fake prince

Chapter 669 Doubt

Chapter 669 Doubt

I have to admit that Dai Guogong's paintings are indeed very good. The emperor heard the minister mention it before, saying that Dai Guogong is not only excellent in poetry, but also in painting.

But at that time, the emperor only heard about it, but Qianfutu saw it with his own eyes, and couldn't help but be amazed.

In fairness, he is not under the famous masters in history.

Now this one is more subtle and advanced.

Don't say that this person is his own emperor's grandson, he is just an ordinary minister or student. With such talent, the emperor will appreciate it. Any skill, as long as it is good enough, is enough to be praised.

"It turned out that it was Dai Guogong's advice, and he didn't want the ambiguity with Xinping to continue to ferment."

After watching it, the emperor realized something, and asked Eunuch Zhao, "What do you think about Xinping's desire to enter Taoism?"

Eunuch Zhao's eyelids trembled, he glanced at the emperor, and replied cautiously: "The old slave dared to say that after the princess was grounded, the old slave went to see the princess according to the emperor's orders, and he was accompanied by the mother in the palace. I can be sure. The princess is still perfect."

After saying this, he paused. Seeing that the emperor was not angry, he continued: "It can be seen that there is nothing wrong with the princess. It's just that she didn't know the identity of the Duke of the country before. As a princess who loves talent, she appreciates talented scholars."

"Dai Guogong's painting, from the perspective of an old slave, has good intentions. It can be seen that Dai Guogong also hopes to quickly quell this rumor."

"As for the previous rumors, they were just people's speculation. Those ordinary people have always liked to hear about such high-ranking people, and even made up nonsense. The old servant feels that an order should be issued to stop this rumor, seize the source, and kill everyone."

The emperor sat there and listened silently. In fact, he also felt that what Eunuch Zhao said was right about this matter.

But I don't know why, when I heard this, I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and I didn't give an answer immediately.

After a moment of silence, the emperor stood up, looked at Chun Yu outside the hall, took a few breaths, and then asked, "How are the two kings of Shu and Qi doing?"

Eunuch Zhao has long been used to the emperor's words, and his thoughts were not disturbed at all. He bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, this old slave has people staring at the two princes' mansion and officials, and found that they are still fighting recently. Although they dare not attack directly, But in private, not only are they very cold when they meet each other, but these officials also make things difficult for them in the yamen."

"Recently two or three officials have been sacked, and they are all fighting each other."

"However, some time ago, the King of Shu promoted Princess Ning as his side concubine, and wrote a letter to be sent to the rebels in Ning."

"The emperor ordered the nearby army to support the border army, and they are in a stalemate with Ningguo. After receiving the letter, Ningguo did not retreat immediately, but he did not attack the city again. Instead, he asked for [-] shi of food, saying that the attack was only due to lack of food. If you get relief, you can retreat."

This is a good thing, whether it is the wisdom of the King of Shu or the concession of the Ning Kingdom, it is rare to hear such good news, because the emperor is old and sick, he is no longer willing to have a few more foreign enemies, his mood should have improved, but I don’t know why. , still falling heavily, unable to show joy.

Seeing that the emperor didn't look happy after hearing the news, Eunuch Zhao's heart sank and he lowered his head even more.

The emperor's face was sullen, and suddenly he had an idea, snapped and patted the case.

Even if Eunuch Zhao was calm, his body trembled with fright, but luckily he didn't lose his composure. He took a quick look at the emperor and saw that the emperor seemed to have figured something out.

The emperor was thoughtful, returned to the case and sat down, tapping the case with his fingers.

"My original intention was to let the emperor's grandson enter the game and fight with the kings. As a result, the emperor's grandson on behalf of the Duke only took the first hit and almost stayed out of the matter. It is said that he has gained a lot of prestige?"

"Is this due to luck, or the result of calculation?"

It is acceptable due to luck, but if the result is calculated, then the emperor's grandson's scheming city is shocking.

After the emperor became middle-aged, his suspicions became more and more serious. Thinking of this, he suddenly asked, "Did Duke Dai go to the palace to see the queen again?"

Eunuch Zhao was just standing there holding his breath, but Rao had already had a vague premonition that the emperor's old problem had happened again, but he didn't expect that not long ago, he had just shared a meal with the queen again, and sent the queen a bad meal. There are few good things, but in the blink of an eye, the suspicion is placed on the queen again.

Eunuch Zhao cautiously replied: "Going back to the emperor, except that I met the empress when I visited the emperor that day, and I have never seen the empress since Dai Guogong."

That's right, the empress never cared much about the affairs of the previous dynasty. Although she had had a fight with herself for a while because of the prince's affairs more than ten years ago, it was also human nature and a normal reaction of a mother.

Although he cared about the emperor's grandson now, it was also reasonable, and it was really wrong for him to suspect the empress again.

Thinking this way, the emperor stopped mentioning the matter of the empress, and ordered in a deep voice: "Propagate my will, and allow Xinping to enter the Tao. As for the place where he enters the Tao..."

When the princess of the former Wei Dynasty entered Taoism, the royal family chose a famous mountain near the capital and repaired it. It was said that it was a Taoist temple, but it was actually a palace.

With this precedent, the emperor thought about it, and now there is no luxurious Taoist temple in the capital that can accommodate women's crowns. New flat.

So he said casually: "Qingyun Temple in Qingyun Mountain outside Beijing was originally a Taoist temple for Princess Yichun in the former dynasty, and Qingyun Temple was given to Xinping, and the Ministry of Households allocated money to rebuild it, so that she could practice there with peace of mind."

"Yes, Your Majesty, this old slave will make arrangements now." Eunuch Zhao responded immediately.

The emperor pondered for a long time, took a slight look at the boundless spring rain, and said gloomyly: "There is also the mansion of the Duke of Dai, and people should strengthen the supervision of the mansion of the Duke of Dai. No matter how big or small, it must be reported.”

"Yes, the old slave obeys the order."

"Also, we need to speed up the search for the Qiqiao Linglong Heart. Later, you will go and urge Liu Zhan yourself so that they don't slack off."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Eunuch Zhao replied again.

For Eunuch Zhao, who is in charge of the Imperial City Division and the chief eunuch of the imperial court, the two previous orders are part of the daily work, especially the reconstruction of the Taoist temple, which is even more insignificant, and is nothing more than spending a little money.

As for the last item of finding Qiqiao Linglongxin, the main responsibility of Huangcheng Secretary is not to find, but to supervise.

The Taoist priests from all three directions are looking for the exquisite heart with seven orifices. The Imperial City Secretary is the sharp sword hanging above his head. He must not slacken his supervision. He must find this thing as soon as possible so that he can refine the Great Return Pill for the emperor.

"Finding the exquisite heart with seven apertures is the biggest thing."

Although foreign ministers and internal ministers seem to be courtiers, they are actually different. For the private servants of the royal family, the position is not in the world, but the emperor himself. If the emperor lives forever, the drastic changes caused have nothing to do with the eunuchs .

Eunuchs who don't understand this, no matter how clever and talented they are, are dead.

(End of this chapter)

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