leave by boat when they found out that something was wrong were blocked.

When Luo Pei came out of the cabin, he just heard the scream of the eunuch Luo Ji from the boat.

After seeing Luo Pei's figure appearing, Luo Ji shouted even more sharply: "Luo Pei, you old man! If you dare to humiliate me, I will let you die badly, and kill the whole family!"

These vicious words made Luo Pei's suppressed anger reappear on his face, looking at the eunuch who was being held down by someone's arm, a trace of hostility flashed in his eyes.

"At this time, you still have to talk nonsense, so stubborn! Slap your mouth!"


Immediately, someone got an order, walked over, raised his arm, and slapped the eunuch hard on the mouth.

"Crack!" Those who hit people were all soldiers, all warriors, how could they be weak?With just a few slaps, the eunuch Luo Ji's face was swollen high, and with two bah bah bah, a few teeth were knocked out and spat out on the deck mixed with blood.

Seeing his own teeth that had been knocked out on the ground, although the eunuch was speechless, the eyes of the imperial envoy ship not far away were full of viciousness, like a poisonous snake.

When Zhang Sui saw this, he couldn't help being terrified, once such a villain made an enmity with him, he would never die, a man can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can he guard against a thief for a thousand days?

And to be hated by an eunuch is not just to guard against a thousand days.

Although the main grudge is the imperial envoy Luo Pei, I can't get rid of the relationship, and I want to cry now but have no tears.

Luo Pei's expression didn't change, he just waved his hand to ask the eunuch to be taken down.

Liu Zhan, who heard the movement and came out to see this scene, did not go close to him, but stood alone at the bow of the boat, watching Luo Ji being forcefully pushed onto the clipper, and taken to another boat to be imprisoned.

"Unfortunately, I escaped from the big demon silently."

Liu Zhan didn't stop him from beginning to end. After all, there was a big monster, and his attention would never be on people like Luo Ji.

Of course he knew that the big monster couldn't be caught so easily, but it was a pity to find that it had already run away before he even had time to stop it.

"However, it's a little strange that things have come to this point!" Liu Zhan turned back to the cabin, but entered the cabin, and it turned from sun to dark for a moment, and suddenly there was a flash of inspiration, and he became a little suspicious.

"Why does it seem that those who oppose Su Ziji have no good end?"

Obviously Luo Ji is sinister, cunning and narrow-minded, but villains also have villain blessings, and they don’t seem to be people with this kind of ending. Thinking of this, Liu Zhan said to the Taoist boy who came over: "You use carrier pigeons, quickly and Contact me, just say I want Su Ziji's file."

"Yes, Daoist!" Daotong responded immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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