fake prince

Chapter 495 Nightmare

Chapter 495 Nightmare

prefect yamen

After seeing off someone, Su Ziji looked at the sky, it was a bit gloomy, and was interrupted several times just now, and now he had to visit Qi Hongxin.

This time when I went in, I saw a medical officer taking the pulse, but Su Ziji ignored him. Although the room was dark, he could still see Qi Hongxin lying on the couch with his eyes closed, his face was sallow and wrinkled, and his body was motionless. Getting skinnier and pitiful.

He didn't say a word, but he greeted him, and the medical officer came out and entered a pavilion. He saw Su Ziji wearing a gauze robe and looking into the distance sadly. He quickly knelt down and saluted, "I've seen Mr. Su."

Speaking of medical officials, in fact, the chief of the imperial medical office of the imperial court, the imperial medical order, is only the seventh rank, the assistant officer, the imperial physician, and the medical supervisor are the eighth rank. As for the medical officer, they are only the ninth rank, let alone the prefecture.

Due to the great disparity in official ranks, seeing Su Ziji had no choice but to bow down. Su Ziji waved his hand: "Don't be too polite, get up and talk. How is Master Qi's condition? Is the medicinal material ready? If there is anything missing, I will order someone to come." buy."

The medical officer got up and said respectfully: "My lord, the medicinal materials are ready, but the situation of the magistrate is not optimistic. Although he drank the medicine, he just fell asleep. At this point, there is really nothing we can do to make the magistrate get better."

Su Ziji had expected it a long time ago, nodded his head and sighed wistfully: "This is destiny, you have done your best..."

In a blink of an eye, seeing Cen Rubai coming in with three little officials, Su Ziji ignored the three little officials, frowned and waved the medical officer down, and after he left, he asked: "Why, Mr. Cen, Is there any news soon?"

"There is news. A few days ago, the capital sent an official ship, and there was an eunuch who passed the order out of the capital. The Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Officials also sent people to follow, and they came for Shun'an Mansion."

"It's His Majesty's decree that Lord Jin Qi is a third-rank bachelor!"

Hearing this, Su Ziji understood why the doctor of Dushui suddenly changed his attitude and took the initiative to pay back the money.

However, with Qi Hongxin's current body, I am afraid that it may not be possible to delay until the day when the eunuch will pass the edict. Thinking of this, Su Ziji immediately ordered: "I can't get away, let the Lord Bo send someone to meet the imperial envoy. , speed up and go back.”

"Yes, I will give orders later."

Su Ziji glanced at the three little officials again: "What's the matter?"

"There is an accident in the dam, and someone is causing trouble." Cen Rubai looked at the three small officials coldly, and when he saw them kneel down in fright, he said, "It is these three people who urged the migrant workers to go too far in order to catch up with the progress, which caused several A laborer was exhausted and injured."

"That's all, I still need to use a whip, and something will happen in the end."

"I have already dealt with it. The doctors stationed on the construction site saw the injuries and prescribed medicines. All the laborers who have been on schedule recently have also been paid more. The matter has been resolved."

Su Ziji nodded, and then looked at the three little officials.

The three little officials came here to plead guilty just because of this incident, and now they saw Mr Fu Cheng with a cold face, their legs became weaker, and they kowtowed again and again: "We wait for the three to be guilty, the sky has been dark recently, I heard that the nearby prefectures have already died. There was rain, and in order to catch up with the progress, the humble staff used the whip to finish the water conservancy, please forgive me, forgive me!"

Su Ziji sighed, not long after the courteous official was appointed as Qi Hongxin, and now these three small officials urged the migrant workers to catch up with the project, which made him powerless.

It's just that the official had crossed the red line, but the three petty officials had a fair heart. If they were punished, they would be chilled.

Just thinking about it, but suddenly felt something, his expression was paused, he took two steps forward, and stared at the three little officials carefully.

The three little officials were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat.

"It's strange. Although it's not a monster, there is a faint evil spirit about it." Su Ziji couldn't help frowning, but he didn't show it. He just scolded: "I have already ordered you not to rush for quick success. You should love the people, but in order to catch up with the project, order people to flog the people. This is really abhorrent! But you also want to complete the project as soon as possible. I will not punish you severely this time. I will give you ten small boards each, so that you can remember ! Do you have any comments?"

"Little one, accept the punishment!" The three said immediately.

Ten small boards, this punishment is not very light, but it is not too heavy, it is only to the extent that it makes the buttocks red and swollen.But it's embarrassing, it's indeed a bit embarrassing.

But who let their actions lead to labor riots?

This is because Mr. Cen dealt with it because he did not make a big fuss. If he really made a big fuss, let alone a slap in the face, even if he lost his position, he would be punished again.

When Su Ziji gave an order, someone immediately carried it out, just banging the board.

After the fight, Su Ziji said again: "Those who have done wrong will be punished, and those who have meritorious service will be rewarded, but now the water control is the most important thing, go back and finish the water conservancy, and I will reward you."

"Let's go, I will go with you to the construction site and clean up the last bit."

The three had no choice but to answer again and again, and when they arrived at the common, it was almost night. At night, the two little officials sleeping in the nearby work shed were unable to fall asleep because of the pain in their buttocks. Since when has it been overcast.

A gust of cool wind hit, and both of them fell asleep vaguely.

One of the officials was Tan Yi, and he heard a voice whispering: "Hey, you are really miserable. You worked so hard for the project and for the official business, but you failed. Why bother? Even if the supervision is a little stricter, it is necessary Hit the board?"

Another small official also heard a voice saying: "Even if you whip the laborers, you are doing it for the project. Those lazy people can't be beaten. Can you make people work with good words? Master Su It really doesn’t hurt to stand and talk!”

"Furthermore, the whips were lightly beaten on purpose, and there were no red marks on the body. How can there be trouble? In my opinion, it's just that someone doesn't like you and is deliberately punishing you!"

"It's for the sake of this mansion, Mr. Su. I heard that he is the champion of the new department. Who wouldn't go for the sake of making a career with him? If you get rid of them, they will be able to install their own people!"

"You guys built this river dam, and all the credit goes to Mr. Su. You suffer a lot, and if you get beaten up, what will you get in the end?"

Strange to say, half asleep and half awake, the two little officials felt that the voice was right. Even in a dream, they heard the sound of teeth grinding, gnashing their teeth, wishing to get up immediately and blow up the dam. Both jade and stone are burned.

Just when he was about to get up uncontrollably, there was a sudden scream, the scream was short, and the whisper disappeared immediately, a small official was tortured by the sound just now, his head was swollen, and at this moment he felt dizzy and unconscious. Refreshing, drowsiness followed, turned over, continued snoring and fell asleep.

Tan Yi suddenly opened his eyes, startled: "No!"

After staying for a long time without hearing anything, I couldn't help but sat up and thought carefully.

Was he stunned just now?

Why did I not feel frightened when I heard someone speak, but felt that what was said made sense, and really thought about it?

Could it be that there are some monsters at work?

But Wei Wei sat up and looked outside the shed. It was pitch black, it was late at night, and he couldn't see anything clearly. Tan Yi's back was wet, so he didn't dare to go out to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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