fake prince

Chapter 709 Deliberately Hiding Clumsiness

Chapter 709 Deliberately Hiding Clumsiness

Yes, this is the main reason.

All the officials and nobles who are willing to get involved in the battle between the princes and grandchildren have more or less the heart of the dragon, but not all the princes and grandchildren have the possibility of seizing the heir.

In addition to whether he was born as a legitimate son, whether he is orthodox, age, influence, party members, and whether he has made meritorious service, there must always be an advantage so that people can feel that they are following.

Dai Guogong has nothing but a fairly orthodox identity. He is younger than the second king and has no heirs so far. He has little influence in the court and has almost no party members. He has been in the court for a short time and has not made much credit. , and even the title is only the Duke of the State, how does it compare with a prince who already has an heir, has observed politics for many years, and has many party members?

What's more, Dai Guogong was directly ordered by him to be in charge of the Habayashi Guard. This kind of airborne troops has always been the most annoying, and he took this task without any preparation. , many people are not optimistic about it.

If the Duke of Dai is named Daiwang, a prince in charge of the Habayashi guards, and a prince in charge of the Habayashi guards, the feeling is completely different, and the power will be greatly increased, enough to fight back and forth with the two kings, in order to refine the Great Return Pill Buy more time.

But at the thought of making him king, the emperor felt restless, somewhat resistant and wary.

In the final analysis, the death of the crown prince will always be a knot in the emperor's heart. If Ji Zizong is really named acting king, will it be difficult to clean up the situation then?

Once the tiger is infested, it will be difficult to kill it.

The emperor wandered irritably for a few steps, then stopped suddenly, a terrible thought suddenly came to him, and he asked in a voice: "You said, did Duke Dai hide his clumsiness on purpose?"

"Deliberately hiding clumsiness?" Even Eunuch Zhao couldn't help opening his mouth. Isn't the emperor too suspicious?

"Why don't you answer?" the emperor asked sharply, and seemed to feel that his tone to the loyal eunuch for decades was too harsh, and then softened: "I pardon you for your innocence, just say it."

"Yes, since the servants entered the capital on behalf of the Duke, the Imperial City Division has been closely monitoring their every move. Now there are 11 people from the Habayashi Guard who report at all times, and three people from the Duke's Mansion are also closely watching."

"This time the Duke is in charge of Habayashi Guard, and the means are actually quite remarkable. The whole government is mobilized, and the retainers are trying their best to win Habayashi Guard. His wife does not regret seeing the female relatives for days and tries her best to win him over. Even the Queen also tried her best. "

"Although...the effect is not great." Eunuch Zhao glanced at the emperor quickly, then lowered his head: "But the slaves are stupid, and I really can't see that there is any intentional hiding, so I ask the emperor to punish me."

After listening to the emperor, he also felt that what he thought just now was really absurd. The more he became the emperor, the more he understood that the one-shot savior in the storytelling book, seven in and seven out, shooting 23 generals was impossible to appear.

Strong is strong, weak is weak, how can there be miracles in the court?

After thinking about it, I also felt suspicious, and sighed: "Forget it, let's take a look."

As for what to look at again, the emperor didn't say anything, but Eunuch Zhao bowed his head and said, "Yes."

Beijing·Dong'an Avenue

In the private room on the third floor of a restaurant, the window is half open, and someone is looking from inside.

There were guards escorting an ox cart passing below, and the person sitting in front of the window looked down and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"It's quite impressive, no wonder it's the most prestigious king of Qi." The person who was watching and whispering to himself was not someone else, but Zhou Xuan who came out to "walk around".

After being accompanied by Bianxuan for a while, Zhou Xuan no longer let him accompany him, and ordered wine and meat in the private room of this restaurant, and ate and drank by himself.

This street is where King Qi often passed by. Although he didn't know if he passed by today, Zhou Xuan still squatted here for a while, unexpectedly he saw the car.

Unlike Prince Qi's Mansion, where the aura of the whole mansion is fused together, the aura hovering on the bullock cart is clearer.

Nobility is pervasive, which is the appearance of noble people.

"It's not a small fate with my monster clan." In the ascending aura, there is still a faint monster aura. That is to say, King Qi's current momentum must be inseparable from the monster clan, and there must be something behind him. It is only with the support of the tyrannical monster clan that it has come to this day, so it is reflected in the breath.

Zhou Xuan is quite satisfied with this, King Qi is willing to cooperate with Yaozu, or his own predestined people, maybe it should be on King Qi.

But even though he thought so, Zhou Xuan was not in a hurry, this matter was related to his enlightenment, so he had to be cautious a thousand times, not even a million times.

If you choose wrong, you will be lost forever, but there is no hope of coming back.

When King Qi's car drove past, Zhou Xuan looked away and looked outside the private room. Across the door, there was a man with a faint demonic aura who knocked on the door.

"Come in." Zhou Xuan said.

The door was pushed open from the outside, and a scholar came in from the outside, closed the door behind him, and bowed respectfully to Zhou Xuan: "Xu Ling has met your lord."

"Are you... a half-demon?" Zhou Xuan looked at it carefully and said, "Or a half-demon who took the imperial examination?"

"Yes, the villain is just a half-demon." The scholar replied respectfully.

It is difficult for the monster clan to enter the capital, and the big monsters have to go through unbearable pain when they enter the city.

Only a half-demon, with both demon blood and human blood, can live in the capital for a long time, especially this kind of imperial examination monster, just an imperial examination monster, how can someone win the exam?

Dragon Lord opened up all kinds of ways, one of which is the imperial examination demon, but the road of the imperial examination demon can only be cultivated by the imperial examination. If you pass the imperial examination, your cultivation base will increase greatly. It's hard to get an inch.

Even if the inkstone demon that Long Jun himself enlightened back then was rejected by the dragon energy, it was only a success, but now looking at the clothes of this half-monster, it turned out to be a human being.

Zhou Xuan is a bit strange.

"The villain has received your summoning order and is here to listen to the order." Xu Ling understood and explained: "As for Zhongju, maybe the villain is a half-demon, so it is relatively easy."

This makes some sense, Zhou Xuan thought for a while, oh, yes, during the meal just now, because he wanted to see King Qi and King Shu as soon as possible, he issued a summoning order casually.

Let the nearby monsters obey orders, this is the ability of the big monster, a big monster who is a quasi-monster king.

Unexpectedly, a half-demon was attracted.

"Can you lead me to meet the King of Shu?" Zhou Xuan asked.

Xu Ling responded immediately: "The King of Shu has always been close to Wenya. Today, the King of Shu is inviting scholars to his banquet. You can go there with the villain, and no one will stop you."

Zhou Xuan nodded: "In that case, let's lead the way."

Although he didn't eat much of the wine and meat on the table, Zhou Xuan didn't eat either, so he got up and walked out with Xu Ling, greeted the buddy in the corridor, threw a piece of silver, and went downstairs directly.

The bullock cart stopped, and Zhou Xuan asked Xu Ling to ride with him. Xu Ling guided the way, and soon arrived at the place where the King of Shu had a banquet, which was a big restaurant in the capital.

The entire three floors were occupied by the King of Shu, because Zhou Xuan seemed to be a refined gentleman, and Xu Ling was also a scholar, so no one stopped him when he came in.

Amidst the sound of silk and bamboo, the first floor seemed a little chaotic, so I went up to the second floor.

"The King of Shu is on the third floor, but we can't get in."

(End of this chapter)

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