fake prince

Chapter 457

Chapter 457

After Qi Hongxin finished speaking, he directly said to the master: "You stay here!"

He just flicked his sleeves and strode away, looking at the aura of anger, it looked like he was going to kill someone.

Seeing Qi Hongxin leaving in a hurry without even saying hello, Su Ziji expected that something serious must have happened to make the prefect of Qi lose his composure.

"You don't need to investigate, it's clear that this booklet must be evidence of officials colluding with the three gangs."

"Zeng Nianzhen gave me a copy."

"This is a major case that involves the entire prefecture and county. Not to mention you, Qi Hongxin, even the governor can't be killed by military law. If this is the case, the imperial envoy will be dispatched immediately to question the crime."

"And how do you deal with it?"

Su Ziji took out a piece of wolf hair from the pen container, filled it with ink, and gave instructions to the accounts that were constantly being sent up. The master couldn't help but secretly admired: "I don't think this young man knows how to handle official documents."

After Su Ziji finished writing a paragraph, he smiled: "Take a look, are there any mistakes? Please advise!"

"I don't dare to advise, but my lord handled it properly, there is no major mistake, it is this comment, according to the rules of official documents, but it should be written like this, it seems more appropriate..."

Su Ziji was a little disappointed when he heard that he didn't dare, but it didn't matter. Accompanied by his master, he put all the confiscated spoils into the treasury. The account books were in triplicate, and he kept a copy here. Receive one copy, and keep the remaining copy at the bottom.

At this time, in the flower hall, officials kept coming in, their expressions were uneasy.

"There is a county magistrate, two county magistrates, and a county lieutenant. The rest are also high-ranking people. It seems that there are eleven or twelve of them. When they came out, although their expressions were dignified, they relieved a little bit of uneasiness."

Su Ziji was thoughtful, and when he finished his work, he saw these high-ranking officials come out, looked at each other, and suddenly the county magistrate with the highest status ordered: "Come on, let me take down all these people who eat inside and outside. "

Immediately, a yamen servant came forward to help his colleagues, tied them into rice dumplings one by one, and fell to the ground under the rude reprimand of the soldiers.

"Magistrate Han, what's going on here? What crime did they commit?" Some people were taken aback when they saw that their brother-in-law was among them, and hurriedly asked the cold-looking Magistrate Han.

Magistrate Han grinned grimly: "Read out the crimes of these people!"

The clerk, who was standing silently on one side just now, immediately took a step forward, opened a booklet and began to read.

"Lin Chengzhi, the official house of Anping County, received 11 taels of cash in June of the 900th year of Chengshou, and promised to give the Xinyi Gang a blessing and make its waterways unimpeded..."

"He Bi, Deputy Inspector of Hongping County, received 13 taels of silver in January of the 1000th year of Chengshou, and promised to protect the Dragon and Tiger Gang..."

These twenty people, before the first three gangs had completely controlled the territory, were bribed by the forces behind them because of bribery, or like the previous magistrate, they were bought by the forces behind them, and finally colluded with each other, which made the three forces, which were originally just local gangs, develop to dare to challenge the county. Degree.

This is simply unimaginable elsewhere.

In the small county where Su Zi lived, there were also local gangs, but they hesitated even to make a move on Tongsheng. Once the target they were staring at was admitted as a scholar, it was like having a talisman, which made them afraid to touch it again.

This is the normal situation. It doesn't matter if gangs in the rivers and lakes usually make small troubles. Once they touch something that shouldn't be touched, these local gangs will immediately disappear.

Unlike Shun'an Mansion, the three gangs have almost become the emperors of the land. This has a lot to do with the support of the former prefect and the use of money to get through.

Even if these people received money, they never expected that within ten years, the three gangs would grow to the point where they would have to worry about it. This is the so-called problem of raising tigers.

After reading all the content of this booklet in public, those who originally wanted to question and plead for mercy all retreated silently.

As for the little officials who were held down and kneeling on the ground, their faces were pale, they were trembling, and they were sweating profusely, obviously knowing that once their crimes were exposed, their fate would be bad.

"Your charges are true, so what else can you argue?" the county magistrate asked coldly.

Most of the petty officials have no words to plead guilty, but there are always stubborn ones. Although the deputy inspector, He Bi, is not a petty official, he is no longer a petty official. If you don't accept it, I took 1000 taels, and you Han Yunxi took 3000 taels, and I was still there."

"I'm guilty, and you're even more guilty." He Bi screamed loudly, everyone was startled, and looked at County Magistrate Han and Qi Hongxin behind him.

He Bi screamed loudly, all the officials remained silent, a sneer appeared on his face, a needle could be heard on the ground, He Bi shouted and shouted, his voice became lower and lower until finally he became dumb.

Qi Hongxin said coldly: "Have you finished shouting?"

"You colluded with thieves and accepted bribes. You have violated the law. I thought that the locusts were coming, and it was time to employ people. I wanted to save a chance. I didn't want you to repent and bite the thief. To slander the court officials is really insane."

"Come here, He Bi, deputy inspector of Hongping County, colluded with gangsters and embezzled gold mines. The crime is like treason. The evidence is convincing. My government is kind, so I won't send you to the capital to be hacked to death. Where is the swordsman? ?!"

"The villain is here!" Someone responded immediately.

"This dog's crime is extremely heinous, beheaded and executed immediately!"


"You old man, you are bullying..." Seeing that his head was about to fall, He Bi immediately started yelling and was gagged and dragged on.

Qi Hongxin looked cold and unmoved at all, seeing this man being pinned down by the three of them.

"Ah!" Even though the towel was plugged, there was still a scream, a bloody human head rolled to the ground, and the scene was bloody, some officials who had never seen such a "scene" just covered it With his mouth open, he almost vomited out.

Even if he wants to vomit, Qi Hongxin is still standing there, who dares to move?

This is different from when more than a thousand people were instigated to make trouble. At that time, 53 people were killed. Except for Juren who was the leader, the others were ordinary people. Even Juren was neither an official nor a colleague.

But he was chopped up like a melon just now, he was an old colleague, and he had just talked to him the day before, even though it might not be harmonious, the sadness of the rabbit dead and the fox is unavoidable.

I saw Qi Hongxin saying to the officials who called in: "Although this is a false accusation, but you also have the fault of ineffective supervision. Now that the locust plague is approaching, you should be careful."

"The lower officials understand!" This time, led by the county magistrate Han Yunxi, all the officials present kowtowed to the upper officials and respectfully responded, but they were all of one mind.

"Observe Qi Hong's new governance, +1500, [The Way of Politics] Level 5, 95/5000"

"Intelligence +1, Intelligence 18→19 (10)"

Su Ziji watched this scene calmly, and had to say that he was actually surprised again by Qi Hongxin's straightforward and sophisticated operation.

"The three big gangs are very involved. There are more than [-] court officials and three to four hundred officials. If all of them are disclosed, it will be a major case that will cause a sensation in the government and the public."

"Qi Hongxin dared to reveal that he was in a bad situation at first, and it was God's favor to be dismissed and return to his hometown."

"Because of the big case, no one is interested in business. What will happen to the locust plague?"

"Now it means that Cao Cao burned the evidence of the affair of the officials, and blatantly killed He Bi to show his determination. The fate of these officials is in the hands of Qi Hongxin.

"From this moment on, the locust control team has united and banned it."

"One operation is as fierce as a tiger!"

At this moment, Su Ziji and Liu Zhan, who is also in Shun'an Mansion, expressed the same emotion: "However, after watching so many plays, it's time for me to appear on stage."

(End of this chapter)

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