fake prince

Chapter 465

Chapter 465

Su Ziji frowned deeply: "Prefect Qi's original arrangement has already reduced the locust plague, and now the sudden outbreak of locust plague must be something strange, obviously too weird, Mr. Cen, you go back now, and immediately let your friends in the world investigate this matter." Let’s see if there are monsters playing tricks on it.”

"Also, quickly go to other counties to find grain merchants, regardless of coarse or fine grains, but you don't buy and sell them yourself, but let the government take the lead, understand?"

As soon as it was bought and sold, the mud got stuck in the crotch, so I couldn't tell.

"Young Master, don't worry, I understand." Knowing the urgency of these two matters, Cen Rubai wanted to go find someone to handle the matter.

It can be seen that Qi Hongxin is dedicated to controlling and exterminating locusts.

It's a pity that although he had an idea, under the circumstances, he was powerless to recover. After a long time, Su Ziji saw that his voice was hoarse, mobilizing the people to hunt and kill locusts, taking the lead, as if he was tireless, but even so, following the locusts The more people gathered, the people also changed from panic and anger at the beginning to fear and despair now.

"My lord, the situation is wrong!" Su Ziji turned around and caught up with Qi Hongxin after receiving a whisper from a ranger. Qi Hongxin wiped off his sweat and asked sullenly, "What did Master Su find?"

"Yes, someone took the opportunity to spread rumors among the crowd."

"Tell the people—you still dare to hunt and kill locusts? Didn't you see that the locust plague is the revenge of the locust god!"

"Before, you culled so many locusts according to the government's requirements, but what happened? Didn't you kill more and more? Now keep killing and planting crops. Even if seedlings grow, more locusts will come. Let your grain No income!"

"My lord, this kind of remarks is very convincing in the situation where the locust extermination has achieved initial results but immediately attracted locusts all over the sky."

Saying that, Su Ziji pointed: "Look!"

Looking around, Qi Hongxin saw that the people who were instinctively afraid of locusts because of the rumors spread among the people, heard such remarks, and saw such a scene of locust plagues, they were all frightened and turned pale, and the tools in their hands were smashed one by one. Throwing it to the ground, many people even fell to their knees and kowtowed to the locusts flying in the sky.

Of course, there are also those who are not afraid of rumors and are not afraid of the so-called locust god, but because the crops are almost gone, and the government does not give any rewards, they also refuse to work hard.

"Damn it, hate it, whoever dares to spread such rumors, come and investigate immediately, and punish him immediately."

"My lord, the sentiment of the people is desperate and seething like fire. You are hunted and killed. The common people don't know that you are a spy. If there is any incitement, there will be a civil uprising!"

Su Ziji was startled, at this moment he didn't care to hide his edge, and said loudly.

Seeing Qi Hongxin's whole body trembling, he softened his tone: "Your arrangement earlier was very appropriate, but now the situation of the locusts is very strange, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to solve."

"Let me say something heartbreaking, the people will not kill the locusts when the crops in the original fields are gone."

"Urging is useless, and that's the real reason they are on strike."

"What can you do?" Qi Hongxin asked immediately.

"Under the plague of locusts, not only will the government fail to harvest grain, but it will also cause disasters in other counties and counties. The lower officials suggested that in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the people, one bucket of locusts can be exchanged for one bucket of rice."

"The common people are superstitious, but as long as there is interest, let alone locusts, even if there is a locust god, they will be killed."

"Furthermore, there is no harvest of grain, and there is no harvest, and the people have no food, which will easily lead to civil uprisings. A bucket of locusts for a bucket of rice will not only encourage the whole people to participate in the extermination of locusts, but also stabilize the people, which is equivalent to curing hunger...Of course, this will cost There is a lot of silver grain, but now I happen to have 27 taels."

Before Su Ziji finished speaking, Qi Hongxin immediately understood: "You don't need to talk about it, this method is very good, I immediately ordered - tell the people, one bucket of locusts will be exchanged for one bucket of rice."

"Also, don't be afraid of losing the grain in the county treasury. The government will immediately send people to other counties to buy grain."

"My lord, the official purchase of grain may not be fast. You can purchase grain from the private sector, or allow the private sector to purchase grain. As long as it does not exceed [-]% of the market price, the transaction can be made."

"Since there is a locust plague, price increases are inevitable, and [-]% is a must. Without this money, big households will not sell food. We can't forcefully expropriate at this juncture, right?"

Su Ziji reminded Qi Hongxin to come to his senses immediately, and told his master and several officials: "Take my official token and buy food immediately."

"It can be traded within [-]% of the market price."

"Also, whoever dares to hoard food and sell it at a high price, I will punish him. The food in the mansion is only allowed to be [-]% higher."


As the order was communicated, the already desperate people suddenly got a shot in the arm and cheered. Not only that, but women, children and the elderly who were hiding in the house all flocked out.

Campfires are constantly being lit, and people are constantly culling them with nets and cloth.

"For the people who rely on the sky to feed and support their families, fearing the so-called locust god is actually a helpless act, and it is also a belief born in a humble place."

Su Ziji didn't stay with Qi Hongxin any longer, but went elsewhere. After seeing these scenes more, his gloomy face gradually became more smiling.

"Only by benefit can the people be truly mobilized."

It is impossible to break the belief that is closely related to survival that is already rooted in people's hearts by virtue of morality or duty.

"Don't talk about the people, even the government is the same. If you change to another prefect, once the farmland in your prefecture is eaten up by locusts, I'm afraid they will stop beating immediately and let the locusts go to other counties—because if you are the only one who is eaten up, you will suffer a lot. Punishment is indispensable."

"But the surrounding counties have eaten up all of them, and the officials are not responsible."

"That's why the government is doing nothing."

"Chirp!" Just as he was thinking, suddenly something furry at his feet arched him, and when he looked down, he found two foxes, one big and one small, who had wandered somewhere during this time, and their fur was slipping away. Hua circled around him, and even raised his head to chirp at him.

Although they have never been able to hear the fox's language, but only when they are hungry and begging for food, the two foxes will agree to be so well-behaved.

Su Ziji looked at them speechlessly: "You two, you only know that you want to eat with me, but you don't do anything. Do you really treat yourself as a pet? Huh?"

"Chirp!" The foxes quit, and all scrambled to shout.

Su Ziji suddenly thought about it, and motioned for them to follow him.

The so-called coachman who drove the cart was Zeng Nianzhen who was specially kept by Cen Rubai's side. He was driving the ox cart at this time, and he just followed on the side of the road. car.

In the car, there were books, Su Ziji handed the book to the two foxes, and asked them to point and speak.

Sure enough, the foxes obviously didn't admit that they were eating dry food. They didn't fight for it this time, but muttered a few sentences. The big fox turned the book, pointed to a few words, and read them together. related to the next locust plague.

"Are you saying that this plague of locusts is caused by monsters who escaped from the gang?"

(End of this chapter)

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