fake prince

Chapter 438 Locust God

Chapter 438 Locust God

While the officials in Shun'an Mansion were secretly complaining, why didn't Qi Hongxin, who would change to a new county and new mansion in three to five years, feel upset?

Every time he changes his post, he not only travels thousands of miles, but also runs through difficult and problematic prefectures. Even Qi Hongxin himself feels exhausted.

You have worked so hard, how can you slack off like this?

But for the sake of exterminating the locusts, he could only suppress his unhappiness, glanced at them, and said: "The locust plague is related to people's livelihood, and it's okay to say that it's wrong. This meeting is to find a good way to exterminate the locusts. Most of you are from Jinshi background, I think, you won’t be so empty-headed that you can’t even come up with an idea, right? It doesn’t matter whether it’s useful or not, let’s speak freely.”

He pointed at one casually: "Magistrate Liu, since you just came back from Wu'an County, let you talk about it first."

Although the former magistrate was dismissed due to the civil unrest, he was usually tactful in his dealings, and the straightforward ridicule like Qi Hongxin made Shun'an officials who were planning to keep silent a little bit impatient. The Baipang county magistrate of Wu'an County was called out in public again, sweating on his forehead and complaining in his heart.

However, this County Magistrate Liu actually read some books, and after thinking about it carefully, he really found something useful.

"Returning to my lord, the officials have read the county annals for exterminating the locusts. The previous method is to gather the villagers to prop up an eight-foot-long white cloth with bamboo poles, drive the locusts to one place, and then concentrate on attacking them."

"The beaten locusts can also be buried on the spot."

After saying that, everyone was indifferent. This method is too tiring. Of course, it doesn't matter if the people are tired, but it can't solve many problems at all.

County magistrate Liu looked at the reactions of the crowd and said, "Of course, it is feasible for locusts to use fire to deal with fire. However, the locusts are scattered...before using fire, they need to be gathered together. Only then can it be done."

"Use fire?" Qi Hongxin nodded: "This method is indeed feasible, what do others say?"

Seeing that Qi Hongxin didn't drag Magistrate Liu to let him continue talking, others were relieved.

At first, I thought that the other party was going to take advantage of the situation to explode again, but I didn't expect to let it go so easily. The originally tense atmosphere relaxed because of this, and the others also took the initiative to speak.

But these people have no experience in locust control. Shun'an Prefecture has not had a locust plague in more than ten years. These people usually pay attention to farming, and there is nothing they can do about it.

On the contrary, there was an older county magistrate, an old recruiter, who came up. He thought for a while and said, "Actually, although the locusts are scattered and difficult to exterminate, it is not impossible to drive them to one place. But we need to With the input of manpower and material resources, I am afraid that the people of the entire government must participate in order to achieve success."

"Tell me about it." Qi Hongxin looked at him and encouraged him.

Facing the unclear gazes of his colleagues, he hesitated for a moment before speaking again: "Since locusts are insects, they should also be happy. You can't do anything with them during the day, but lighting a bonfire at night may attract the locusts."

This method... seems to be a try?Qi Hongxin's pent-up anger finally dissipated a little.

Although Shun'an Mansion is a mess, and most of the officials here are muddling along, but it's not that there are no people who can do things.

"But just lighting the bonfire, I'm afraid this light is not enough to attract locusts." Someone said suddenly.

Qi Hongxin nodded again: "Then what can you do?"

The man choked, but really thought about it carefully: "There is not enough bonfire, but we can use lights to light it."

Another person said: "Then we need to divide the roads and set up lights in areas where locusts are dense, and use closely coordinated lights to attract a large number of locusts."

After all, just lighting a few lights, like a bonfire, can't solve big problems either.

As a few officials started the conversation, other officials who didn't want to talk at first were also mobilized and joined the discussion one after another.

Not to mention, in response to that sentence, the three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang.

These people present were just passing by before, and the new magistrate also had a little difficulty in mobilizing them.

But if they really have to think of a way, it's not like they can't think of a way, either Jinshi or a family background, well-read poetry and books, even if they don't have common sense in farming, they can brainstorm some clever methods, and they can't help them.

The final result is to use bonfires to trap and kill.

Light a bonfire when it is dark. In addition, it is necessary to set up lights in areas where locusts are densely populated. Use closely coordinated lights to attract a large number of locusts, and then the locusts that are burned by the fire will lose their ability to fly. A large number of people took the opportunity to hunt and kill.

But the method has been settled, but some people still feel that it is inappropriate.

"First of all, the bonfire is worth it. Although it also consumes firewood, there is always enough, but setting up lights in this branch road will cost a lot of money, and organizing people to fight is even more expensive. We are short of this now."

"And there's one more thing."

The officials who questioned it in the farmland first talked about the cost, and then did not question Qi Hongxin's decision, but turned a corner and mentioned the status of the locust god among the people.

"My lord, it's not the lower officials who insist on bringing up this matter, but this matter is indeed of no small importance. A little carelessness may cause trouble."

"Now some people are inciting the people, saying that killing locusts will offend the locust god."

"Locust God?"

Qi Hongxin repeated the word, glanced around at the officials present, and sneered: "What kind of god is this? Can it be conferred by the imperial court?"

Seeing his unkind expression, the official was not afraid, and just bowed: "This is a rule handed down from the previous dynasty. Although the Locust God has not been canonized by the court, it has a great belief among the people and should not be underestimated... If there is a riot, we will Oh no!"

When he took office as the magistrate, the people lost the official randomly, and maybe even lost his life.

Qi Hongxin smirked after hearing this, and sneered: "You have read the books of sages and sages since you were taught, and you are so strange that the gods don't talk about it, and you don't care about it, and you are an official. Did you learn it when you were watching politics? "

"The magistrates have the responsibility to cut off the prostitutes, so that ghosts and ghosts can be discussed in the courtroom, and you still have scruples?"

"This is really ridiculous." Qi Hongxin suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. After laughing, he said coldly: "You said just now that some people incited the people, and this is to blackmail the government. At this juncture, it is really deadly. You hurry up!" Go and find out, who is spreading this rumor, who is inciting the people?"

Although it was a sneer, with an air of indisputable and indisputable, even if others saw it, even if they wanted to tactfully persuade the new magistrate not to burn the three fires so vigorously as soon as he took office, but during this period of contact, he understood, The new magistrate is not someone who can listen to persuasion.

No wonder he has not been promoted for many years. Even if he has made meritorious service, he can only continue to be the magistrate. With his bad temper, he has offended many people!

Some officials couldn't help but slander.

In the end, the only thing left unresolved at the meeting came back again to the issue of funding.

It has to be said that Qi Hongxin can think of ways to do other things, and even suppress the officials and let them do things according to their own wishes.

The only thing that has to do with money is that he is really helpless, but it is definitely not his style to just wait and do nothing without money.

"I will solve this matter. You just need to make preparations to exterminate the locusts first." Qi Hongxin said, because he was really worried about this group of people, and said: "You go back each time, and send people to observe the locusts at all times." If there is any change in the situation, please report it to me immediately."

Afterwards, the meeting was adjourned, and Qi Hongxin sighed deeply as he watched the officials retreat one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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