fake prince

Chapter 473

Chapter 473

"According to the information I gathered back then, the Dragon Lord had a very difficult relationship with Wei Shizu, but once they fought for a dragon, even if it was a monster dragon, the relationship between the two would become estranged."

"Current information, we don't know whether Wei Shizu passed away before or after. Anyway, there is evidence to check, and the relationship between Wei Shizu and it has completely turned cold."

"The Dragon King fell shortly after, and he gave up his life, only leaving a seal for the young dragon, so that the young dragon can sleep for 300 years."

A dragon king who could open up three thousand ways would have fallen for no apparent reason. If it wasn't for him, the young dragon would be controlled or even killed, so to speak, everything would be wiped out.

"I should have realized it a long time ago. I acquiesced that I was the descendant of the prince, so I embarked on the road of fighting for the dragon. The grandson who has not become famous, whether it is the king of Shu or the king of Qi, will immediately give poisoned wine, and not only will he die. , Ye Buhui, my future children and those who follow me will all die."

"It's the same as the prince back then. Not only the wives and concubines were given to death, but even the grandsons who were a few years old were thrown to death."

Thinking of this, Su Ziji's face turned a little pale, his eyes flickered, and he was just thinking: "I was enlightened, but the matter of Shun'an Mansion, I saw Qi Hongxin who is like a farmer, and I got a little out of track."

"The recent series of events have made me even more confused." Su Ziji had a mocking smile on his face: "I never thought that Qi Hongxin is such a person."

"A good official who really loves the people despite his brutal means."

Su Ziji slowly stood up straight, walked slowly, his footsteps creaked loudly: "It wasn't until I arrived at the Dragon Palace that I seemed to clear the fog and wake up."

"Who is confusing me?"

He looked up at the pale golden sky, and faintly felt that the connection between him and the young dragon was not just this "teacher". Looking thoughtfully at the scenery of the Dragon Palace and the young dragon circling, he sighed deeply for a long time. He took a deep breath and made up his mind.

"My original plan was to get rid of the last enemy of the prince on the one hand and get complete revenge."

"More importantly, to show my talents to the emperor, this may be my first and last time to develop my governance skills. After all, King Shu and King Qi don't have this opportunity."

"To make up for the shortfall before, it was actually executed well. It must have made the emperor look different, but this is not enough, it is really not enough."

"Just add this to control the water."

"This is a water map of the whole province. Of course, I can't preside over it. The governor or even the court should preside over it."

"However, for Shun'an Mansion alone, the project is not big, or two or three months?"

"In this way, I can take the opportunity to show that I can alleviate the flood in the future, and it will show my brilliance."

After thinking about it, it will take money, food, manpower, and how to arrange it to complete the project.

"Although I intend to use this map to do good things, but this kind of project is not for me, a sixth-rank mansion, or to observe and make decisions. Qi Hongxin must participate in this matter."

"But rushing to find Qi Hongxin in this way, there is no way to explain the origin of this blueprint..."

Su Ziji's heart moved and he had an idea.

He said to the dragon girl: "The water temples in Shun'an Prefecture have not been destroyed. Because of the death of the so-called locust god in other places, the water temples are also being rebuilt. You can congratulate all the water temples in a dream and tell them that the rainstorm is coming. When the rumors started, I will add fuel to the flames and make this happen.”

"Teacher, it's not easy to conjure up dreams!" Long Nu was a little embarrassed, but still responded: "But don't worry, teacher, I'll go and conjure dreams for them."

"That's good, don't worry, I won't harm you, you and I are in the same boat." Su Ziji said with a smile, looking at the young dragon's jaw, the next moment, Su Ziji felt a blur in front of his eyes, his whole body Sucked away by a force.

When I opened my eyes, I found that I was lying on the bed, and the hand leaning against the wall was holding something. I turned my face to look, and I saw a roll of thick paper that had been rolled up again. , he smiled.

"Young dragon, it's better to repay the kindness."

Although he was helping, he was actually helping himself as well, but Xiaolong still agreed, and handed over such an important blueprint to him so easily.

"We should try our best to make another copy of this blueprint before the rumors spread." In case there is no backup, and this copy is damaged at that time, it will be really troublesome.

Su Ziji lowered his eyes and sighed quietly: "Everything is in my plan, now, it's Qi Hongxin—how shall I treat you?"

"According to the plan, kill you, or... let you go?"

Shun'an Prefecture·Water Temple

At the water temple more than a dozen miles away from Fucheng, Old Man Sun saw the last few people offering incense in front of the statue, and all the people dispersed, and the whole water temple immediately seemed empty.

Old man Sun picked up the broom and cleaned it, but he saw that the whole courtyard was paved with clear bricks, and the words "Believers Respect for Donations" were written on the bricks in one color. Gas, everything is different from before.

"The incense is burning!"

The Dragon Girl Temple, during this period of time, has really experienced some turbulence, from the low incense at the beginning, to the massive Locust God Temple, and now to the Dragon Girl Temple.

The old man Sun, who is in the temple, always feels very emotional when he thinks of it.

He is a lonely old man who lives in the water temple on weekdays, cleaning and taking care of him every day, until he suddenly injured his leg some time ago and had to rest, and the apprentice he took in became a temple blessing.

It was not that he had no opinion at that time, and he was also dissatisfied with the repair of the side hall to worship the locust god, but the situation was stronger than others. At that time, even the local officials did not dare to demolish the side hall. Such ability?

And living in the backyard, there is a master Juren, who really dare not not listen to his little shrine.

It wasn't until the apprentice was fooled into making trouble and advocating changing the water temple into the locust temple, that old man Sun became furious.

He retreated step by step, until now, not only for himself, but also for the sake of keeping the incense of the water god that almost no one worshiped in this situation from being wiped out. As a result, the disciples he taught forgot the original?

After a quarrel, the apprentice completely turned his face, and his life became more and more difficult.

Then, there were the deaths of the 53 people in front of the Shuishi Temple.

The young apprentice was not among the 53 people, but because he also participated in the disturbance, he was sent to do hard labor. His old cizhu, because he always protected the water god, returned to cizhu after everything calmed down. .

"Dragon Girl Empress." He wiped the altar table in the main hall, meticulously: "As a shrine consecratory, I was unable to keep the water shrine, and almost broke your incense. This is my sin."

"If you want to blame, then blame me. I didn't fulfill my responsibility. My apprentice, you should forgive him!"

Tears flowed down old man Sun's cloudy eyes. He has no son, and this apprentice treats him sincerely as a son. Even if he falls out, he doesn't want him to be punished by the Dragon Lady.

He even felt that the wind and rain in Shun'an Mansion have been uneven this year. Is it because he doesn't have enough respect and piety for the Dragon Girl Empress, so that the Dragon Girl won't protect her?

When old man Sun said this, he actually didn't expect to get a response. After finishing his work, he saw that it was getting dark, so he turned around slowly, left the main hall, and went back to his room to sleep.

But when he fell asleep, a small white light flew out from the statue in the main hall, twisted left and right, and flew directly towards the room of the shrine, and plunged into it.

(End of this chapter)

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