fake prince

Chapter 683 The Emperor's Look

Chapter 683 The Emperor's Look

Moreover, Eunuch Qin also served by the emperor's side, and he was highly valued. Compared with eunuchs of the same level, he seemed to have a higher position and weight.

The eunuch surnamed Sun's voice is to show that he also has a backer, and he is also one of the biggest backers.

As soon as the words were finished, the guards moved to the left and right, and a white and not young man came in from the outside.

This face-to-face meeting made the eunuch surnamed Sun thump in his heart.

Why is Eunuch Zhao here!

In terms of chief eunuchs, even if Eunuch Zhao is at the forefront, he not only holds the jade seal, but also serves as the governor of the Imperial City Department. The young eunuch's godfather, Eunuch Qin, is second.

So the eunuch surnamed Sun hurriedly changed his expression, and said flatteringly, "It turned out to be Grandpa Zhao, why are you here, Grandpa Zhao? It's true that I went out of the palace to order some yellow and white things, but I wouldn't use such a big force." ?”

"Besides, the little godfather has a good relationship with you. You have worked with my godfather for many years. Look..."

This is not hard enough, and it is beginning to soften.

It is said to be soft, but it is actually a threat. After all, beating a dog depends on the owner. Is it really necessary to offend the eunuch who is only a little lower than himself for such a "small matter"?

A great eunuch who can climb to a high position, even if his status is a little low, has a lot of means of connections. Even if it is a palm print, he is not afraid of being retaliated and hated afterwards?

Hearing these words, Eunuch Zhao thought of the emperor's expression before he came out.

At that time, the emperor saw the document he handed over, and after listening to his report, Ben was drinking tea, his expression slowly turned cold, not to mention his expression was cold, even his eyes were frozen. His appearance was different when he was furious, but it made those close to him even more terrified.

At the end of the memory, Eunuch Zhao looked at the young eunuch who was standing respectfully in front of him but obviously felt that he would not go into details, and suddenly smiled: "I know you, Li Guan."

"Eunuch Qin told me that you are well-behaved, considerate, offer antiques, manage real estate, and set up shops. You are a promising person."

What he said made the eunuch surnamed Sun heave a sigh of relief.

"It's okay to let you go, but if something like this happens to you, I want to see if your Eunuch Qin dares to protect you."

As he said that, seeing the eunuch suddenly raised his head, showing disbelief and not allowing any reaction, a guard stepped forward, grabbed the hand of the eunuch surnamed Sun, broke away the hand that was holding the bank note and the note, and snatched them away. He came over and immediately dedicated it to Eunuch Zhao.

Eunuch Zhao glanced over a few banknotes, but it was the piece of paper. Just looking at it made Zhao smile, and looked at the eunuch surnamed Sun coldly.

"Take it!" With a stern shout, the guard immediately went up to hold down the eunuch surnamed Sun who was still struggling.

"Return to the palace and let the emperor deal with it!"

After finishing speaking, Eunuch Zhao carefully put the banknote and the note into a box, held it in his hand, and walked out with the detainees.

This thing is physical evidence, so it should be kept properly.

"You...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." The young eunuch who was about to say something was rudely gagged with a rag, tied up all over his body, staggered, and walked out.

After walking down the stairs, I found that in the lobby of the inn, there was still a man who had been tied up kneeling. His face was covered in blood. Looking at his red and swollen face, he might have had all his teeth pulled out. It looked like a means of extorting a confession. I don't know how to extract a confession without letting him scream.

As he got closer, the young eunuch recognized that the man who had been beaten half to death was the steward who bribed him who sent him to the door of the inn just now.

But now, no matter how stupid the eunuch is, he can realize that it will lead him to this situation. It is definitely not a trivial matter of accepting and accepting bribes. There are big things in it!

Thinking of the paper that was pulled out of the bank note just now, it was hard for him not to wonder if it was because of that paper that he would be treated like this!

Wrong!Wrong!The eunuch surnamed Sun was already remorseful in his heart, struggling in pain, and wanted to cry out loudly for injustice, but he heard a bang, kicked hard, and almost got bored.

It was like dragging a dead dog, dragging the eunuch surnamed Sun and the briber onto the bullock cart.

And almost at the same time as the accident happened in the inn, the lights in the surrounding houses were turned on, but when the guards dragged people into the bullock cart, they hurriedly turned them off again. Obviously, the people nearby realized that something was wrong and were afraid of causing trouble.

In the capital, who would dare to watch this excitement?

Aren't you afraid of harming yourself?

General Bureau of Chess Hall·Morning

The capital city changed drastically overnight, but most people didn't know it. Ye Buhui listened to the footsteps of the guides and himself, and also listened to his own heartbeat. The original tension gradually subsided, and when he finally entered the hall, he was already calm.

The hall is huge in size, and there are many people sitting around, all of them are onlookers, many of them are defeated chess players, and there are about 200 spectators, who probably like to play chess, so they come to watch the excitement.

Accommodating hundreds of people, the hall still looks spacious. In the middle of the hall, there is a huge chessboard, made of white jade, like a treasure, and has the unique fluorescence of jade under the light.

Ye Buhui walked straight over and knelt down in front of the big chessboard in the middle. Opposite her was the previous chess master, a middle-aged man in his forties.

This person's goatee is slightly raised, his expression is calm, his brows are indifferent, giving people the feeling that he is like a master who seems to have seen through the world of mortals.

In fact, Ye Buhui is the challenger, and his opponent is the previous chess master, and the chess master is indeed a grand master in the eyes of chess practitioners.

In contrast, Ye Buhui's demeanor is more worldly. If she hadn't really won a series of big victories not long ago, the onlookers probably wouldn't think that she had any chance of winning.

"This Ms. Ye is very skilled in chess. This match will definitely be very exciting." Someone muttered.

"Stop talking nonsense, this is Mrs. Dai Guogong." Someone hastily corrected her, don't offend people by talking nonsense without knowing it.

"Mrs. Dai Guogong, also participate in the chess game?" Someone was shocked, and said: "Even if it is Dai Guogong, it will not be able to interfere with the chess master."

This actually belonged to those who had some confidence in Ye Buhui, but even this group of people did not dare to say that Ye Buhui would definitely win.

After all, sitting across from Ye Buhui is Mr. Wu Qinian, who has won two consecutive chess masters.

"If he wins again this time, Mr. Wu, the Chess Master, has been elected for three consecutive times, and he will be awarded the title of Lifetime Chess Master by then."

You must know that there is also a difference between a chess master and a chess master. There is only a one-time chess master, and a person who has won the title of lifetime chess master for three consecutive times is like the difference between a Jinshi and a fellow Jinshi.

Winning the title of Chess Master for only one time is certainly respected and respected by others, but compared with a lifetime chess master, it is not enough.

This Mr. Wu has won the title of Chess Master for two times. This not only proves his strength, but also proves that he will definitely put more effort into this game.

Although Ye Buhui was a dark horse and fought all the way to the final duel, but after all, she was only a teenager and a young woman, so in some people's eyes, she was a little weaker.

(End of this chapter)

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