fake prince

Chapter 540

Chapter 540

After this change, Su Ziji went ashore and immediately arrested the yamen servants: "Go and summon the officials of the eighth rank and above for this official, and tell them to rush to the magistrate's yamen within half an hour."

"Yes!" Seven or eight yamen servants dispersed and rushed around.

Su Ziji's ox cart arrived at the magistrate's yamen, arrived at the magistrate's yamen, and entered his own office. He tidied up the documents by himself, and pressed the official seal on them, meditating.

From time to time, some officials came in, and seeing this, they couldn't help but change their colors, and they all stood with their hands down, and no one said a word.

After a while, Su Ziji raised his head, smiled in surprise, and said, "What's wrong with you, do you think something happened to me?"

All the officials breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and one of the masters bowed and said, "Then what do you mean?"

"The emperor called me back to Beijing in a hurry, and only gave me an hour. I have to rush there. I won't wait for those who don't come. My business ends here."

"The official affairs that should be explained are all on the table, and Ku Yin has also delivered them clearly. Whoever will take over the seal in the future, you will hand them over to him."

"Master Su!" The master Bo had tears in his eyes.

"Hey, Hugh has such an attitude. In fact, I still have a lot of ideas, but I haven't realized them, but there is nothing I can do now. You guys should go away!"

"My lord, everything has been packed." Cen Rubai came to reply, and Su Ziji waved away.

Originally, Su Ziji didn't bring many things out of Beijing, and he didn't add anything here. He really needed to pack up. It was nothing more than some documents and letters. In fact, his luggage had already been packed.

Su Ziji nodded, and asked again: "Madam Zhou, did you send money?"

Although Qi Hongxin died, he had to wait for the court to make a final decision before returning home for burial, so a thick coffin was prepared so that the bones would rot and not leak out, waiting for the official documents of the court.

Coincidentally, soon after the official document was issued, Xu Xu went back to his hometown first and was about to go back.

"I gave you 200 taels, Mrs. Zhou refused once, but accepted it the second time." Cen Rubai said.

There is a saying that people take tea cold, although Qi Hongxin has his own affairs in charge of the imperial court, and being an orphan, he will not receive too much harsh treatment, but Su Ziji also knows that Qi Hongxin does not have much money in his hands, and Mrs. Zhou does not have much money .

And before he passed away, another flood broke out in the Shun'an Mansion. I am afraid that the imperial court will not give too much preferential treatment to Mrs. Zhou's mother and child.

With the savings of the two of them, it was very difficult to bring someone back to their hometown. After reading the manuscript given by Qi Hongxin that day, Su Ziji gave 200 taels to Mrs. Zhou, so that the group could return to their hometown with ample money.

It's not that I can't take out more money, but 200 taels is probably the limit Madam Zhou can accept, and she will definitely not accept any more.

With a light sigh, Su Ziji stopped thinking about it, and asked again: "Did you see my two foxes?"

As Su Zi's confidant, Cen Rubai naturally also knew that his son had been raising two foxes, one big and one small, in the house of Shun'an Mansion, but he really forgot before, because when he packed the things in the house, he didn't care about them. See the shadow of the fox.

"Young master, how about I send someone to look for it?"

"Forget it, if they don't come back in time, there is no need to wait, and there is no need to look for it." The two on the left and right have already been confirmed to be vixen. Ordinary foxes cannot rush back to the capital from Shun'an Mansion, but these two foxes can. Su Ziji Not worried about this.

Seeing what Su Ziji said, Cen Rubai nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, when they set off, the two foxes still hadn't come back.

Su Ziji took Cen Rubai and his own soldiers when he came, and boarded a ship that followed the official ship. He summoned the few officials who hadn't come, but now they caught up, and all the officials seemed reluctant to leave.

This gesture made Su Ziji couldn't help but smile, he was rich and didn't care, it could be said to be "clean and upright", which naturally prevented many people from getting rich, and in the eyes of some officials, it must be extremely hateful, so some officials who were summoned just now didn't like it Come on, it turns out that everyone now looks reluctant to part with him. After all the investigation, it is nothing more than seeing that the imperial envoy has a good attitude, and guessed that he is afraid that he will go straight up when he returns to Beijing this time.

However, the favor in the officialdom has always been like this, and Su Ziji didn't mind. His current attention was actually on the imperial envoy and the governor.

The expressions of the two people were not right, Su Ziji had a guess in his heart, and decided to try again.

There was nothing to say that night, Su Ziji opened his eyes the next day, looked at the bed curtain above his head, and then slowly remembered what happened yesterday.

That's right, he has left Shun'an Mansion, boarded the official boat, and is going to Panlong Lake before returning to Beijing.

Sitting up in his underwear, he looked around.

Yesterday when we checked in, it was already late and we had another banquet. Su Ziji himself was tired, so he didn't take a closer look at it. Now that the cabin is bright, his doubts became heavier when he looked at it.

I saw that the cabin I lived in was larger than the largest cabin I took when I came to Shun'an Mansion, and the decoration was luxurious. Just look at the bed, whether it is the material of this bed, or the curtains and mattresses, it is very good. Pay attention, the mattress is even specially scented, and the faint fragrance is very helpful for sleeping.

There is an Eight Immortals table in the cabin, together with two chairs, are made of high-quality rosewood. At this time, there are some fruits on the table. There is a small wine glass, which is a crystal glass.

Looking at the calligraphy and paintings of famous people hanging on the wall, Su Ziji put on his coat and walked over to appreciate it. It is an authentic work by Qiu Ruizi of the previous dynasty. Although it is not a peerless treasure, it can be sold for at least a few hundred taels of silver in the market. A painting, just hanging on the wall of a cabin.

Not to mention some decorations, this place is not like a cabin, but like a room of a nobleman.

Dong dong dong

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Su Ziji asked, "Who?"

There was a pause outside, and then there was a clear and pleasant voice like a warbler's cry: "Master Su, are you up? The servants are here to help you wash up."

Su Ziji was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that when he brought his own soldiers on board, there would be a maid to serve him.

He said calmly, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and several maids in emerald green dresses filed in from outside, either holding wooden tubs, towels, or toiletries.

Su Ziji's eyes swept over them. These maids were all pretty, with two buns and slender waists, as if they could be held by one hand.

"Who told you to come and serve me?" Su Ziji asked.

Among them, the most beautiful maid said with a smile, "Master Su, it was the governor who ordered some servants to serve you."

Governor Zhao?

Thinking of the way Su Ziji looked at him during the dinner party, Su Ziji knew it all the more.

"At the banquet last night, I tested it, but it was very ambiguous, and there was no clear answer."

"I also specifically said that my observation envoy is also an imperial envoy, so I don't need to bow down, and when I go to Beijing in the future, I will go straight to the sky, and I don't need to give a full bow, just a normal bow."

The so-called common courtesy is a deep bow.

This is actually wrong, the sixth rank and the third rank, the difference between the third rank, even if it is a normal ritual, you have to bow down, barely counting the observation envoy, it is a bit of a reputation.

"This must have been leaked by the emperor."


The toothache is finally healed. The regular update will resume tomorrow. Please give me some tickets. Monthly tickets are the best.

(End of this chapter)

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