fake prince

Chapter 449 Welcome

Chapter 449 Welcome

"How do the demon clan infiltrate civil society? Just pretend to be gods and ghosts? Maybe they can fool a few ordinary people, but they definitely can't take root among the gentry, let alone create momentum."

"If you want to take root, you have to make a lot of money."

"Eating mountains in the mountains and eating water in the water, this is what the mountain monsters and water monsters do. Most of these black mines are small mines. Is it because the mountain monsters instructed them to mine?"

"So there are a group of gentry and gangs who collude with each other for huge profits."

"The king of Qi colluded with the monster clan, and the interests are interlinked. This kind of private gold mining has to be hidden for so long, and it has passed officials like the magistrate, so it must not be a few officials. Reliance, even the magistrate, would not dare to take this risk for the money."

"First, the Yaozu colluded with the squires and gangs because of their private mines, and then colluded with King Qi to support each other. It all makes sense."

The monster clan is hiding in it, which not only increases the difficulty of investigation, but also increases the difficulty when dealing with gangs later.

Thinking of this, Cen Rubai hesitated for a while, and finally gained the upper hand in trusting Su Ziji, and said, "My lord, since gangs and demon clans are involved in this matter, the ten armored soldiers accompanying me may not be enough, but I can do it." I recommend someone to you."

"But that friend who followed you to spy on the gold mine?" Su Ziji laughed when he heard that. At first, he was thirsty for talents, but he still had no one to turn to, but now, he didn't need to be a corporal to be introduced.

This change is a change in status.

Cen Rubai nodded: "Yes, my friend's name is Zeng Nianzhen, he is a swordsman, because he offended someone in the capital, now he has to go into exile, if he can be taken in by the young master, he will definitely help with all his strength!"

"Zeng Nianzhen? One Sword Spring Cold?" Su Ziji was stunned.

Cen Rubai smiled: "My lord still remembers this person."

"You mentioned him a few times before, of course I remember. Before Mr. Jian returned to Beijing, you gave him a letter, saying that when you were in trouble, you could take the letter to ask Zeng Nianzhen for help. It can be seen that your friend in the capital should be Has a lot of power." Su Ziji said with a smile.

Cen Rubai sighed: "Yeah, so he was forced to flee the capital this time, which made me a little worried."

"I heard that I offended a new dignitary, just because I wanted to recruit him and his friends from the rivers and lakes. My friend didn't want to, so I directly killed him."

"The style is a bit domineering."

New dignitaries?Su Ziji thought for a while, if it was someone else, he would not dare to respond when he heard this, but Su Ziji himself was covered in lice and was not afraid of itching anymore, more enemies and less enemies, in fact, it is not a big deal, the most important thing right now The important thing is to settle the affairs of the Shun'an Mansion and make some achievements. This Zeng Nianzhen is not only a well-known swordsman, but also a hero of the rivers and lakes. He has many contacts.

Thinking of this, Su Ziji said to Cen Rubai: "I can meet him."

This is what it means to be willing to take a look at yourself.

Cen Rubai was overjoyed: "Young Master, I'll call him over later!"

With that said, he got up and went out.

For a moment, two people came in one behind the other, and the one who walked in front was Cen Rubai who had gone and returned. Behind Cen Rubai, he was a middle-aged man who looked a bit vicissitudes but his image fit Su Ziji's imagination of a Jianghu swordsman.

This person is wearing green fir, carrying a sword, and looks like 35. His appearance is not outstanding, but when his eyes look over, he gives people a feeling of vicissitudes and decadence, but this does not detract from his charm. , on the contrary, his eyes are bright, with some melancholy.

Because of his martial arts, his actual age should be older than he looks.

Su Ziji watched carefully, and nodded secretly: "As expected of Yijian Chunhan, martial arts are not low, and I have not practiced Taoism. I just use martial arts to fight this person, and I may lose."

If it is said that Lin Yuqing's swordsmanship and martial arts give Su Ziji the feeling of sharpness, it is like a seemingly ordinary mountain peak suddenly revealing a sharp point.

Then this Zeng Nianzhen is like a river when it is calm, and when it is not moving, it looks like stagnant water, but once there is a murderous intention, it should have the ability to stir up the wind and rain.

This person, you can try to subdue him.

While thinking this way, Cen Rubai and Zeng Nianzhen had already arrived at this table.

"I, Zeng Nianzhen, have met Mr. Su." Zeng Nianzhen cupped his hands to Su Ziji.

Su Ziji stood up with a smile when they came over, and said at this time: "I've heard of Yijian Chunhan for a long time. It's better to meet you than to be famous. You really have a good temperament. Please take a seat."

Afterwards, the two of them were invited to sit down, and the waiter was invited to serve a few more dishes and a jug of good wine.

"Mr. Su's literary talent is the best in the world, and his martial arts is also top-notch. It is my honor to meet Mr. Su." Zeng Nianzhen was still a little hesitant before coming, but he was dragged by Cen Rubaiqiang to Su Ziji, and his attitude has changed.

"Top class in martial arts?" Su Ziji was self-aware, he smiled, he [Zi Qi Dong Lai] has brought together the best of thousands of families, he can be called a master.

But the level is only level 9, which is not top-notch. He just smiled: "It can't compare with Mr. Zeng's martial arts. I will ask for more advice when I have time in the future."

The conversation between the two was quite harmonious. Zeng Nianzhen was uncharacteristically answering Su Ziji's every question, which was a bit against the norm, but it was a good thing. Ever since Cen Rubai knew that Zeng Nianzhen had an accident, he was worried. Now he naturally wanted to help Zeng Nianzhen show his good side So, lest this always lonely friend miss the Lord who can bless him.

He thought so, but when he was seated, he found that Su Ziji, the host, and Zeng Nianzhen, a friend, had a good deal, and Zeng Nianzhen was even asked bluntly by Su Ziji what kind of trouble he had caused in the capital. Annoyed, he explained: "If I guessed correctly, the one who killed me should be Cao Yiyan."

"Cao Yiyan?" Hearing this name again from Zeng Nianzhen made Su Ziji raise his eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, he wanted to recruit me before, but I rejected him. Soon the place where I stayed was surrounded by a group of suspected officers and soldiers."

"Although according to my previous investigation, this Cao Yiyan is not considered a dignitary, he is the apprentice of the real Liu Zhan, and he should not be in charge of matters related to officers and soldiers, but I still think he is the person behind this matter."

If I have to say it, probably this is the intuition of the so-called masters of the rivers and lakes.

Su Ziji didn't think this guess was ridiculous. Cao Yiyan, who Su Ziji had met before, actually felt a little strange, not like an ordinary person.

It's just that he encountered more things and people later on. It wasn't this time that Zeng Nianzhen heard the name again, he almost forgot about this person.

For people related to Liu Zhan, Su Ziji would never think of harmlessness.

And his own experience is doomed to be hostile to Liu Zhan and the Taoist sect represented by Liu Zhan. If Cao Yiyan was the one who offended Zeng Nianzhen, it would really be nothing to Su Ziji.

"Although there are Liu Zhan and Taoist support behind Cao Yiyan, I am not afraid of them. Mr. Zeng can think highly of me, and I will naturally welcome you as a guest!" Su Ziji said earnestly.

With such a gesture, Zeng Nianzhen couldn't help being dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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