fake prince

Chapter 702 Bell Plant

Chapter 702 Bell Plant

Luo Jiang raised his head to look at Dai Guogong suspiciously, and finally met Su Ziji's gaze. Those clear eyes seemed to be able to see through all the thoughts in her heart, so Luo Jiang immediately lowered his head again. With a loud voice: "Yes!"

Seeing Luo Jiang go out honestly and guard, Su Ziji said to Bi Xin: "Now you can talk."

Bi Xin doesn't know who is the confidant of the Duke of Dai in this mansion of the Duke of Dai. Seeing that the Duke of Dai seems to trust this girl, he thinks that she must be the confidant of the Duke of Dai. Without outsiders, Bi Xin It's easy to take it out.

"Master Commander, I would like to ask you one thing. If I can do it, I will swear to follow you and be willing to be a pawn!"

"Bi Xin, what you said is a bit serious." Su Ziji didn't agree immediately, but persuaded him: "You are the son of the uncle's mansion, what's the matter, do you need me to help you?"

Bi Xin smiled wryly: "The son of the uncle's mansion? To be honest, my lord, in the Kanglebo mansion, he is not even as good as an ordinary bastard. No, he is not as good as an ordinary steward. That's fine. Resentment, I only think about relying on my own efforts in the future to let the people around me live a better life."

"But my mother, she, she passed away last year at the end of the year. The explanation given at that time was that she had a sudden illness and didn't have time to call a doctor, so she died."

"I believe this. I have always believed it. After all, it was my father who said it... But what if my father deliberately lied to me in order to help someone he cares more about cover up his crimes?"

Bi Xin's eyes were red, and his voice was hoarse: "It is related to the cause of my mother's death. I want to ask the Commander to help me investigate, so that I can know whether my mother died of a sudden illness or poisoning."

After Su Ziji heard this, he was silent for a while, and then said: "You are serious. Do you suspect that your elder brother poisoned your mother? Do you know that once this matter is leaked, there will be disasters in the Kanglebo Mansion." disaster!"

Su Ziji's eyes were clear and lingering, as if piercing through people's hearts, Bi Xin bowed heavily, his voice hoarse: "Yes, the last general has such doubts."

"The general dare not ask the Duke of Dai to seek justice for me, and the general does not want to ruin the Kanglebo Mansion. The general only wants to know the truth, but the general has no one available in the Kanglebo Mansion, and he dare not Those who use Habayashi Guard will end up deliberating, and only Dai Guogong can help me, so I asked my lord."

"Also please complete it, my lord."

Bi Xin kowtowed again and again.

"You also have a heart of pure filial piety. It's rare. I can promise you." Su Ziji sighed secretly. It is not easy to rely on this.

Reassuring the superior is actually this kind of pleading with a handle.

After all, taking refuge is actually a process of mutual recognition.

Seeing that Bi Xin breathed a sigh of relief, Su Ziji said again: "However, your mother's soul may be disturbed. Even so, you still have to know the truth, right?"


Seeing that Bi Xin didn't change his mind, Su Ziji went out and asked someone to check, who would check the corpse.

Just now behind the screen, after knowing Bi Xin's intentions with a few words, Ye Taoist was really convinced of his master's ability to judge.

At this moment, he didn't shy away from it, and directly turned around and said, "My lord, there is no need to ask someone else for this matter. I have done it before when I checked the corpse."

When the wild Taoist came out, Bi Xin was taken aback. This kind of matter is extremely confidential. If he digs his mother's grave privately, even if it is found to be poisoned, it is unfilial and he will be exiled.

But immediately understood that this person must be the confidant of Duke Dai.

When he heard that Ye Daoist was the family order of the Duke of Dai, Bi Xin almost lost his expression - he thought he was going to choose someone among the servants, but he didn't expect that the family order of the Duke of Dai took the initiative to invite him.

Although the origin of the hero is no matter, but a family order who looks like a Confucian scholar now, how could he do this?

Ye Taoist never concealed his past, and with his own strength, he successfully occupied the position of Su Ziji's number one counselor. Now that he has done this in the past, he is not too guilty.

Su Ziji was not surprised at all, yes, when he hadn't passed the Tongsheng exam, but the wild Taoist went to the Su family's ancestral grave to see it, and made people mess with it.

This person is not only good at Feng Shui, but also used to seeing all kinds of violent deaths when he was in the gang. Taking him there can indeed solve big problems.

"Then you follow the two of us out of the city overnight." Su Ziji made a decisive decision and ordered directly.

On the other hand, Luo Jiang saw that Su Ziji took the two of them out, so he said bluntly, "Master, I want to go too."

The wild Taoist glanced over, but Luo Jiang ignored him and just stared at Su Ziji.

Su Ziji said lightly, "You want to go too?"

"Yes! You are a nobleman, just leave the city like this, if something happens, who will protect you? I am a master of swordsmanship, with me, I will surely keep you safe!"

This is actually not a lie. Her latent mission is to keep an eye on Dai Guogong, but she also has the responsibility of protection. If she doesn't follow Dai Guogong when he goes out of the city at night, and something happens, she will be responsible.

Su Ziji really agreed: "Then let's follow along."

Someone sent a message to Ye Buhui, saying that she had something to do tonight, so she didn't have to wait for her, so she took the three of them in an ox cart and stopped at a place some distance from the city gate, then quietly walked around When they arrived at an unguarded place, they asked Luo Jiangfei to throw the rope over him, one by one, and climbed over the city wall with the rope.

After leaving the city, relying on their legs, the four of them walked quickly for another hour before arriving at a cemetery.

First of all, there is a ancestral hall, with pines and cypresses planted along it, and Bi Xin said: "This is the cemetery of Kanglebo Mansion."

Not long after the founding of the country, it was not easy to relocate. There were only a few lonely tombs. Bi Xin found one very skillfully. He stood by the tombstone with a melancholy expression, and said, "It's here..."

The one buried here was Bi Xin’s mother, Mrs. Zhang. Several people exchanged glances, and followed in silence. The fire was lit, and sure enough, a lonely grave was raised. One can tell at a glance that he is deliberately accompanying Zhi.

Su Ziji brought digging tools with him when he came out, but before digging, Su Ziji asked again: "Bi Xin, digging graves is a big deal, you have to think it over carefully."

Sure enough, he had originally made up his mind, but at this moment, when he stood in front of his dead mother's grave, Bi Xin was still shaken.

Rest in peace, this is a major matter that many people pay attention to. I want to dig up the grave and have my mother's body inspected. Is it really good?

If the mother was not poisoned to death, but really died of a sudden illness, then if I did this, wouldn't it be in vain to disturb the soul of the mother?

(End of this chapter)

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